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Gems of the Seven Color Rays: A Comprehensive Guide to Healing with Gems - Softcover

9781567186857: Gems of the Seven Color Rays: A Comprehensive Guide to Healing with Gems


Have you always wondered if precious and semiprecious stones held power besides their natural lustre and beauty?  Well, as it turns out, gemstones are powerful, compact carriers of vibrational energy. Gems of the 7 Color Rays by William C. Stuber presents a simple, step-by-step guide to creating profound and lasting changes in your life by working with gemstones.

Gems of the 7 Color Rays makes identifying gemstones a snap! The gems in the book are organized by color. You can look up orange gemstones, for example, and discover that carnelian and orange calcite are this color. How do they differ? What do they look like? You'll see the difference with the help of the forty-five clear, full-color photos in this book.

You'll also need to know what you can do with the gems of each color. This is fully explained in Gems of the 7 Color Rays. You'll learn how to:

- Identify your own primary color ray
- Release blocked energy patterns
- Use the healing properties of fifty-eight gems
- Gain strength and courage with ruby
- Use citrine to encourage self-acceptance and allow yourself to change
- Clear negative thought patterns with the help of blue sapphire
- Use indigo sodalite to access areas of the mind not previously used and develop latent psychic abilities.

Gems of the 7 Color Rays is a practical book. It gives explicit instructions on how to work with the stones for the best healing results. For example, depression can be overcome by using yellow beryl. Stuber explains, "A single stone produces the best it for no more than fifteen minutes at a time until there have been at least a dozen exposures." How this process works, possible side effects, and how to overcome those effects are all explained.

If you want to heal with gems, Gems of the 7 Color Rays is the book for you!

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

About the Author

William C Stuber (Washington) has designed and facilitated workshops and classes on gemstones and weekend retreats on healing with gemstones. He performs diamond and gemstone therapy on individuals and health professionals seeking to achieve breakthroughs. He has worked with a team of specialists to develop his color-ray energy healing techniques, and he travels extensively to present his work.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

I shall endeavor to describe our primary model, which is based on the premise that all matter is made up of energy, and as such can be transformed. This energy is the basic building block of the physical universe and can be differentiated according to its vibration. It can be seen by some as colors in an aura around the body and can be photographed by Kirlian photography, while others can hear this energy or feel it. Our physical, emotional, causal, and mental bodies can be equated to sheaths worn by soul so that it might have protection from the coarse energies of this multidimensional world. These sheaths are not us, but protect us and are the mechanisms by which we come to know and experience our world. We are, in fact, soul. As soul, we can perceive, learn, and know. We can gain experience in this world through the use of our bodies and the various tools life has provided for us.

All energy can be divided into spectrums. Some are visible, some are audible, others are tangible, and yet others are known to us only through their effects or through instruments that document their effects. In other words, we know these different spectrums by direct experience, using the senses and capabilities of the physical and other bodies.

The energies we are primarily concerned with here are in the visible and audible spectrums. All light energy can be divided into one of the eight color rays. These can be seen as the seven rainbow colors, or as white if comprised of all seven colors equally. The rate of vibration of any energy determines which color ray it is identified with (i.e., blue, red, or green) on the physical plane. Likewise, color-ray energy exists on other levels as well. Each spectrum of visible energy on each level can be divided into these color rays. Thus, the blue color ray is manifest in physical matter, physical light, astral matter, astral light, causal matter, causal light, and so forth.

Matter, whether visible or invisible, is made up of energy. This energy is stored in the form of atoms and molecules. All atoms and molecules are made of energies, which can be described as combinations of the different vibrational energies that can be affected by color-ray energy. Matter is formed in our bodies according to the  blueprints we hold in our cells, organs, bones, and other body systems. All our physical abilities, including the ability to assimilate nutrients, discharge waste, grow, develop, and do all the other functions we perform as physical beings, are the result of the application of these energies. How well we perform these tasks is determined by our blueprints.

