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She Wields a Pen: American Women Poets of the 19th Century - Softcover

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In the explosion of creative energy unleashed by America's birth as independent nation & modern economic power, poetry served a mass market as never before or since. Participants in one of their country's most important industries, poets -- many of whom were women -- helped forge the consciousness of a pioneering society, reaching into every home. As reflected in this anthology, love sonnets, nature poems, public forms of nursery rhymes, children's cautionary narratives, hymn lyrics, ringing odes to liberty & angry denunciations of slavery & oppression are central to the vitality & range of American literature of the 19th century. Bringing together the work of some 60 poets.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.


The Lay Of A Golden Goose by Louisa May Alcott
In The Defences by Elizabeth Akers Allen
Rock Me To Sleep by Elizabeth Akers Allen
Street Music by Elizabeth Akers Allen
In Bonds by Alice Cary
Telling Fortunes by Alice Cary
The West Country by Alice Cary
The Window Just Over The Street by Alice Cary
Harvest Gathering by Phoebe Cary
Homes For All by Phoebe Cary
Shakespearian Readings by Phoebe Cary
'che Sara Sara' by Rose Terry Cooke
A Hospital Soliloquy by Rose Terry Cooke
Schemhammphorasch by Rose Terry Cooke
Lines On Hearing Kelley's Music Of Macbeth by Ina Donna Coolbrith
Longing by Ina Donna Coolbrith
My 'cloth Of Gold' by Ina Donna Coolbrith
Ownership by Ina Donna Coolbrith
Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine by Frances Jane Crosby
I Am Thine, O Lord by Frances Jane Crosby
Let Me Die On The Prairie by Frances Jane Crosby
The Mandan Chief by Frances Jane Crosby
On Hearing A Description Of A Prairie by Frances Jane Crosby
Thoughts In The Midnight Hours by Frances Jane Crosby
We Are Going by Frances Jane Crosby
Real Comfort by Mary Stanley Bruce Dana
Cry Of A People by Mary Evelyn David
Going Out And Coming In by Mary Evelyn David
Love's Compensation by Voltairine De Cleyre
Out Of The Darkness by Voltairine De Cleyre
Bereavement Is Their Death To Feel by Emily Dickinson
Essential Oils Are Wrung by Emily Dickinson
Her Sweet Turn To Leave The Homestead by Emily Dickinson
I Had No Time To Hate by Emily Dickinson
I Think To Live May Be A Bliss by Emily Dickinson
A Little Road Not Made Of Man by Emily Dickinson
The Mountains Grow Unnoticed by Emily Dickinson
My Life Had Stood - A Loaded Gun by Emily Dickinson
The Mystery Of Pain by Emily Dickinson
No Bobolink Reverse His Singing by Emily Dickinson
One Blessing Had I Than The Rest by Emily Dickinson
Promise This - When You Be Dying by Emily Dickinson
So Much Summer by Emily Dickinson
Strong Draughts Of Their Refreshing Minds by Emily Dickinson
The Sunrise Runs For Both by Emily Dickinson
These Saw Visions by Emily Dickinson
Victory Comes Late by Emily Dickinson
We Miss Her, Not Because We See by Emily Dickinson
Note by Mary Abigail Dodge
Early To Bed by Mary Elizabeth Mapes Dodge
Fire In The Window by Mary Elizabeth Mapes Dodge
The Mayor Of Scuttleton by Mary Elizabeth Mapes Dodge
The Moon Came Late by Mary Elizabeth Mapes Dodge
Poor Crow! by Mary Elizabeth Mapes Dodge
Shepherd John by Mary Elizabeth Mapes Dodge
Someone In The Garden by Mary Elizabeth Mapes Dodge
Taking Time To Grow by Mary Elizabeth Mapes Dodge
Tinker, Come Bring Your Solder by Mary Elizabeth Mapes Dodge
The Way To Do It by Mary Elizabeth Mapes Dodge
The Wooden Horse by Mary Elizabeth Mapes Dodge
