Items related to Sam Et Sa Col?re (French Edition)

Sam Et Sa Col?re (French Edition) - Softcover

  • 3.84 out of 5 stars
    286 ratings by Goodreads
9781443138208: Sam Et Sa Col?re (French Edition)

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See below for English description.

Au terrain de jeu, Sam s'impatiente et pique une grosse col?re. Elle prend la forme d'un petit monstre qui ne le l?che plus d'une semelle. Sam se rend vite compte que son nouvel ami lui cr?e beaucoup d'ennuis ? la maison comme ? l'?cole. Parviendra-t-il ? contr?ler ses humeurs et ? se d?barrasser de ce compagnon envahissant?
Sam et sa col?re is a funny take on tantrums and time-outs that will have parents and kids alike rooting for Sam - all while getting a kick out of the pet temper, who really is hard to resist.

One day, Sam is at the playground. It's crowded and he has to wait his turn for everything. Sam gets mad. All of a sudden, something jumps onto the playground. It runs around in circles, shoving, tripping, pinching, stomping. And then the playground is empty - except for Sam... and the THING. Sam has never seen anything like it before, but he knows it is a temper. At first having a pet temper is fun, but soon Sam realizes he is going to have to find a way to control his temper!

Original title: Sam's Pet Temper

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

About the Author

Sangeeta Bhadra vient d'?crire son premier album pour enfants. Elle est tr's enthousiaste ? l'id?e de rendre visite ? ses jeunes lecteurs dans les biblioth?ques, les librairies ou les ?coles. Sangeeta habite ? Brampton, en Ontario.

Marion Arbona est n?e en France. Elle se consacre ? l'illustration et ? la peinture. Elle participe occasionnellement ? des projets de films d'animation. Elle habite ? Montr?al, au Qu?bec.

Sangeeta Bhadra lives in Brampton. Sam's Pet Temper (Sam et sa col?re) is her first book. Sangeeta is very enthusiastic about school and library visits - she remembers these as being a big influence on her own childhood.

Marion Arbona was born in France and now lives in Montreal. She devotes herself to illustration and painting while occasionally working on animation and film projects.

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherScholastic
  • Publication date2014
  • ISBN 10 1443138207
  • ISBN 13 9781443138208
  • BindingPaperback
  • LanguageFrench
  • Number of pages32
  • IllustratorArbona Marion
  • Rating
    • 3.84 out of 5 stars
      286 ratings by Goodreads

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