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Zindel, Paul Reef of Death ISBN 13: 9780606166690

Reef of Death - Softcover

  • 3.64 out of 5 stars
    314 ratings by Goodreads
9780606166690: Reef of Death

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While helping a beautiful Aboriginal girl search for her people's missing treasure near the Great Barrier Reef, seventeen-year-old PC finds himself fighting an evil scientist and a deadly underwater monster.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.


Some say that the reason teens are so addicted to horror stories is because disgusting monsters, ghouls, and tentacled amphibians psychologically and creatively personify a teen's innermost angst. Proving that there is more than a grain of truth to the theory, crowned king of teenage angst Paul Zindel plunges into the world of horror with style in Reef of Death, his third fast-paced, thrilling tale of smart teens battling the slime of the earth. Even the most reluctant readers will find themselves furiously turning pages to find out what happens to P.C. McPhee when he hops a plane to Australia to help his crazy uncle solve an offshore mystery. A tidal wave of adventure and a cast of villains--including the biggest, nastiest, man-eating fish on earth--await him Down Under. Teens who love being scared out of their wits won't want to miss Zindel's other two horrifying tales: Loch and The Doom Stone, both chosen as Recommended Books for Reluctant Young Adult Readers by the American Library Association.

About the Author

Paul Zindel who won the 1971 Pulitzer Prize for Drama for The Effects of Gamma Rays On Man-In-the-Moon Marigolds,once again draws upon his scientific background for Reef Of Death. His most recent books for Harper Collins include The Doom Stone and Loch, both Recommended books for the Reluctant YA Reader (ALA), and the tragicomic memoir The Pigman & Me, which School Library Journal said in a starred review "allows readers a glimpse of Zindel's youth, gives them insight into some of his fictional characters, and provides many examples of universal experiences that will make them laugh and cry." The Pigman & Me was both a 1993 ALA Best Book for Young Adults and a 1993 ALA Notable Children's Book.
Mr. Zindel lives in Montague, New Jersey.

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherDemco Media
  • Publication date1999
  • ISBN 10 0606166696
  • ISBN 13 9780606166690
  • BindingPaperback
  • Rating
    • 3.64 out of 5 stars
      314 ratings by Goodreads

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