The story revolves around three fictional characters heading south on the Great Dismal Swamp searching for a safe, future homesite. The leader of the group is Ollie, a wise, spunky young beaver that insists on integrity. Second in command is a brazen coyote named Bud. His scruples are at times questionable, often conflicting with Ollie's. But when an issue arises, Ollie maintains control. The last of the leaders is a former general for the Florida Alligator Homeland Security. The alligator, named Hector, challenges Ollie and Bud to a duel. Hector loses the battle, but Ollie calmly saves his life. There will normally be three short stories included with each book. This book, book 1, will contain three short stories. The first begins with General Hector; the second subbook will involve a huge sixteen-feet python named Thunder. The third and last subbook will describe the rescue of an enormous boar named Papa Boar. Papa, weighing close to six hundred pounds, had become mired in swamp mud. Ollie, with assistance from the local alligators, conjures up a successful rescue plan, freeing the boar from drowning. Future stories include the discovery of a space vehicle and the containment of a large ocean oil release.
"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.
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PAP. Condition: New. New Book. Delivered from our UK warehouse in 4 to 14 business days. THIS BOOK IS PRINTED ON DEMAND. Established seller since 2000. Seller Inventory # L0-9781490722474
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Paperback. Condition: New. This item is printed on demand. New copy - Usually dispatched within 5-9 working days 118. Seller Inventory # C9781490722474
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PF. Condition: New. Seller Inventory # 6666-IUK-9781490722474
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Seller: AHA-BUCH GmbH, Einbeck, Germany
Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. nach der Bestellung gedruckt Neuware - Printed after ordering - The story revolves around three fictional characters heading south on the Great Dismal Swamp searching for a safe, future homesite. The leader of the group is Ollie, a wise, spunky young beaver that insists on integrity. Second in command is a brazen coyote named Bud. His scruples are at times questionable, often conflicting with Ollie's. But when an issue arises, Ollie maintains control. The last of the leaders is a former general for the Florida Alligator Homeland Security. The alligator, named Hector, challenges Ollie and Bud to a duel. Hector loses the battle, but Ollie calmly saves his life. There will normally be three short stories included with each book. This book, book 1, will contain three short stories. The first begins with General Hector; the second subbook will involve a huge sixteen-feet python named Thunder. The third and last subbook will describe the rescue of an enormous boar named Papa Boar. Papa, weighing close to six hundred pounds, had become mired in swamp mud. Ollie, with assistance from the local alligators, conjures up a successful rescue plan, freeing the boar from drowning. Future stories include the discovery of a space vehicle and the containment of a large ocean oil release. Seller Inventory # 9781490722474
Quantity: 1 available
Seller: moluna, Greven, Germany
Kartoniert / Broschiert. Condition: New. Dieser Artikel ist ein Print on Demand Artikel und wird nach Ihrer Bestellung fuer Sie gedruckt. KlappentextrnrnThe story revolves around three fictional characters heading south on the Great Dismal Swamp searching for a safe, future homesite. The leader of the group is Ollie, a wise, spunky young beaver that insists on integrity. Second in. Seller Inventory # 447931884
Quantity: Over 20 available