As emotional beings we have a sheath made of emotional energies. This sheath is carried around with us and occupies the same space as our physical sheath. This emotional sheath is made from astral blueprints and has a form different from the physical in some respects. Emotional blueprints determine how we react emotionally to stimuli of all kinds-physical, mental, and causal. Further, our minds are also present in the form of a sheath. While it is true that we have a brain that receives our sensory data, the actual mental processes take place within our mental sheaths.

They are the result of the movement and storage of color-ray energies on the mental level, just as the causes for the patterns of behavior we employ are stored in our causal sheath and when employed, are made up of causal level color-ray energies.

In other words, we are actually living in several sheaths. Each of these performs a different set of functions-functions that we are quite familiar with. We just aren't aware of how it all works. Once we use gemstones as described in this book to experience how this works, we will be able to create new abilities and generate all kinds of new results in our lives. Though at this time you may find it hard to believe, you can become so capable that you are limited only by your imagination.

At first this information may be difficult to visualize on the physical level and may be almost impossible to understand on the causal or mental levels. Understanding the functions of different sheaths is not critical to the use of gemstones. You need understand the differences between levels only gradually as you begin to be introduced to the different stones and how they work. Through the use of the stones you will become familiar with blueprints and their constituent color rays. Also, you will come to understand the sheaths and be able to identify them separately with the continued use of vibrational tools such as gemstones.

You already do understand something about energy. After all, every time you listen to music you hear energy. Every time you see a painting you experience color rays. Every time you use your sense of touch you feel vibrations. You need to understand how to more accurately identify what is happening and put this understanding into your own language. This new language will allow you to begin to identify the actual process that goes on within you to create thoughts, behaviors, emotions, and physical action. You can learn to understand how these processes work and to alter them for your benefit. Be reassured: this learning is safe, fun, and exciting. It may be spiritual. It is in alignment with the instruction in the Bible "Know thyself, that ye may someday know Me."

I will not instruct you to use these tools for any purpose other than to know yourself, so that you may purify yourself. After all, the body you inhabit is like a temple if you make it so.

You can learn to understand feelings. When you experience an emotion, you react not to what is happening outside, but to the energy that is present in the emotional sheath as it filters through this sheath in the form of energy vibrations. Your very thoughts are packets of energy stored in the mind. So, do not let this new language fool you. You are being asked only to divide the activities going on in these different sheaths into their constituent parts so that we can distinguish the steps in the process. You can become conscious of these distinctions by using gemstones.

The reason to develop the understanding of blueprints and the way they govern our use of energy is to gain control of this mechanism. Imagine if you can that you are a person who gets a headache every time you see your mother-in-law and spend more than five minutes with her. Now imagine that there is a specific mental process going on within your mental sheath in reaction to this stimulus. Each time you see this person, you initiate this process. The result is a headache. Suppose you could actually visualize this process. See exactly how it happens. Suppose you could modify the process so that every time you spent time with your mother-in-law you felt truly inspired and energized. Gemstones can teach you how to do this.

This is not magic-it is the act of gaining control over the processes already constantly going on inside you. Gemstones will help highlight these processes and even slow them down so that you can actually begin to understand what is happening, step by step. That's right-you can learn why life seems to repeat itself. You can gain control of the dials and valves that direct your life. It is your ship, learn the ways of the ocean and the stars, and you will never be lost or without hope.

Introduction to our Primary Colors
Characteristics of the different color-ray personalities may vary. Few people will have all or most of the following characteristics as listed under their color ray. This is primarily due to the fact that few individuals are in touch with their true natures. Once a person works with the gemstones and focuses on removing inner blockages to clear energy flow, they will discover their fundamental nature and begin to recognize the qualities of color-ray energy in themselves and other people such that they will become able to identify another's primary color ray as well as their own. With this in mind, read these descriptions and see if you can read the primary color ray of your friends. Let your decision as to your primary color ray wait until you have tried the exercises in this book.

Red-ray individuals are persuasive and self-assured. They can be the life of the party and often are quite content to challenge the group. They make great leaders and lovers. Inner strength can give red-ray people the edge where courage is required. They may be relied on to carry the day when they believe in their work. They enjoy being noticed but are also quite content to be on their own. They make good athletes and coaches. They can inspire others with their strong beliefs. They usually have strong opinions and can have trouble seeing others' points of view. Anger could be a problem as they try to connect with others, but have difficulty understanding another's process. Red-ray people who have learned patience can be very strong and grace all with their heartfelt beliefs. It is heart that will bring a red-ray person from persuasion to true inner strength. Where compassion enters the heart, simple passion turns into devotion. Disappointment with others will turn to acceptance.

