Back in print, a science fiction metaphysical thriller by a writer who has been garnering cult status
"I have always admired Anna Kavan among the few writers who dared to explore the nocturnal world of our dreams, fantasies, and imagination". -- Anais Nin, from an unpublished Introduction to Ice
"Ice represents one of the high points of science fiction...a catastrophe novel which goes as far beyond Ballard as Ballard is beyond Wyndham, sailing into the chilly air of metaphysics. It looks sideways at its great contemporary among pornographic novels, Pauline Reage's Story of O. Even more, it is its own self, enigma -- like all the greatest science fiction, approaching despair". -- Brian Aldiss
Ice was chosen by Brian Aldiss as the best science fiction work of 1967. A brilliant and memorable novel, the narrator and a man known as the warden search for an elusive girl in a surreal landscape of ice and snow, the result of a nuclear disaster. The country has been invaded; it is being run by a secret government and is under imminent threat of total nuclear destruction. With the narrator, the reader is swept into a hallucinatory quest through the interminable and encroaching walls of ice. Written while Kavan was addicted to heroin, it was the last of her novels to be published before she died in 1968. Ice was originally published by Doubleday (1970).
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Anna Kavan was one of the greatest unsung enigmas in 20th-century British literature. Born Helen Ferguson, a fraught childhood and two failed marriages led her to change her name to that of one of her characters. Despite struggling with mental illness and heroin addiction for most of her life, she was still able to write fiction that was as powerful and memorable as any English female writer of the last 150 years.
Kavan's 1967 hallucinogenic end-of-the-world novel follows two men's search for a girl as waves of ice threaten to destroy the planet.
Copyright 1997 Reed Business Information, Inc.
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