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Vanderhaeghe, Guy A Good Man ISBN 13: 9780802120045

A Good Man - Hardcover

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9780802120045: A Good Man


In the ambitious and masterful final novel of his bestselling trilogy, Guy Vanderhaeghe, returns to the nineteenth century Canadian and American West to explore the final days of one of the world’s last great frontiers.

Wesley Case is a former soldier and son of a Canadian lumber baron who sets out into the untamed borderlands between Canada and the United States to escape a dark secret from his past. He settles in Montana where he hopes to buy a cattle ranch, and where he begins work as a liaison between the American and Canadian militaries in an effort to contain the Native Americans’ unresolved anger in the wake of the Civil War. Amidst the brutal violence that erupts between the Sioux warriors and U.S. forces, Case’s plan for a quiet ranch life is further compromised by an unexpected dilemma: he falls in love with the beautiful, outspoken, and recently widowed Ada Tarr. It’s a budding romance that soon inflames the jealousy of Ada’s quiet and deeply disturbed admirer, Michael Dunne. When the American government unleashes its final assault on the Indians, Dunne commences his own vicious plan for vengeance in one last feverish attempt to claim Ada as his own.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

About the Author

Guy Vanderhaeghe was born in Saskatchewan in 1951. He is the author of six books of fiction, including The Englishman’s Boy, which won the Governor General’s Award for Fiction and the Saskatchewan Book Award for Fiction and for Best Book of the Year; and the bestseller, The Last Crossing, a Book Sense 76 Selection and winner of Canada Reads 2004 and the CBA Libris Award for Best Fiction Book of the Year.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