Orange-ray people are spontaneous and lively. They are often the first in a group to decide their course in any given circumstance, and can influence others with their enthusiasm. They like to meet challenges and make good salespeople or travel agents. They are often outgoing, but may enjoy their own world of joyful fantasy when not encouraged by life or family. Their ability to step off into the unknown may make them popular in some circles, however risk-taking may not always be their best solution. Orange-ray people can be very genuine and can also be willful or self-absorbed if they do not learn how to relate to others. Those who can practice discrimination and go with the flow will be natural seers or mystics. Unlike the indigo person, their idea of mysticism is more a form of direct knowing. Orange-ray people can be quite amazing in their candor particularly when explaining their purposes. To excel, they must learn the difference between their latest idea and a well-founded decision based on the commitment that comes from the ability to see the big picture in the light of love.

Yellow-ray people are always busy. They like to be involved with setting goals and making plans. They are good at seeing the potential of situations and make good consultants. They can be trusted and will lend credibility to whomever they befriend. Seeing the future, they make good explorers, though they will often choose roles that call more on their ability to communicate as an equal. They like to get to completion with projects and are unhappy in circumstances or relationships that stagnate. If yellow-ray people can avoid the pitfalls of pride or alienation and learn to use their creativity with gratitude and focus they may become the most inspiring poets or artists. Much of what the finest artists do involves paring down the elements of their art until they have an expression that is so simple, so elegant, so fine that the world recognizes itself in the art. Yellow-ray people must learn the art of eliminating the unnecessary to reveal the essential. To overcome the apparent wall of meaninglessness, the yellow-ray person must cut to the essential. Sometimes silent, these outgoing people love excitement.

Green-ray people are comfortable with themselves. When well grounded and harmonious, their environment will become an extension of their character. They make excellent healers and are often able to see the cause for other peoples' physical conditions. Unlike most artists, they relate to others through their connection with the whole. They can often help others to find the most satisfying activities or careers. They make good counselors because they can understand and relate to introverts as well as extroverts. If a green-ray person can learn to overcome the natural drive to control life and learn generosity, they can achieve a deep serenity and emulate inner peace. Service is the key. Self-indulgence is their undoing. If a green-ray person finds their mission in life, they can inspire even the most reserved opponents with their commitment.

Blue-ray people can be very intelligent. They usually relate to others by sharing their concepts. They are good at understanding patterns and are usually well organized. They make good engineers and designers. They are usually precise and can see distinctions between similar ideas easily. They are always interested in cataloging their experiences and are mentally well structured. Often dispassionate or aloof, they can still make great teachers if they can overcome vanity and learn humility and receptivity. A self-realized blue-ray person is truly a blessing, for they are capable of true charity and compassion when devoted to a larger cause than their own. Truth and wisdom are their beacons and should never be compromised. When they can be true to themselves, no obstacle will be too great for the blue-ray person to move beyond. They see their course but must not forget to look up.

Indigo-ray people are intuitive. They can figure out what is missing or give clues to help resolve unsolvable problems. Look to the indigo person to have thought out all the angles from which to approach a problem in a simple, elegant way. They manipulate energy well. They speak in terms of correlation and metaphor when relating to others. They would do well as scientists or writers and are often found in contemplation and like to develop an overview from a private perspective. They may protect their fears as they have some difficulty trusting others or believing others can understand them. Their thoughts can run deep, though they may talk about superficial things to avoid conflict. An indigo-ray person must avoid their fears. It may not be easy for an indigo-ray person to know that fear is at work when they insulate themselves using rationalization. Simplifying their truth will set them free. If they can learn to motivate themselves, the future may hold great promise for their inventions and they can excel in structural engineering with surprising insight and creativity. They can make things work like no one has before.

