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Silver is for Secrets (Stolarz Series) - Softcover

9780738706313: Silver is for Secrets (Stolarz Series)
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I'll make you pay . . .

School is over, and now Stacey, her boyfriend Jacob, and their friends have rented a beach cottage for the summer. No more stress, secrets, or stalkers. But then Stacey's nightmares return―predicting the cruel death of Clara, a mysterious girl with a secret. And now Jacob, the only one who understands Stacey's magic, is keeping secrets, too. Is he betraying Stacey's trust or protecting her from revenge and tragedy?

Don't miss a single book in the series:
Blue is for Nightmares
White is for Magic
Silver is for Secrets
Red is for Remembrance

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

About the Author:

Laurie Faria Stolarz (Massachusetts) has a great interest in teen culture, and admires young adults for their passion, energy, and creativity. Blue is for Nightmares is the product of her desire to write a novel that would have appealed to herself at that age, namely one that has a blending of suspense, romance, and the art of keeping secrets.

Stolarz has an MFA in Creative Writing with a concentration in Young Adult Literature from Emerson College in Boston. She currently teaches writing and is a member of the SCBWI as well as several professional writing groups.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.:


It's late, past 3 am, but I can't fall asleep. I feel like there's this tugging inside me, like an invisible rope is attached to my gut and someone's pulling at it from the other end, urging me to stay awake.

I do my best to temper the feeling-I flip-flop a couple times in bed, rub patchouli and peppermint oils at the pulse points on my neck, and even haul my butt out of bed to make a dream sachet out of dried lavender and rosemary-normally surefire fixes for temporary insomnia. But it's just no use. The more I try to ignore it, the tighter the knot in my gut becomes. I just can't shake it-the gnawing, incessant feeling that something horrible is about to happen.

I crawl out of bed, once again, and step into a pair of fuzzy slippers, doing my best to keep quiet so I don't wake Drea and Amber, asleep in their beds only a few feet away. I throw a sweatshirt on over my cotton PJs, grab a few spell supplies, and head out to the beach behind our cottage.

The moon is in full view, smack dab in the middle of a blue-black sky, the two dark colors swirling together like a giant slab of marble. I find myself a spot just in front of the water where the outgoing tide meets the sand and sit back on my heels. The warm, salty breeze sweeps over my face and combs at my hair tangles, sending spicy tingles all over my skin.

I remove the necessary spell supplies from my bag-a jar of sea salt and a Thermos full of moon-bathed rainwater. My grandmother, who taught me most of what I know about spells, used to stress the importance of offering up gifts to nature. She used to say that what we offer up to the universe comes back to us threefold.

I sink down into the cool, powdery sand and stare up at the moon's fullness, imagining the light soaking into my skin, the energy awakening my soul. I pour the sea salt into the Thermos and hold it up to the moon's light. Then I say, "O fullest moon, on this night of dread, please accept this gift from the ocean's bed. And I ask thee, with a heart so pure, to help my body tell me more. Blessed be the way."

I dig a six-inch hole in the sand and pour the mixture inside, patting a layer of rocks over the top as a cover. Then I lie back and stare up at the moon, thinking how much I've changed these past couple years, how it wasn't so long ago that I used my spells to try and stop what my body and senses were trying to warn me. Now I'm using my spells to summon forth these same instincts. I close my eyes and concentrate on my body and what it can tell me, imagining the moon's energy drawing forth the answers from deep within my core.

But I don't feel anything. After several minutes spent meditating on the spell, I have no better idea of why I can't sleep than I did before coming out here. So what is it? What's this feeling inside me? Why can't I relax? Why do I feel like the seams of my world are about to rip wide open?

But unfortunately the answers don't come that easily. I know I need to get some sleep. I grab my Thermos and head back to my room, leaving the moon's gift on the beach.

I lie back against the coolness of my sheets, suddenly feeling a bit more centered, more relaxed. I imagine the moon's energy penetrating through the ceiling and my bed covers, casting right over me, easing me to sleep.
The next thing I know, I'm covered in it.

I wake up a couple hours later and find it everywhere-on my pillow, the bed sheet, matted to the tips of my hair. I sit up in bed and notice dark cherry-red stains on my forearms and wrists. A knot forms inside my chest. I do my best to unbind it, to inhale a calming breath.

"Stacey?" Drea asks, rolling over in bed. "Are you okay?"

But I can't answer. I go to wipe my face, noticing more stains. My hand trembles over my lips, trying to hold it all in, but then a trickle of blood rolls over my fingers.
The light clicks on in our room. "Oh my god!" Drea rushes out of bed. "Stacey, what happened?"

I pinch my nose closed to try and make the bleeding stop and look around the room for a box of tissues.

Amber sits up in bed and leans over her Superman blow-up doll to get a better look.

Still holding my nose, I end up swiping a sock from the floor and pressing it to my nose. "I'm fine," I tell them through a wad of cotton. "I dust hat a little dosebeed."
"A little nosebleed?" Drea questions.