A free-will offering will be collected, all proceeds intended for the relief of friends and neighbors driven from their homes and occupations by the continuing menace from Sioux hostiles.
Fort Benton’s own, the charming and talented MISS CELESTE TARR, shall offer a selection of songs both sacred and secular, accompanied by MRS. RANDOLPH TARR on the pianoforte.
MOSES SOLOMON, ESQ., has generously donated the use of the MAJESTIC STAR SALOON for this charitable endeavor. Mr. Solomon graciously extends an invitation to the entire populace of Fort Benton, of every age and sex.
The sale of alcoholic beverages of any variety or description whatsoever shall not take place during the duration of the concert, nor any disorderly conduct deleterious to a full appreciation and enjoyment of the musical program be countenanced.
Program to take place AUGUST 6TH, EIGHT O’CLOCK SHARP!
The saloon is hot as a boiler room, steaming with the animal heat of closely packed bodies. All the faces around him are beaded with perspiration. The odour is as extreme as the heat, the vinegary, pickling brine smell of sweat laced with the barnyard aromas of manure, horse, and mule given off by teamsters, bullwhackers, and hoop- legged waddies. An undercurrent of river mud and fried catfish wafts off the boatmen; the hide hunters and wolfers stink of old blood, the sharp tang of rusty iron. Add a dollop of spilled beer, sweet and yeasty, the reek of cheap tobacco, and Case feels his eyes are about to water with every pungent breath he draws.
The din is terrific. Despite the owner’s assurances that tonight decorum and propriety will rule, the inexorable inching of the hands of the clock towards the hour of the concert and the suspension of the sale of alcohol has led to a panic among the Majestic’s customers. They are swarming the bar, banging glasses on the zinc top, jostling for position, shouting and gesticulating to catch the attention of harried bartenders who scurry back and forth slopping whiskey into out- thrust shot glasses.
Case’s gaze falls on the Majestic’s proprietor, Moses Solomon. The one serene, still point in bedlam, he stands with his back propped against a beer barrel, squinting at the room through a haze of blue tobacco smoke. His beard is biblical, long and forked. He wears a crimson satin waistcoat buttoned over a white linen shirt; the red satin rosettes on his sleeve garters perfectly match the colour of his vest. His hairstyle is Disraelian, ruffled sissy- boy waves that sweep over his ears and seem scarcely in keeping with his fearsome sobriquet, Moses Mayhem. Case had learned that when Solomon had established Fort Benton’s toniest saloon, the citizenry had not appreciated his success, and had subjected him to a barrage of insult and calumny. But one day Solomon had turned on two of the most persistent Jewbaiters and shot them down on a corner of Front Street. Since then, people stepped very lightly in his presence.
The skull- cracking uproar, the stench, the sweltering temperature, the tight press of bodies is almost too much to bear. Hathaway has disappeared, swallowed up in the crowd, and Case is at the point of beating a strategic retreat when he sees Major Ilges looming above the throng, beckoning him. It’s a struggle for Case to reach the Major but when he does, he discovers a relatively calm island in the stormy saloon, a row of chairs reserved for the town’s notables in front of the piano, most of them already occupied.
“So glad to see you, Mr. Case,” says Ilges. “Will you be my guest? I’m sure Lieutenant Blanchard would surrender his seat so you might sit beside me.” The officer asked to relinquish his place shows no evidence of a willingness to surrender anything but withdraws with a sullen, put- upon look as Case demurs accepting. But finally he has no alternative but to settle down on the gracelessly vacated chair.
The Major immediately launches into introductions to the Fort Benton quality. In turn, Case is presented to a young dentist who has just opened a practice in town, the pressman of the Fort Benton Record, a goggle- eyed druggist, and Dr. Cornelius Hooper, Fort Benton’s most accomplished surgeon. The town’s biggest fishes follow: the merchant princes T.C. Power, Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Baker, the Conrad brothers, and the tycoons’ wives. The gentlemen are solemn and sober in black broadcloth. The ladies are bedecked, bedizened, and loaded down with jewellery, lavishly swathed in yards of taffeta and silk, and severely corseted.
Ilges insists on describing Case as a young man come to Benton seeking business opportunities. Hearing that, most of the leading businessmen’s faces take on a bored, patronizing look, a look that says, How often have I heard that and how often have I seen the results – bankruptcy. Apologetically, Case qualifies the Major’s description. “Not so much business as ranching. In a small way.”
One of the Conrad brothers remarks, “If it’s land you’re after, now’s the time to plunge. Some of the cattlemen are looking to sell up. The recent troubles have them spooked. If you want to drop by the office sometime, I can give you the name of one or two who are looking for a buyer. I don’t touch land myself. It’s not liquid.”
 “Very generous of you,” says Case, becoming aware that the racket is subsiding to a low murmuring and expectant shuffling of feet.