Violet-ray people who have found their own values are wise. They take their time, get to know people gradually, and are often loyal. They like to work with symbols and make good psychologists or mathematicians. They also tend to stay in positions for the long haul and become managers or owners of real estate or other stable businesses. They will always choose their circumstances carefully and are tolerant and patient when life is well stabilized. When they find their center, violet-ray people can be charming, even charismatic. When they have found an inner sense of joy, they can weather any storm. If they can learn detachment from their own strong symbols and ideals, a deep joy and freedom can be developed. Only through detachment will violet-ray people find a wholeness or a feeling of being at home within themselves. They must learn balance and develop integrity before they can allow anyone else what is necessary for growth, otherwise they may continually fight or rebel, cutting all ties or trying to win with control rather than love.

The ...

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherLlewellyn Publications
  • Publication date2003
  • ISBN 10 1567186858
  • ISBN 13 9781567186857
  • BindingPaperback
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Edition number1
  • Number of pages480
  • Rating

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William C. Stuber
Published by Llewellyn Publications, 2003
ISBN 10: 1567186858 ISBN 13: 9781567186857
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William C. Stuber
Published by Llewellyn Publications, 2003
ISBN 10: 1567186858 ISBN 13: 9781567186857
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William C. Stuber
Published by Llewellyn Publications, 2003
ISBN 10: 1567186858 ISBN 13: 9781567186857
Used Softcover

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Condition: Acceptable. An acceptable and readable copy. All pages are intact, and the spine and cover are also intact. This item may have light highlighting, writing or underlining through out the book, curled corners, missing dust jacket and or stickers. Seller Inventory # 467IJT005CNB

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William C. Stuber
Published by Llewellyn Publications, 2003
ISBN 10: 1567186858 ISBN 13: 9781567186857
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Paperback. Condition: Very Good. Connecting readers with great books since 1972! Used books may not include companion materials, and may have some shelf wear or limited writing. We ship orders daily and Customer Service is our top priority!. Seller Inventory # S_418376947

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Stuber, William C.; Stuber
Published by Llewellyn Publications, 2003
ISBN 10: 1567186858 ISBN 13: 9781567186857
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Paperback. Condition: Good. No Jacket. Pages can have notes/highlighting. Spine may show signs of wear. ~ ThriftBooks: Read More, Spend Less 1.84. Seller Inventory # G1567186858I3N00

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Stuber, William C.; Stuber
Published by Llewellyn Publications, 2003
ISBN 10: 1567186858 ISBN 13: 9781567186857
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Stuber, William C.; Stuber
Published by Llewellyn Publications, 2003
ISBN 10: 1567186858 ISBN 13: 9781567186857
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Seller: ThriftBooks-Atlanta, AUSTELL, GA, U.S.A.

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Paperback. Condition: Good. No Jacket. Pages can have notes/highlighting. Spine may show signs of wear. ~ ThriftBooks: Read More, Spend Less 1.84. Seller Inventory # G1567186858I3N00

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Stuber, William C.; Stuber
Published by Llewellyn Publications, 2003
ISBN 10: 1567186858 ISBN 13: 9781567186857
Used Paperback

Seller: ThriftBooks-Dallas, Dallas, TX, U.S.A.

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Paperback. Condition: Good. No Jacket. Pages can have notes/highlighting. Spine may show signs of wear. ~ ThriftBooks: Read More, Spend Less 1.84. Seller Inventory # G1567186858I3N00

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Stuber, William C.
Published by Llewellyn Publications, 2000
ISBN 10: 1567186858 ISBN 13: 9781567186857
Used Softcover First Edition

Seller: Better World Books, Mishawaka, IN, U.S.A.

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Condition: Good. 1st. Used book that is in clean, average condition without any missing pages. Seller Inventory # 10493414-6

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William C. Stuber
Published by Llewellyn Publications, 2003
ISBN 10: 1567186858 ISBN 13: 9781567186857
Used Softcover

Seller: Book Deals, Tucson, AZ, U.S.A.

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Condition: Good. Good condition. This is the average used book, that has all pages or leaves present, but may include writing. Book may be ex-library with stamps and stickers. 1.92. Seller Inventory # 353-1567186858-gdd

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