Biron Coomra, a child created by a biophysicist from Rylaxon and a powerful witch from a distant alien world planet called Earth, has struggled to find his place in a society that shuns difference. As a civil war threatens to tear Rylaxon apart, determined factions struggle to protect what they hold dear. Biron and those viewed as genetically different, through no fault of their own, are deemed a threat to Rylaxon purity. A consortium of Zealots has vowed to rid their society of anyone judged genetically inferior. In Evil Rising, book two of the Children of Enoch series, the fragile peace that holds Rylaxon together is about to crumble. As a cybernetic boy with magical abilities, Biron is targeted for extinction at the hands of these self-proclaimed puritans. An evil entity bent on destroying humanity manipulates a cloning experiment based on Biron's DNA, to create a new race. Gorgos, the first of a bloodthirsty tribe of Vampeer, will stop at nothing to destroy Biron and conquer humanity. The fanged clone joins forces with the Zealots to frame Biron and turn the public against the young crusader. The brutal murder of a beloved religious leader only enflames the passions on both sides. While on the run, the young hero Biron mysteriously loses his magical abilities, and he and his family race for their lives. When unknown forces appear, no one can predict the surprising outcome of their intervention.
"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.
D.C. Claymore has been creating sci-fi fantasy tales since he was about twelve years old. His Children of Enoch series is the product of thirty plus years of his vivid tales and fanciful imaginings. He never expected to become an author. He penned his creations as a tool to encourage his wife, a budding wordsmith and former TV journalist, to write her own stories. Between work as an IT administrator and being the pastor of a small congregation, he is humbled by the writing adventure.
As an author, I'm always interested in feedback from my readers.
Honorable Mention Award winner in the 2016 Los Angeles Book Festival
"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.
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Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. nach der Bestellung gedruckt Neuware - Printed after ordering - Biron Coomra, a child created by a biophysicist from Rylaxon and a powerful witch from a distant alien world planet called Earth, has struggled to find his place in a society that shuns difference. As a civil war threatens to tear Rylaxon apart, determined factions struggle to protect what they hold dear. Biron and those viewed as genetically different, through no fault of their own, are deemed a threat to Rylaxon purity. A consortium of Zealots has vowed to rid their society of anyone judged genetically inferior. In Evil Rising, book two of the Children of Enoch series, the fragile peace that holds Rylaxon together is about to crumble. As a cybernetic boy with magical abilities, Biron is targeted for extinction at the hands of these self-proclaimed puritans. An evil entity bent on destroying humanity manipulates a cloning experiment based on Biron's DNA, to create a new race. Gorgos, the first of a bloodthirsty tribe of Vampeer, will stop at nothing to destroy Biron and conquer humanity. The fanged clone joins forces with the Zealots to frame Biron and turn the public against the young crusader. The brutal murder of a beloved religious leader only enflames the passions on both sides. While on the run, the young hero Biron mysteriously loses his magical abilities, and he and his family race for their lives. When unknown forces appear, no one can predict the surprising outcome of their intervention. Seller Inventory # 9781458218148
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