In this instant of almost quiet, Major Ilges leans over, puts his mouth to Case’s ear, and whispers, “What we spoke about the other day – I have weighed things carefully. I am agreeable. Come to see me tomorrow.”
“Very well. I will indeed.”
Behind them, Moses Solomon bellows at those still lingering hopefully at the bar, “Stand back! Clear off ! Immediate! Music about to begin!” Fort Benton’s princes of commerce brace themselves on their seats as if a tooth- puller were approaching, while their wives coyly survey the scene over fluttering fans, straining for a glimpse of the musical entertainment. Case hears one of the women say, “Now young Miss Tarr is a dear, sweet thing, but the way Mrs. Tarr acts is another matter. So very superior.” As his eyes search the room for a glimpse of this superior woman, he spots Hathaway loitering hard by the improvised stage, a smile on his face, his Adam’s apple dancing as he swallows his excitement.
There is a voluntary parting, a shifting and stirring of the multitude to make way for the Tarr family. With a stately and measured tread, Randolph Tarr escorts wife and daughter, one on each arm, their white gloves perched on the sleeves of his best frock coat like obedient doves. The saloon falls into a respectful hush as blond, pink Celeste and dark- haired, pale Ada advance on the piano.
Case is surprised to see Michael Dunne stalking along behind the Tarr family, his colourless eyes restlessly sweeping over the assembly. Briefly they hold on Case, and Dunne bares his teeth – whether in a smile of recognition or a challenge Case can’t decide. When the procession halts before the piano Dunne looks a bit befuddled, at a loss as to what to do or where to go. But then he collects himself and plods to a location near Hathaway where he folds his arms over his chest and assumes a look of self- important, alert readiness. Tarr ushers his womenfolk to their respective places, gives a courtly bow to each, and takes a chair that has been held open for him beside Mr. T.C. Power.
Case nudges Ilges and asks, “That fellow Dunne skulking about there. What connection does he have with this?”
“It’s said an unhappy client of Tarr’s has threatened the peace of his household. Apparently Dunne has been hired as some sort of bodyguard.” Ilges juts his jaw disapprovingly. “But I think his presence is hardly necessary here.”
Ada Tarr is fussing with her music, and Miss Celeste is offering the room her profile, one slender, gloved hand resting on the piano top. The thrust of her chin, the way her stance displays her figure to full advantage, suggests she has spent hours posing before a mirror, indulged in many finicky adjustments and sidelong glances at herself in the glass. The cuirasse bodice of her lilac gown displays a slender waist and gives an upward thrust to plump, girlish breasts. An intricately beaded polonaise bustle, elaborately pleated and ruffled, cascades behind her to the floor. A thick plait of white- blond hair dangles over her left shoulder like the tail of a docile cat; her tiny mouth is vivid with lip rouge. She stands as perfectly still as a Wedgwood figurine. Her stepmother is another picture altogether. Ada Tarr is dressed in a modest high- necked grey gown, hair primly parted down the middle and drawn into a tight bun. But she wears a wry, enigmatic smile at odds with her severe and spinsterly appearance. She makes Case think of the older, unmarried sister at the wedding, the one who knows unflattering comparisons are being made between her and the bride, but remains determined to rely on her own estimation of her worth.
Moses Solomon is making his way towards the front, a piece of paper clutched in his hand, a sure sign that a ponderous introduction is about to be delivered. Seeing him coming, Ada Tarr tilts her head at her stepdaughter and slams out a thunderous chord, transfixing the publican in his tracks. The melody established, Celeste’s high, tremulous voice scrambles after it, and Solomon scrambles back to the refuge of the bar.
“Shall we gather at the river, / Where bright angel feet have trod, / With its crystal tide forever? / Flowing by the throne of God?” sings Celeste, so invitingly that the roughnecks stare at her pretty shoes, as if this vision’s feet are those described in the hymn – bright and angelic.
The chorus impending, Ada Tarr’s right hand leaves the keyboard in a commanding gesture that urges the audience to join in the refrain. And they do, at first in a tentative mumble that slowly swells into fervent disharmony. “Yes, we’ll gather at the river, / The beautiful, beautiful river; / Gather with the saints at the river / That floats by the throne of God.” As the last words of the chorus are bellowed, her hand flies up again, then gives a downward chop that axes them into silence as Celeste commences the next verse. Three more times Ada’s hand flashes a trainman’s signal and the chorus rumbles into action like a locomotive, three more times she slashes it down, slamming on the brakes.
Case, like everyone else, sings on cue, but unlike the rest of the audience, he feels irritable, growing increasingly annoyed at Mrs. Tarr’s imperious manipulation of them, at the mildly sardonic twist to the conductor’s lips. Still, despite a vague feeling of hostility, he can’t keep his eyes off her, off that shockingly white, luminous face.
