Items related to Mr. Skinner's Skinny House

Ann McGovern Mr. Skinner's Skinny House ISBN 13: 9780590076203

Mr. Skinner's Skinny House - Hardcover

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9780590076203: Mr. Skinner's Skinny House

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Hot Dog, a long dog, and Slinky, a thin snake, are hopeful, but the Asparagus Stalks Rock Band just doesn't fit inside. Lonely Mr. Skinner will have to look again. There must be someone who can share his skinny house!

Comic arrivals and hasty departures abound. The potential housemates - and their predicaments - are pictured in colorful line drawings by cartoonist Mort Gerberg. His scenes add to the fun of Ann McGovern's lively story as likable characters, humorous events, and a wonderfully fitting romance fill the pages.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

Mr. Skinner was a skinny man and he moved to a narrow house at 1-1/2 Bedford Street.

It was the narrowest house in the city.

"Even my shadow fits in this house," Mr. Skinner thought. "I like it here."

Everything Mr. Skinner did was just right for a skinny house. He hung up skinny narrow pictures, using skinny nails.

He cooked narrow strands of spaghetti in a narrow pot.

In the evening he sat by the fire and played sweet melodies on a long skinny oboe. He watched the skinny logs burn with a thin flame.

In the wintertime, when snow fell on the city, he made skinny snowman standing sideways in his little garden.

Mr. Skinner loved the city and he loved his little house. But after a while he grew sad, for he was lonely.

When he ate spaghetti, he ate alone. When he played the oboe, no one listened. When he lit the fire, it warmed only him.

And when he made a funny snowman in the garden, no one laughed.

So Mr. Skinner went to the pet shop and bought two pets: Hot Dog, a long dog, and Slinky, a thin snake.

Mr. Skinner's pets made him feel happier, but he was still lonely. "What I need are people,:" said Mr. Skinner.


"Mr. Skinner was a skinny man who moved into One and One-Half Bedford Street, the narrowest house in the city. There he played his skinny oboe, cooked narrow spaghetti in a narrow pot, and made a thin snowman standing sideways in his garden. But he was lonely and decided, "This house won't do for one alone." First he added two pets, "Hot Dog, a long dog, and Slinky, a thin snake;" then a succession of would-be housemates - from his cousin Sue, a sign maker whose signs were too wide, to the Asparagus Stalks, a rock group whose "vibes were awful." But just as he was about to give up, he "bumped right into the skinniest woman he had ever seen: -- Ms. Thinner, a clarinet player. A wedding ensued, and the couple settled down to make music in the narrow house in which "even their shadows fit." Cheerfully colored line drawings add their own touches of nonsense just right for the zany book - with a tall, skinny format, of course. " -- Horn Book Magazine, 7/10/80

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherFour Winds Press
  • Publication date1980
  • ISBN 10 0590076205
  • ISBN 13 9780590076203
  • BindingHardcover
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Number of pages46
  • Rating
    • 4.8 out of 5 stars
      5 ratings by Goodreads

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