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Tone Your Tummy Type: Flatten Your Belly and Shrink Your Waist in 4 Weeks - Hardcover

9781594864728: Tone Your Tummy Type: Flatten Your Belly and Shrink Your Waist in 4 Weeks
In this breakthrough target-toning book, America's favorite fitness expert identifies the five types of belly bulge and reveals methods to flatten each-with combination moves proven to be three times more effective than other exercise programs

All belly bulge is not created equal! Women gain abdominal fat for five very different reasons. To effectively shrink belly fat, a woman must first distinguish her individual Tummy Type and then do the exercises that work for that type. Drawing on the latest scientific studies about abdominal fat, best-selling author and fitness guru Denise Austin now gives women the weapons they need to win the war against even the most stubborn belly fat.

With the remarkable motivational gifts that have made her top-rated Lifetime fitness shows Fit & Lite and The Daily Workout so enormously popular, Denise Austin lays out her cutting-edge diet, fitness, and lifestyle program for tummy flattening. The book features:

- the Tummy Typing Quiz that helps women identify their predominant fat type

- exercises for each Tummy Type that have been proven to result in three times as much fat loss as traditional programs

- the Core Diet, a 4-week weight-loss plan complete with recipes and shopping lists

- inspiring success stories with before-and-after photographs

Women of all ages at all stages of life will find the right program for themselves in these pages-and there's even a bonus chapter for men!

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

About the Author:
DENISE AUSTIN is the author of nine previous fitness books, the last four of which have sold collectively more than 650,000 copies. Sales of her numerous exercise videos and DVDs are now approaching 20 million copies. Her column "Body Work by Denise Austin" appears monthly in Prevention magazine. She resides in Alexandria, Virginia.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.:

To Shed Tummy Fat for Good,

You Must Zero In on Your Unique Tummy Type

Welcome to the Tone Your Tummy Type program! This tummy-slimming plan addresses the number one question people ask me wherever I go: "How do I flatten my tummy?" Well, throughout the pages of this book, you will discover the revolutionary answer to that question. And I'm very proud of you for taking a giant first step toward a healthier body.

It doesn't matter how stubbornly fat seems to cling to your midsection. It doesn't matter how hard or long you've tried to shrink that fat and tone that tummy. No matter how out of shape or in shape, no matter your age or your unique genetics, no matter whether you are struggling to get back in shape after having a baby or trying to halt middle-aged abdominal spread, this plan works. This plan will finally--once and for all--help you to slim down and tighten up your number one trouble spot.

A flat tummy gives you a sense of freedom. You don't have to cover up, wearing big shirts or elastic-waist pants to disguise it--you're free to wear belts, tuck in your blouse, wear cute form-fitting tops, maybe even sport a bikini again! You have more energy and confidence and less back pain or breathlessness, and you don't have any of those embarrassing rolls when you sit down. Most important, a flat tummy signals that you've minimized the very serious health risks that are associated with extra abdominal fat. When you lose belly fat, you reduce your risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and many other life-threatening conditions. That power to feel healthy and strong and sexy and alive is what I want for you, and that is why I've created this plan.

Why am I so confident that the Tone Your Tummy Type program will finally enable you to successfully slim down and firm up? I know because this plan is based on many years of research--research completed at prestigious institutions across the country and even around the world. You see, over the years, medical researchers have put a lot of time and energy into finding a cure for abdominal fat gain. They've conducted thousands of studies in many different laboratory settings, looking at how various foods, supplements, exercise routines, and lifestyle habits affected abdominal fat levels in both animals and humans.

This book--for the first time--addresses the little-known fact that not all belly flab is created equal. There are five unique and distinct reasons why women gain abdominal fat. The program combines these startling study results and new thinking and assembles them into a comprehensive, effective, and realistic program that works, simply and effectively, for every body type.

When I designed this plan, I made sure to focus only on realistic tummy- slimming strategies. That's one of the reasons why I'm so confident this plan will work for you, no matter your history with fitness and weight gain or loss. With this plan, you will lose several inches around your middle in just 2 weeks!

I'm willing to bet that you're busy. Whether you're a stay-at-home mom, a working mom, a single-career woman, or even a retiree, you probably don't have a lot of spare time on your hands. You need something that works, works fast, and works without a lot of fuss on your part. That's what the Tone Your Tummy Type program is all about. You'll find a healthy eating plan to help you lose weight, exercises to flatten your tummy and shrink your waistline, and a comprehensive plan that really works! The recipes not only include the most effective tummy-firming ingredients but also taste delicious and are quick and simple to make. Also key, you'll find that the most picky of young eaters in your household will love them. The fitness plan includes beginner options and requires very little equipment, so you can do it at home, at your convenience, and fit it in your schedule.

