Items related to Perfect Dark: Second Front

Rucka, Greg Perfect Dark: Second Front ISBN 13: 9780765315724

Perfect Dark: Second Front - Softcover

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9780765315724: Perfect Dark: Second Front


The war between dataDyne and the Carrington Institute is heating up. Carrington offices around the globe are being systematically targeted and destroyed by unknown forces, and the casualties are mounting, and more importantly profits are dwindling.

Joanna Dark, fresh from her first mission--Codenamed INITIAL VECTOR--
and now operating as a full-fledged secret agent for the Carrington Institute, is assigned to hunt down and destroy those responsible for the attacks. But her search for the faceless enemy leads her not just into another bloody battle with hypercorp dataDyne--but headlong into a global conspiracy that's been shaping the world for decades.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

About the Author

Greg Rucka is an acclaimed thriller novelist and commonly considered to be one of the "Big Three" writers at DC Comics. His latest novel is Private Wars.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

Chapter One
Residence of dataDyne CEO
Mlle. Cassandra DeVries
#1 Rue Marinoni Paris, France
January 18th, 2021
It had been almost two months since Cassandra DeVries had gotten a good night's sleep. Almost two months of near-sleepless nights since she'd been named dataDyne's new CEO, since she had been named Zhang Li's successor. Almost two months since she had become the leader of the world's largest hypercorp, since she had found herself one of the most powerful people in the world.
If not the most powerful person in the world.
Almost two months since she'd murdered the CEO of pharmaDyne, Dr. Friedrich Murray.
There were good reasons for her insomnia, despite the fact that Cassandra DeVries knew that she was more exhausted--physically, emotionally, and mentally--than she ever had been before. At best, she was managing two, perhaps three hours of sleep a night; at the worst, she was managing none at all.
On those nights, after tossing and turning in futility for an hour or more, she would give up altogether, deciding there were better uses of her time. Throwing back the handmade silk sheets of her new antique four-poster bed, she would rise and pull on a silk robe she had no memory of buying. She would cross the expanse of her bedroom to the door and step out, and the two dataDyne Shock Troopers standing post there would each snap to attention as if expecting a surprise inspection.
Then one of the guards would ask, his voice positively deferential even behind the odd amplification of his full-face helmet, if there was anything dataDyne's new CEO required.
"Sleep," DeVries would say.
She would then begin walking the cold and nearly silent hallways of her very old new home, followed only by the whisper of transmissions passed from one guard post to the next as each accounted for her movements. Most of the time, she couldn't even hear what was being said, but on occasion she would catch a word or two, and this was how she learned of the code name she had been given.
They called her "Future."
"All posts, Future on walkabout."
"Future, second floor, south two."
"Future, third floor, north three."
"Future, third floor, west one."
Finally, DeVries would reach the very old study of her very old new house, and two new Shock Troopers--or perhaps the same two, she honestly couldn't tell--would already be in position there. One would open the door for her solicitously, closing it softly behind her as she passed within, but not before she heard the final transmission.
"Future, third floor, west two, study. In for the night."
They were her ghosts, dedicated to her safety and survival, each of them handpicked to work her private home security detail by Anita Velez, the director of corporate security. Selected by Anita Velez, kingmaker, who had stood beside Cassandra DeVries and nodded the barest approval when Cassandra had shot Friedrich Murray. Anita Velez, who had believed that Cassandra DeVries was the only possible future dataDyne could have. Anita Velez, who had, strangely enough, become the new CEO of dataDyne's only friend.
Once in the study, Cassandra would open her laptop, typing in her password, offering it her left eye for retina confirmation, making certain the friend-or-foe chip she had implanted in herself at her wrist was read properly. She would log into her office, and begin working, or, more correctly, she would resume working, because she had discovered that she was never, ever, going to be finished.
In this, perhaps, the insomnia was a blessing in disguise, because it gave Cassandra hours back in her day. Hours when she didn't need to be in the office, surrounded by her half-dozen personal assistants and secretaries and handlers; hours when she didn't need to be constantly jumping from one video conference to another, from one meeting to another, from one event to another.
Even before she'd joined dataDyne as a junior programmer in its subsidiary, DataFlow, Cassandra had known the corporation was enormous. She had known it the same way she had known that the Atlantic was enormous. She had known it as an intellectual truth, but without the emotional understanding that comes when you're floating alone in the middle of it.