Children In Slavery by Eliza Lee Cabot Follen
For The Fourth Of July by Eliza Lee Cabot Follen
Lines On Nonsense by Eliza Lee Cabot Follen
Atlanta Exposition Ode by Mary Weston Fordham
The Coming Woman by Mary Weston Fordham
Sleep, Love Sleep by Mary Weston Fordham
An Appeal To Women by Sarah Louisa Forten
The Scroll Is Open by Sarah Louisa Forten
Lines Written In Boston On A Beautiful Autumnal Day by Sarah Margaret Fuller
Meditations by Sarah Margaret Fuller
The One In All by Sarah Margaret Fuller
Directions by Caroline Gilman
What Will Be Your Destiny? by Caroline Gilman
The Anti-suffragists by Charlotte Perkins Stetson Gilman
Christian Values by Charlotte Perkins Stetson Gilman
Homes; A Sestina by Charlotte Perkins Stetson Gilman
The Mother's Charge by Charlotte Perkins Stetson Gilman
Apprehension by Hannah Flagg Gould
The Butterfly's Dream by Hannah Flagg Gould
The Child's Address To The Kentucky Mummy by Hannah Flagg Gould
The Atoning Yesterday by Louise Imogen Guiney
Down Stream by Louise Imogen Guiney
Garden Chidings by Louise Imogen Guiney
John Brown: A Paradox by Louise Imogen Guiney
A Reason For Silence by Louise Imogen Guiney
First Hour by Sarah Josepha Buell Hale
Mary's Lamb by Sarah Josepha Buell Hale
On The Voyage To Jerusalem, Sels. by Yehuda Halevi
The Deliverance by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
The Black Sampson by Josephine Dephine Henderson Heard
Love Letters by Josephine Dephine Henderson Heard
On Tennyson's Poems by Josephine Dephine Henderson Heard
Thine Own by Josephine Dephine Henderson Heard
To Clements' Ferry by Josephine Dephine Henderson Heard
Dawn by Ella (rhoads) Higginson
Dawn On The Willamette by Ella (rhoads) Higginson
A Dream Of Sappho by Ella (rhoads) Higginson
Eve by Ella (rhoads) Higginson
Four-leaf Clover by Ella (rhoads) Higginson
Moonrise In The Rockies by Ella (rhoads) Higginson
'the Opal Sea' by Ella (rhoads) Higginson
The Statue by Ella (rhoads) Higginson
Battle Hymn Of The Republic by Julia Ward Howe
The House Of Rest by Julia Ward Howe
The Lost Jewel by Julia Ward Howe
Outside The Party by Julia Ward Howe
The Soul-hunter by Julia Ward Howe
Street Yarn by Julia Ward Howe
Judith by Rebekah Gumpert Hyneman
Woman's Rights by Rebekah Gumpert Hyneman
Distance by Helen Maria Hunt Fiske Jackson
Emigravit by Helen Maria Hunt Fiske Jackson
My House Not Made With Hands by Helen Maria Hunt Fiske Jackson
My Strawberry by Helen Maria Hunt Fiske Jackson
Opportunity by Helen Maria Hunt Fiske Jackson
Solitude by Helen Maria Hunt Fiske Jackson
Joe; An Etching by Emily Pauline Johnson
Marshlands by Emily Pauline Johnson
Wave-won by Emily Pauline Johnson
Aloha'oe (farewell To Thee) by Lydia Kamakaeha
Ka Waiapo Lani (heavenly Showers) by Lydia Kamakaeha
Ku'u Pua I Paoakalani (my Flower At Paoakalani) by Lydia Kamakaeha
Sanoe by Lydia Kamakaeha
Sonnet by Frances Anne Kemble
Sonnet by Frances Anne Kemble
Sonnet by Frances Anne Kemble
To Shakespeare by Frances Anne Kemble
Trust by Frances Anne Kemble
Men Swell The Current, - Many Of Them Wear by Mary Tucker Lambert
A Little Cavalier by Lucy Larcom
What The Train Run Over by Lucy Larcom
1492 by Emma Lazarus
City Visions by Emma Lazarus
How Long! by Emma Lazarus
Long Island Sound by Emma Lazarus
The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus
Success by Emma Lazarus
Songs For The Four Parts Of The Night by Juana Manwell
Judith by Adah Isaacs Menken
The Newspaper by Penina Moise
To Persceuted Foreigners by Penina Moise
A Child's Party (in Kebtucky, Ad 185-) by Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt
The Palace Burner (paris, 1871); A Picture In A Newspaper by Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt
The Witch In The Glass by Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt
Advice To Young Ladies by Ann Plato
The True Friend by Ann Plato
Erinna's Spinning by Margaret Junkin Preston
The Quest Of The Ideal by Henrietta Cordelia Ray
Self-mastery by Henrietta Cordelia Ray
The Tireless Sculptor by Henrietta Cordelia Ray
Toussaint L'ouverture by Henrietta Cordelia Ray
The Day Before Spring by Lizette Woodworth Reese
Indian Summer by Lizette Woodworth Reese
Mid-march by Lizette Woodworth Reese
Mystery by Lizette Woodworth Reese
An Old Belle by Lizette Woodworth Reese
Reserve by Lizette Woodworth Reese
A Street Scene by Lizette Woodworth Reese
Telling The Bees (a Colonial Custom) by Lizette Woodworth Reese
Trust by Lizette Woodworth Reese
Otagamiad by Jane Johnston Schoolcraft
Death Of An Infant by Lydia Huntley Sigourney
Erin's Daughter by Lydia Huntley Sigourney
Indian Names by Lydia Huntley Sigourney
Poetry by Lydia Huntley Sigourney
The Western Emigrant by Lydia Huntley Sigourney
Part 6 by Elizabeth Oakes Prince Smith
Magdalen by Harriet Prescott Spofford
The Tryst by Harriet Prescott Spofford
Scene 3 by Achsa W. Sprague
Above The Tree by Elizabeth Drew (barstow) Stoddard
Before The Mirror by Elizabeth Drew (barstow) Stoddard
The House By The Sea by Elizabeth Drew (barstow) Stoddard
Nameless Pain by Elizabeth Drew (barstow) Stoddard
One Morn I Left Him In His Bed by Elizabeth Drew (barstow) Stoddard
The Wife Speaks by Elizabeth Drew (barstow) Stoddard
Cries Of The Newsboy (news! Sun! Or World!) by Edith Matilda Thomas
Freedom At Mcnealy's by Priscilla Jane Thompson
My Father's Story by Priscilla Jane Thompson
Curfew Must Not Ring Tonight by Rose Hartwick Thorpe
Heroes Del Cinco De Mayo: Andrea Belarde by Anonymous
Heroes Del Cinco De Mayo: Arcadia Alvarado by Anonymous
Heroes Del Cinco De Mayo: Bell Warner by Anonymous
Heroes Del Cinco De Mayo: Francisca Garcia by Anonymous
Heroes Del Cinco De Mayo: Merced J. De Gonzales by Anonymous
Heroes Del Cinco De Mayo: Refujia Diaz by Anonymous
Heroes Del Cinco De Mayo: Refujio Diaz by Anonymous
Homenajes De Gratitud: Filomeno Ibarra by Anonymous
Homenajes De Gratitud: Isabel Warner by Anonymous
Homenajes De Gratitud: Refugio Arce De Silva by Anonymous
Homenajes De Gratitud: Teresa Morales by Anonymous
Forests And Caverns by Catherine Anne Warfield
The Sun-struck Eagle by Catherine Anne Warfield
Fate by Carolyn Wells
Of Modern Books (a Pantoum) by Carolyn Wells
The Original Summer Girl by Carolyn Wells
A Pastoral In Posters by Carolyn Wells
The Poster Girl's Defence by Carolyn Wells
A Problem by Carolyn Wells
Farewell Of A Virginia Slave Mother To Her Daughters Sold by John Greenleaf Whittier
Burdened by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Communism by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
In The Night by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
My Grave by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
No Classes! by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Solitude by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Woman by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
A Home by Sarah Chauncey Woolsey
My Rights by Sarah Chauncey Woolsey
One by Constance Fenimore Woolson
The Other by Constance Fenimore Woolson
-- Table of Poems from Poem Finder®

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

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