"You look like Carrie freakin' White at the prom," Amber says.

"Who?" Drea asks.

"Carrie White. You know? Stephen King's Carrie."

I ignore their banter and press the sock into my nose to try and clot the bleeding, knowing that I should be grateful, that this is obviously the response I was praying for, that I did the spell for. I wanted my body to communicate to me, to give me insight-a clue, basically-into why I'm feeling so unhinged. And so this is it. I look down at the spattering of blood on my pillow, wondering what it could possibly mean.

"You're supposed to tilt your head back," Drea says.

"Not unless you want to drink it down," Amber corrects.

"So disgusting." Drea reaches into the mini-fridge for a pint of Ben & Jerry's. "Here," she says. "I think you're supposed to hold something cold at the back of your head to stop the bleeding."

I place the Chunky Monkey against my nose instead and glance at the clock; it's just after six-at least two hours of sleep, and yet I can't remember what I dreamt about.

I blot my nose to make sure the bleeding has stopped and move over to the dresser mirror to have a look for myself. It's even worse than I thought. It looks as though I've been beaten. There are patches of blood at the sides of my nose and over my lips. I grab a strand of my long, dark hair, the end now soiled with red. I wonder how long my nose was bleeding before I woke up, how I possibly could have slept through all this mess.

I sit down on the edge of my bed and silently count to ten. I wonder if I even dreamt anything at all. And, if I did, if it had anything to do with blood. I shake my head because I just don't know. Because the only thing that seems sure is that I can't break this feeling-this morguelike heaviness that sits on my heart and presses down into my gut.

"Um, Stace, no offense, but you're totally grossing me out here." Drea sweeps her hair up and secures it with an elastic; the loopy golden mass sits like a crown atop her head. "Don't you think you should clean yourself up?"

"Not to mention the crime scene you've got going on your pillow," Amber adds. She points to the bloody splotches on my bed.

I fish my bathrobe from the recyclable pile of laundry on the floor. "I'm gonna go take a shower."
"At least this'll teach you not to go digging for treasure." Amber clutches Superman extra tight, one of her numerous mini raspberry-red pigtails poking right into his eye.
I respond by closing the door behind me.


After a shower and a cleansing walk on the beach, I head back to the cottage. To my surprise, everyone is up. While PJ overnukes box after box of microwavable egg-and-cheese sandwiches in the kitchen, Amber butter-and-Nutellas the toast; Chad flips through the sports section of the Cape Cod Gazette in the adjoining living room; and Jacob watches TV.

Jacob pauses from channel surfing and comes to greet me with a kiss. "Hey, beautiful."

"Hey there," I say, pressing myself into his embrace, like a breath of fresh ocean air.

"Enough already," Amber says, dunking her finger into the Nutella jar and licking a giant fingerful. "If the cook's not getting any action for breakfast, then nobody else should either. It's a matter of respect."

"Say no more, butter biscuit." PJ says, licking his greasy finger. "I can cook for hours."

"I'm hardly in the mood for string beans."

I hear the blow dryer click on and off a couple times in the bedroom. Drea has this thing about blow-drying her hair upside down so that it goes all wild, and then she spends the next hour and a half putting each strand back in place, one by one.

Chad pauses from his newspaper to glance down at Jacob's grip on my hand, making me almost feel like I should pull away. But I don't. It's just so weird to be vacationing all together. I mean, it's one thing when you're in school, in classes, in the cafeteria, and pretending it isn't unbelievably awkward to see your ex with someone else. But it's a completely different thing when your ex is dating his ex and that ex just happens to be your best friend. Then, toss in the added awkwardness that comes with living together and, before you know it, your current significant other can feel completely ex-ed out. Translation: Chad and I are exes. Chad is dating Drea. I am dating Jacob. We're all vacationing under one roof.
Jacob is sensing our drama.

I squeeze Jacob's hand and lead him over to the table to set it up. Meanwhile, PJ has apparently aborted his microwave-egg-in-a-box idea, having pulled a carton of real eggs from the fridge. He's attempting to fry them in a spaghetti pot.

"So how's the snout?" Amber asks me. "Me and Drea were super scared for you. I mean, you looked like a freakin' chainsaw massacre."

PJ revs the blender a couple times for drama. "Amber told us all how you picked your nose to its bloody death."

I ignore him and look toward Jacob, sensing that he can tell something's wrong, something beyond just a normal nosebleed. He stares at me hard and bites the corner of his lip, almost as though he expects me to get right down to it. But I look away, trying to keep things light. For now at least.

"I'm fine," I say, plunking a couple plates down on the table.
"Well, that's a relief," Amber says. "Just let me know if I'll need to do anything drastic, like wear a raincoat to bed tonight."

"You could move in with PJ," I say.

Amber turns to look at him, at the egg yolk he's got dripping from his chin. "I'll take your primitive habits over his disgusting ones any day."

"They're hardly habits," I say.