DataDyne was her Atlantic Ocean, and it was Cassandra DeVries's job not only to know its depths and currents, but also the doings of all the fish in this particular sea. Upon her appointment as CEO, DeVries had spent six days in what she herself referred to as "boot camp," but which Anita Velez had called "holding court." The directors of all of dataDyne's subsidiaries had made the pilgrimage to Paris to meet with her, each of them in turn offering their congratulations, their loyalty, their gifts, and then the latest in spreadsheets, prospectuses, prototypes, and multimedia presentations. R-C/Bowman and Runyon-Adams and Patmos Casualty and Freis Construction and Dun-Chow Manufacturing and ServAuto Robotics and Ellison Electronic Security and at least twenty-seven more divisions that, until she found herself face-to-face with their respective directors, Cassandra DeVries had thought owned by other hypercorps, by CMO or Beck-Yama or Zentek.
Cassandra DeVries knew she was a very smart woman. She knew there were some people who believed she was a genius, but she had met genius, and she knew the difference. Genius was named Daniel Carrington, and she had been his lover for a time. But that had ended, because Daniel Carrington was also a zealot, and where Cassandra DeVries believed in the good dataDyne could do, he believed only that dataDyne must be destroyed. She wasn't a genius, and having seen the lengths Daniel Carrington would go to achieve his aims, she wasn't sure she wanted to be.
But she was smart, and even so, she was still being bombarded with more information than she could possibly begin to digest. As the CEO of DataFlow, her particular fiefdom of the dataDyne empire, she had been able to track all of its activities, its projects, even the majority of its personnel. She had prided herself on this ability, in fact.
DataDyne was DataFlow to the nth degree. She couldn't keep up. How Master Zhang Li had managed the corporation, let alone controlled it, she honestly had no idea. She was beginning to suspect that he never truly had.
Learning to tame dataDyne was a struggle, but it was her intention to prevail. She had killed Friedrich Murray to protect the corporation, to keep Murray's own division of pharmaDyne from bringing down all of the others with it; the fact that, in so doing, she had guaranteed her appointment as the next CEO had been incidental, at least at the moment of action.
While what she had done remained defensible to herself, and certainly to Anita Velez, it didn't change the reality that she had killed a man. The stain of it weighed heavily on her still; she wanted--needed--to make it right.
The way to do that, Cassandra DeVries had resolved, was to become the best CEO dataDyne had ever seen. The fact that only Zhang Li had come before, that she was measuring herself against dataDyne's founder and creator, did not deter her.
While Cassandra DeVries had tried to settle into her new job at the office, other people were making further alterations to her life. When Velez, who acted as her personal bodyguard during the day, escorted her from the office after the end of that first week as CEO, it wasn't until they were crossing the Seine that Cassandra realized they were heading the wrong way.
"Where are we going?" she asked Velez, glancing with some concern at the driver in the front seat, separated from them by a privacy screen of carefully crafted ballistic glass, as clear as crystal. "We're going the wrong way."
"You're going home, Madame Director," Velez said, the mirth in her voice almost hidden behind her peculiar accent, part American English, part German.
"My home's the other direction, Anita. I don't have time for this, I have a lot to do."
"Your new home, Madame Director," Velez said, and then she had smiled, something so uncharacteristic that Cassandra could only stare. "You are the CEO of dataDyne. A town house in Le Marais, lovely though it was, is hardly befitting a woman of your stature and power."
DeVries had begun to respond, then had fallen silent, because that was when the null-g limousine and the motorcade of outriding protection vehicles turned off the Avenue Anatole France and began slowing. Looking from her window, Cassandra DeVries had been forced to make a determined effort to keep her jaw from dropping into her lap.
The house--her house--wasn't a house at all. From the looks of it, it was a bloody palace.
Velez laughed with positive delight at the expression on Cassandra's face.
"Oh, no," DeVries said. "Oh, no, Anita, no. It's too much, it's . . . it's far too much."
The motorcade had come to a halt, and Velez exited the vehicle first, coming around to meet Cassandra as the driver opened her door. Once out of the vehicle, the circle of protection collapsing tighter around Cassandra for the twenty-meter walk from driveway to front door, Velez went silent. The protection, along with everything else, was something Cassandra was growing more and more accustomed to, and she now knew that Velez's abrupt silences at moments like these weren't due to inattention but rather the exact opposite.
They entered the house through an enormous foyer with a roof reaching almost ten meters above them. A grand staircase dominated the center of the room, then split itself and reversed for passage to the second floor. Tapestries and statues and at least five pieces of art that Cassandra was certain she had seen hanging in the Louvre made up the décor. At the foot of the stairs, standing in a perfect line, the household staff waited for introductions.
