Items related to Lord of the air (An Aslan book)

Brooke, Tal Lord of the air (An Aslan book) ISBN 13: 9780856480591

Lord of the air (An Aslan book) - Softcover

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9780856480591: Lord of the air (An Aslan book)

This specific ISBN edition is currently not available.


The Currently out-of-print Lord of The Air, is an abridged version of the Indian Bestseller, Avatar of Night, which is to be released in December of 1999. This will be the most complete version ever published, with 180 photographs and graphics.


As Woodstock and the Apollo moon landing lit up the skies of history, Tal Brooke flew to New Delhi, quickly becoming immersed in the vast subcontinent of India as he pursued a radical pilgrimage of consciousness. After quickly exhausting the "Grand Tour" of landmarks popularized by the spiritual tourists of the West, Brooke plunged into wilderness India, and the journey shifted into high gear.

From their first meeting, Brooke was heralded by Sai Baba, India's greatest miracle-working godman, as the inner-circle disciple who, like Oppenheimer at Los Alamos, would help trigger the explosion of India's ancient mystical tradition into the Western world.

Within Baba's enchanted realm, Brooke saw and experienced things that seemed to obliterate all Western conceptions of reality as his journey vectored further into an alien universe. What had appeared as the prized state of godlike enlightenment, which seemed just within reach, became a precipicenot of enlightenmentbut obliteration, even possession. Brooke was becoming a captive soul of an ancient inner transformation, while Baba's outward divinity concealed a timeless, demonic presence.

After two years of surrender to a Being who claimed to be God on earth, something remarkable happened. The end-game of spiritual powers ensnaring one man's soul turned abruptly and miraculously. Poised on the edge of a precipice, Brooke was rescued from above.

With hauntingly vivid images, unexpected humor, and a profound passion for truth, Brooke lays bare the powerful reality of good and evil and of things beyond the familiar realm of the senses, in a book that will not be easily forgotten.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

From the Publisher

This book is coming back into print as Avatar of Night, on sale here at

From the Author

This version of Lord of The Air is the highly abridged International Version released in England. The complete book was published several years later in India by Vikas Publishing in New Delhi, one of India's largest presses. It was first released in India as Sai Baba: Lord of The Air in a 407 page hardback. Then Avatar of Night, the paperback, followed. Both editions were bestsellers in India.

Now the most complete edition of the book ever published has come out in the United States by End Run Publishing. The End Run Edition of Avatar of Night  includes 180 photographs and graphics. It has material never published before from the original 800 page manuscript. It is 404 pages long and is on sale by and recently came out in Amazon's Kindle bookstore (B004QTOF48/).

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherLion Publishing
  • Publication date1976
  • ISBN 10 0856480592
  • ISBN 13 9780856480591
  • BindingPaperback
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Edition number1
  • Number of pages189
  • Rating
    • 3.58 out of 5 stars
      24 ratings by Goodreads

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