Just like that, “Shall We Gather at the River” ends. A ripple of uncertainty runs through the audience. Is it sacrilegious to applaud a hymn? A few waddies and teamsters begin to clap and whistle, but before the acclaim can secure a toehold, Mrs. Tarr arches her eyebrows at Celeste and they launch into “Come Home, Father.” The lugubrious air proceeds, Little Mary pleading piteously with Father to leave the bar because Brother Benny, lying cradled in Mother’s arms, is deathly ill. But Father, crazed by demon drink, refuses. Back home, Benny expires, the last words on his lips a wish to kiss Papa good night.
When the last line comes, Case can hear a good many demon drinkers in the audience snuffling and clearing their throats. He catches the sound of a stifled sob, disguised as a cough as Ada Tarr bustles her stepdaughter headlong into the next selection. And that is how the evening’s program unrolls, song following song without a pause, “Grandfather’s Clock,” “I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls,” “Oh, Come, Angel Band,” “Brother’s Fainting at the Door.” Celeste delivers them with her eyes fixed on a corner where wall meets ceiling; each is sung with the passionless, mechanical tunefulness of a music box, her body stiff as a pikestaff.
An uncanny, clenched tension builds in the room. Case can sense the men’s struggle to master the sentiment these songs and hymns have stirred up in them. Since they boomed out “Shall We Gather at the River,” they haven’t been able to give vent to their feelings; even the release that a stirring ovation could provide them has been denied. Everything they’ve heard is a catalogue of woe, regret, and loss. Case is certain that the old hymns, the old songs have awakened homesickness: memories of a kitchen in Massachusetts, a stretch of black, muddy field in Ohio, a moor purpled with heather in Scotland, a green pasture spotted with red horses in Kentucky.
And more. Death hovers in all these tunes. Like a man who takes a drink of water and tastes silt when he comes to the bottom of the glass, they feel mortality on their tongues. A dying child, a clock in a parlour stopped by an old man’s last heartbeat, a soldier expiring on the doorstep – not even a lavish sugarcoating of sentimentality can sweeten the bitter taste in their mouths.
Only when the rousing finale comes does the crowd shake off its gloom. It is “Garryowen,” the song that the newspapers have reported the 7th Cavalry marched off to, bound for the Little Bighorn. “Our hearts so stout have got us fame, / For soon ’tis known from whence we came; / Where’er we go they dread the name / Of Garryowen in glory.”
An eruption comes with the first words. An outburst so violent that Miss Celeste flinches; her eyes fall from that distant spot she’s been contemplating and swing to the bellowing mouths. Now is their chance to march against death, to put it on the run with a stirring tune. Trample it under their boots. There is a ruckus of concussive hand clapping, foot stomping. Shot glasses jump on the counter; ceiling lamps rock on their chains, dust puffs up between the floorboards as if the sallow revenants of Custer’s slaughtered men are resurrecting. Miss Celeste’s voice is lost in the roar. Her lips keep silently forming the words as Mrs. Tarr gallops the tempo, beating the keyboard harder and harder, trying to end this wild demonstration by whipping on the song to its finish. Smashing out the last chord, she leaps up from the piano bench, flaps her hands at the audience to drive home the point “Garryowen” is over and done.
But there’s no quelling the riot. A black fireworks of shapeless, battered hats pitches into the air, a deep- throated holler comes as the mob surges forward, heaves up against the backs of the chairs holding Fort Benton’s most eminent citizens. Everyone is shoved and rocked; there is a scramble to get to their feet to avoid being upset on the floor. The Benton ladies are scowling, jerking shawls into place; their husbands tug down coattails and try to look imposing, but can’t quite manage the trick....

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherAtlantic Monthly Press
  • Publication date2012
  • ISBN 10 0802120040
  • ISBN 13 9780802120045
  • BindingHardcover
  • Edition number1
  • Number of pages464
  • Rating
    • 4 out of 5 stars
      1,306 ratings by Goodreads

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Vanderhaeghe, Guy
Published by Atlantic Monthly Press, 2012
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Vanderhaeghe, Guy
Published by Atlantic Monthly Press, 2012
ISBN 10: 0802120040 ISBN 13: 9780802120045
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Vanderhaeghe, Guy
Published by Atlantic Monthly Press, 2012
ISBN 10: 0802120040 ISBN 13: 9780802120045
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Vanderhaeghe, Guy
Published by Atlantic Monthly Press, 2012
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Vanderhaeghe, Guy
Published by Atlantic Monthly Press, 2012
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Vanderhaeghe, Guy
Published by Atlantic Monthly Press, 2012
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Vanderhaeghe, Guy
Published by Atlantic Monthly Press, 2012
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