If you've battled tummy fat for many years, then you've probably read and heard about numerous so-called proven ways to shrink your middle. You might even feel overwhelmed by it all. Unlike other tummy-slimming plans, the Tone Your Tummy Type program zeros in on the specific reasons why you tend to store excess fat in your abdomen. Increasing your fiber, upping your exercise time, doing more crunches, cutting back on saturated fat, quitting smoking, giving up alcohol, meditating, and much more can all work--for some people but not for others.

You see, although many women and men rank their tummy as their number one trouble spot, few women and men gain tummy fat for the same reasons. Once you discover the unique reasons why you tend to gain fat in your tummy, you can take effective action to trim down quickly, effectively, and for good.

During the next 4 weeks, you will embark on an invigorating yet very simple program--designed specifically for your tummy type--that will help you to shrink tummy fat and firm up your entire midsection. You'll trim inches from your waist but also zap that annoying back fat and those bewildering love handles (just where did they come from?). And, as a bonus, your entire body will feel firmer--your legs will have less jiggle, your buns will feel higher and tighter, and your arms will stop flapping when you wave. After you reach your weight-loss goal, you'll look leaner and longer--even more exciting, you'll feel fantastic. You'll finally be able to zip up your jeans with ease. You'll not only feel more comfortable in all of your "skinny" clothes, you may even find yourself going out and buying new outfits you never before would have considered--just to show off your amazing tummy!

Most important, however, you'll live longer and better. Shrinking abdominal fat and toning your midsection will reduce your risk of just about every disease you can think of. You'll sleep more soundly at night, feel happier, and start living the life you know you deserve. Sounds good, huh? No time to waste--let's get started so you can start feeling great today!

The Tone Your Tummy Type program is a two-phase plan. Phase 1--what I call the tummy-trimming Jump-Start Phase--lasts 2 weeks. During this phase of the plan, you can expect dramatic results. In a test group of roughly 20 people who tried the plan before it went to press, several participants lost 5, 7, or even 10 £ds during this phase. These women shrunk many inches off their waistlines (and their thighs and hips) in just 2 weeks. All the while, they raved about their increased energy levels. Almost immediately, they stopped having cravings. And they stuck with the meal plan effortlessly--some even said the plans called for too much food!



TUMMY TYPE: After Baby

AGE: 41

HOMETOWN: Lisle, Illinois

RESULTS: Lost 15 £ds and 5 inches from her waist and tummy area in 4 weeks

LIFE-CHANGING EXPERIENCE: Feels stronger, both mentally and physically

Jimmy Carter once said, "My faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I am, whenever I can, for as long as I can with whatever I have to try to make a difference."

My weight--particularly, my tummy--had gotten out of control, and it was time for me to follow former President Carter's motto and do whatever I could to make a difference.

I also recently had a bout with cancer, and I wanted to make sure my body would be prepared to fight in case disease should strike again. Denise Austin's Tone Your Tummy Type program gave me the tools and motivation I needed to get started.

I think the bulk of my tummy problems came from my three C-sections. I had three big babies--11 £ds, 12 ounces; 11 £ds, 7 ounces; and 8 £ds, 8 ounces (my peanut). The stretching from the pregnancies, combined with the injury from the C-sections, made it very difficult for me to regain a flat tummy.

But the real start of my weight battle began long before I became pregnant, when I got married and moved away from my family to attend college with my spouse. It was a bad relationship that went on for 17 years. Without my family to lean on, I used food for support. I was raised in a family where food was always a key player in family gatherings, so it was the first thing I turned to for comfort. Luckily, I turned my life around--I got divorced and lost 100 £ds.

But old habits die hard. . . .

During my second marriage, I started to slip back into my previous bad eating habits; as in many families, there were lots of outings that centered on food. Then, after my third pregnancy, I went back to work full- time. The combination of the food outings and the more sedentary lifestyle led me to gain back 60 £ds of what I had lost. Being fat made me feel miserable, especially when I had to shop for clothes.

So needless to say, I had to do something. The Tone Your Tummy Type program came along at the perfect time. My motivation for starting the program was certainly not to win beauty contests but to be able to buy clothes easily and to be healthy for myself and my children.