"Built in 1679," Velez told her. "Obviously, there's been some refurbishment since then. We've had teams working around the clock since your appointment to ready the location, since you have made it abundantly clear that you will not be relocating yourself to Master Li's residence in China."
"I told you," Cassandra said, her eyes still wide as she took in the foyer, her voice low. "DataFlow is here. This is my home."
"Your home is the world, Madame Director, because that is dataDyne's home. But if you insist on sleeping in Paris more often than sleeping elsewhere, you deserve a home worthy of your position. Would you like me to show you around?"
And despite herself, and feeling very much like a princess in a fairy tale, Cassandra DeVries said, "Yes, please. Very much."
They had, quite literally, taken care of everything, right down to filling her new closets with a new wardrobe, everything hand-tailored and perfectly fitted. Her personal belongings had been packed with care, moved from across town, and unpacked with the same attention to detail. There were household attendants available for her every need, at every hour of the day. Two chefs, three maids, one butler, two under-butlers, a groundskeeper, and, of course, security. Lots and lots of security.
She was the CEO of dataDyne; anything she needed, all she had to do was ask.
But what she needed most was sleep, and the thing that no one understood, because Cassandra DeVries wasn't telling them, was that she was suffering her insomnia by choice.
When she slept, she dreamt.
And she didn't much care for the dreams she'd been having.
Velez, being Velez, knew something was wrong almost immediately.
"You look tired, Madame Director," she said to her one morning after escorting her into her office.
"I am tired," Cassandra admitted, already standing behind the desk she once had thought was far too big and that now seemed to be eternally covered in papers. As she spoke, her first assistant secretary stepped in and began projecting the daily schedule for her review from his d-PAL. The holograph shimmered and began scrolling, forming a makeshift divider between the two women as they spoke.
"New appointment for R-C/Bowman CEO at nine-fifteen," the secretary murmured.
"It's not good," Velez said. "You need your health. You cannot afford to become ill, certainly not so soon after being named CEO."
"Review candidate listing to replace Dr. Murray at pharmaDyne, nine-seventeen."
"We're closing it down," Cassandra told the secretary. "I thought I made that clear. I want pharmaDyne dismantled and folded into Patmos. R and D will reform under a new division."
"I'll schedule a call with Miss Waterberg for the same slot."
"Madame Director," Velez said.
Cassandra shook her head. "I'm sorry, Anita, I don't have time for this right now."
"Conference call with dataDyne Los Angeles in three minutes," the secretary murmured, as if to prove the point.
Velez hesitated, then nodded. "We will speak further about this when I take you home, then."
Cassandra nodded, barely hearing her, already sinking into the day's work.
"There are some sleeping aids, quite safe. I can have your physician in to see you this evening."
"It's all right."
"You said you are not sleeping, Madame Director. That cannot possibly be 'all right.'"
"I'm not going to take pills."
"There are other methods of delivery. A dermal patch, if you would--"
"No, Anita," Cassandra said, and she tried to say it gently, and with a smile. "I'm not going to take anything. I'm fine. Please, just let it alone."
Velez furrowed her brow, and it put her severe features into relief, had the effect of softening them in a way that DeVries found unexpected. Velez was several years her senior, and Cassandra found the obvious concern in her expression surprisingly touching.
"Very well, Madame Director," Velez said. "If you need anything, you know where I am."
She wasn't sleeping, but there was only so much of that she could do without, and so, in the end, the bed won.
The bed always won.
Sun. Hot day. South of England, the drive from London to Bristol, the stop at Bath.
"To see the baths of Bath."
Eight years old. Backseat. Father driving. Mother beside him. Talking about the news of the world, football, what was on the telly last night.
Beside her, Arthur, he's six. He's her brother. Her baby brother.
Some siblings, they fight. They are close, but they do not know how to be close.
Not Cassandra and Arthur. The best of friends, those two. He's the quiet one, and she does the talking for them both, but they're always there for each other. Brother and sister, the best of friends.
Sitting in the backseat, twisting around in their seatbe...

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherTor Books
  • Publication date2007
  • ISBN 10 0765315726
  • ISBN 13 9780765315724
  • BindingPaperback
  • Edition number1
  • Number of pages368
  • Rating
    • 3.83 out of 5 stars
      137 ratings by Goodreads

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Published by Tor Books, 2007
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Rucka, Greg
Published by Tor Books, 2007
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