"Whatever," she says. "Me, you, and Drea, bunking in together, just like old times-it's really the only surefire way to keep everybody from killing each other."
She definitely has a point, which is why we did end up with the parent-friendly sleeping arrangements.

"Or maybe, my little temptress, it's just your way of safeguarding yourself from taking advantage of me in the middle of the night." PJ snarls at Amber.

"Oh, please," Amber says. "If I had to room with you-"


Amber grabs an egg from the carton and cracks it into the spaghetti pot-turned-frying pan. "Any questions?"

"So you're okay?" Chad asks. "I mean, you don't need to see a doctor? My dad had to get his nose cauterized."

"He must have quite the picker," PJ says, faking a dig by scratching the side of his nose.

"I'm fine," I say, clearing my throat.

"Yeah," PJ repeats. "She's fine. I mean, it's not like she started whizzing the bed again."

"Or puking her guts up," Amber says, as if we need the reminder.

"Or anything else juicy." PJ dips his fingers into the bowl of eggs he's beating, pulling forth a handful of the slimy white part. It oozes through his fingers and drops back into the bowl in one gooey plop.

Sometimes I absolutely despise my friends. They're talking about last year when I was puking non-stop-a side effect of the nightmares I was having. And the year before that when my nightmares were causing me to wet the bed.

Jacob continues to stare at me. I know he wants to talk about my nosebleed. I want to talk about it, too. Just not right now-not in front of everyone like this. I mean, this was supposed to be a fun vacation, a stress-free summer.

A walk on the normal side.

"So why is everybody up so early?" I ask, in an effort to change the subject.

"It wasn't by choice," Amber says. "After you left, PJ thought it would be funny to act like he was eleven years old again. So he snuck into our room to dunk my hand into a bowl of water."

"So Miss Priss here goes all Fright Night on me and wakes the whole house up with her cowardly cries. I mean, seriously," PJ says, smearing a knifeful of tartar sauce on his egg and cheese sandwich, "does she need to pay a little visit to the great and powerful Oz for a smidgen of courage?"

"No," Amber says, "but maybe you should pay him a visit for a smidgen of maturity."
"What's that supposed to mean?"

"If the pacifier fits." She stuffs a fingerful of Nutella into his mouth to shut him up.
"Don't go tempting me with your kinky ideas of seduction, my little vixen," he says, happily licking up the chocolate on his lips.

PJ puckers up to Amber, but she responds by messing up his hair, the short, gravity-defying spikes bleached a Ken-doll platinum color-to go with the whole beach vibe, I imagine.

"Did someone say vixen?" Drea enters the living room and takes a seat next to Chad. She drapes her legs over his lap and over the sports section. And suddenly I'm reminded of just why she spends so long doing her hair. I mean, it's perfect-shampoo-commercial perfect. Shiny, bouncy, gold-en waves with just the right amount of tousling.

I grab a strand of my own hair, noting that it feels a little drier than normal and that I could probably use a trim.

The doorbell rings and Amber jumps from the table, practically trampling over everything in her pathway to the door-me included. "Maybe it's one of the frat-boy yummies from next door. I thought I saw one of them scoping me out yesterday." She pulls at the wedge in her Superwoman swim shorts, finger-counts her pigtails-seven, her lucky number-and then whips the door open so hard that it crashes against the wall.

"Looks like someone's a little hard up," Drea says.

Amber ignores the comment, her patty cake smile falling splat to the ground.
There's a girl standing there, maybe a couple of years younger than us but undeniably cute. The kind of cute you see on one of the shows on the WB-long and straight henna-red hair, heart-shaped face with yellow-tinted sunglasses, super tight T-shirt with long bell sleeves, and one of those sarong things that looks like a skirt. I peek at Jacob to see if he's noticed, but he's completely zoned himself out, watching some talk show on TV, the audience barking in the background.

"Yeah?" Amber says.

"Hi. I'm Clara. I was just wondering if Marcy and Greg are staying at this-"

"Wait," Amber says, interrupting her. "Don't I know you from someplace?"

Clara cocks her head slightly, as though trying to place Amber as well. "Were you at the Clam Stripper yester-?"

"Forget it," Amber says. She takes a step forward to look past the girl, hoping, I think, that she's brought along some WB-looking male friends. "Are you staying next door?" She points to the cottage at the right, where the fraternity guys have hung up their banner, the giant Greek letters DP marking their frat-boy territory.

"Yeah," Clara chirps, pointing in the opposite direction. "I'm a few houses down."


"So Marcy and Greg aren't staying here?" Clara peeps at us over Amber's shoulder.

"Who?" Amber looks thoroughly annoyed now. She makes a big sigh and looks downward to assess the chippage to her pedicure-pink and yellow checkerboards on one foot, yellow and white swirls on the ...

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherFlux
  • Publication date2005
  • ISBN 10 0738706310
  • ISBN 13 9780738706313
  • BindingPaperback
  • Edition number1
  • Number of pages288
  • Rating

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Stolarz, Laurie Faria
Published by Flux (2005)
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Published by North Star Editions (2005)
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