The Tone Your Tummy Type program has definitely given me the jump-start I needed to shrink my tummy. First, I now realize how much I really was eating in the past--my portion sizes were way too big! I guess when I was young and really active, it didn't matter. But now that I'm older, I don't have a choice. In order to keep my weight and my tummy under control, I have to eat less. Period. Denise's Tone Your Tummy Type program has made me constantly conscious of how much I eat at home, at restaurants, and at family gatherings. I am forever going to eat half of what I used to consume.

In addition, the Tone Your Tummy Type program has taught me to appreciate new foods. I have changed over to soy butter products and olive oil for cooking, and I have a new love of yogurt, particularly the Stonyfield brand. I add yogurt to the shakes and smoothies I make for myself and my children.

I also truly enjoy the recipes in the plan. I particularly love the breakfasts out! I prefer to eat out at breakfast time. I find it satisfying and less expensive, and, by eating in the morning, I feel like I'm working off more calories throughout the day.

My favorite recipes include the Pinto Bean Bowl and the Bean Dip. They are fantastic!

The exercises in the Tone Your Tummy Type program are both effective and easy to do. I know that with my body type and metabolism, I have to move to lose weight, so an exercise program that fits well into my lifestyle and schedule is important.

Overall, the fabulous results I've seen so far on this program have made me feel more successful as a person. People have already noticed my weight loss. The other day, when I was heading out to exercise, my husband asked how much weight I have lost. When I told him, he said it looked like much more than that--so obviously, the £ds are coming off in all the right places! Seeing the weight come off and knowing I will lose more in the future feels wonderful. I am stronger, mentally and physically.

Thanks, Denise!

Once you've completed phase 1, you'll move on to phase 2--what I call the tummy-tightening Keep-On-Losing Phase. You'll be able to eat even more food and get into a rhythm with your exercise that will help your body continue to shed up to 2 £ds a week. You'll need only 2 weeks to see results and 4 weeks to complete the Tone Your Tummy Type program. If you'd like to keep losing, I'll give you tips on how to tweak and modify the plan so you can stay on it and continue shedding £ds and inches. Once you've reached your goal, I'll help you maintain your amazing body, for good.


Okay, I'll admit it: For most of my life, I've been a bit lucky when it comes to my tummy. Throughout the years, I've tended to gain weight in my thighs but not in my tummy. Consequently, during much of my career, I've had firm abs and have even been known to lift up my shirt and dare television hosts and others to "feel my tummy"!

Even after the births of my daughters during my thirties, I was able to quickly firm up my abs. In fact, I was filming videos and my television show just 6 weeks after giving birth to each of my baby girls! My tummy, of course, wasn't rock hard just 6 weeks postpartum. It was still a little poochy and thick around the middle, but flat enough that the softness didn't show up on TV. By about 6 months after giving birth to my first and 9 months after giving birth to my second daughter, my tummy had bounced back to its former flat and firm self.

But then, in my midforties, things began to change. It seemed as if little culinary indiscretions--the small bites of macaroni and cheese I sneaked off my daughters' plates or the sweets I allowed myself in the afternoon-- seemed to settle below my belly button. If I slacked off on my abdominal exercise, my tummy seemed to instantly become poochy and soft.

I knew what could happen if I allowed this trend to continue. I'd seen it firsthand. The women in my family have a tendency toward gaining tummy fat, especially after menopause. I wasn't about to let this happen. As someone whose business it is to know all about fitness, I am well aware of the dangers of abdominal fat and the health risks associated with allowing it to accumulate. At the same time, I didn't want to give up eating the foods I loved. I didn't want to exercise even harder and longer than I already was. It just didn't seem possible. It didn't seem fair. "There must be a better way," I thought.

To find a better way, I began talking to the country's top doctors and experts, researching the medical literature, and experimenting with new and unique fitness routines that target the tummy in innovative ways.

I know that there is just one way to lose weight: Eat less and exercise more. This tried-and-true formula has kept me and many of my fans fit for more than 25 years. Yet, I learned that while exercise and healthful eating certainly form the foundation of every good tummy-trimming plan, this foundation should be built slightly differently depending on the source of the problem.

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherRodale Books
  • Publication date2006
  • ISBN 10 1594864721
  • ISBN 13 9781594864728
  • BindingHardcover
  • Edition number1
  • Number of pages304
  • Rating

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Austin, Denise
Published by Rodale Books (2006)
ISBN 10: 1594864721 ISBN 13: 9781594864728
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Austin, Denise
Published by Rodale Books (2006)
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Austin, Denise
Published by Rodale Books (2006)
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Austin, Denise
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Austin, Denise
Published by Rodale Books (2006)
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