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39 ESL Warm-Ups: For Teenagers and Adults - Softcover

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9781515292265: 39 ESL Warm-Ups: For Teenagers and Adults

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It's a reality that many of your students will not have spoken English or even given it a single thought since you last saw them. By beginning your lesson with a warm-up activity, you are easing them back into using English, orienting them to the upcoming lesson and focusing them on the work ahead. Warm-ups are not a waste of time! They can make a valuable addition to your ESL or EFL classes.Jackie Bolen and Jennifer Booker Smith have 20+ years of experience in ESL classrooms and they've teamed up to bring your their 39 favourite ESL warm-ups for teenagers and adults.Get your class started off on the right foot. Buy the book now!

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About the Author

It all began back on that fateful day in 2003 when I got on the plane to come to Korea. Since then, I've moved up in the world from a hagwon, to a university in the rice paddies and now I live in the big city with the beautiful beaches, Busan where I teach at a major university. I've paid off all my debts, saved up lots of money, and invested in the stock market after the crash of 2009 such that I'm on my way to becoming a millionaire. All that to say, I am well-qualified to offer advice about getting a university job in Korea, personal finance for ESL teachers, or anything related to ESL games and activities.

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9781393390398: 39 ESL Warm-Ups: For Teenagers and Adults

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ISBN 10:  1393390390 ISBN 13:  9781393390398
Publisher: Jackie Bolen