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The Ghost And the Dead Deb - Softcover

  • 3.92 out of 5 stars
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9781597221566: The Ghost And the Dead Deb


Bookshop owner Penelope Thornton-McClure wants her resident sleuth-ghost, Jack, to stop haunting her customers. But when a pretty author is murdered, Jack can't rest in peace.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

About the Author

Cleo Coyle is a pseudonym for Alice Alfonsi, writing in collaboration with her husband, Marc Cerasini. Both are New York Times bestselling authors of the Coffeehouse Mysteries--now celebrating fifteen years in print and three starred reviews. They also write the nationally bestselling Haunted Bookshop Mysteries (originally published under their pen name Alice Kimberly): The Ghost and Mrs. McClure, The Ghost and the Dead Deb, The Ghost and the Dead Man's Library, The Ghost and the Femme Fatale, The Ghost and the Haunted Mansion and now, after a hiatus of nearly ten years, The Ghost and the Bogus Bestseller. Alice has worked as a journalist in Washington, DC, and New York, and has written popular fiction for adults and children. A former magazine editor, Marc has authored espionage thrillers and nonfiction for adults and children. Alice and Marc are also bestselling media tie-in writers who have penned properties for Lucasfilm, NBC, Fox, Disney, Imagine, Marvel, and MGM. They live and work in New York City, where they write independently and together.
To learn more about Cleo Coyle's Haunted Bookshop Mysteries, visit To learn more about Cleo's Coffeehouse Mysteries visit where you can keep in touch by signing up for a free E-Newsletter.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page




CHAPTER 1 - The Princess Ball

CHAPTER 2 - Dying for Applause

CHAPTER 3 - Accuse Me?

CHAPTER 4 - Guilty Pleasure

CHAPTER 5 - Hit and Run

CHAPTER 6 - In Jack’s Case

CHAPTER 7 - Morning News

CHAPTER 8 - Miss Placed

CHAPTER 9 - And Then There Were Three

CHAPTER 10 - No Clue

CHAPTER 11 - Grisly Discovery

CHAPTER 12 - Fall Guy or Felon?

CHAPTER 13 - Lady in the Lake

CHAPTER 14 - The Little Sister

CHAPTER 15 - Guesswork

CHAPTER 16 - Mystery Man

CHAPTER 17 - Kangaroo Court

CHAPTER 18 - And the Verdict Is . . .

CHAPTER 19 - Dark Discovery

CHAPTER 20 - The Getaway

CHAPTER 21 - P.I. School

CHAPTER 22 - Casing the Joint

CHAPTER 23 - Angels and Demons

CHAPTER 24 - Judgment Day



Don’t Miss the Next Haunted Bookshop Mystery

Praise for Alice Kimberly’s first Haunted Bookshop Mystery

The Ghost and Mrs. McClure

“Part cozy and part hard-boiled detective novel with traces of the supernatural, The Ghost and Mrs. McClure is just a lot of fun.”—The Mystery Reader


“[The] enigmatic townspeople come alive in this quirky mystery, and readers will eagerly anticipate future installments—and the continuing easy banter and romantic tension between Jack and Penelope.”—Romantic Times


“A charming, funny and quirky mystery starring a suppressed widow and a stimulating ghost who is attracted to her even though they can only meet in her dreams. He is hard-boiled in the tradition of Phillip Marlowe, and she is a genteel Miss Marple; yet the two opposites make an explosive combination. Alice Kimberly definitely has a hit series if the first book is anything to go by.”

Midwest Book Review


“A deliciously charming mystery with a haunting twist!”

—Laura Childs, author of The English Breakfast Murder


“This is such a well-written cozy . . . a fabulous first mystery. I highly recommend this book! You won’t want to put it down.”—I Love a Mystery


“Ms. Kimberly has penned a unique premise and cast of characters to hook us on her first of a series.”



“What a delightful new mystery series! I was hooked from the start. . . . I adored the ghost of Jack. . . . Pairing him with the disbelieving Penelope is a brilliant touch.”

Roundtable Reviews

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Sincerest thanks to literary agent John Talbot
and Senior Editor Christine Zika for their valued support—
an intangible yet invaluable commodity
in making ghosts come to life . . .
and making this sort of living.

Thanks also to Kimberly Lionetti
for the all-important start.

And very special thanks to
Major John J. Leyden, Jr. (Ret.),
former field operations officer, Rhode Island State Police,
and Corporal Michelle Kershaw,
detective bureau, Rhode Island State Police,
for helpful answers to procedural questions.







Although real places and institutions are mentioned
in this book, they are used in the service of fiction.
No character in this book is based on any person, living
or dead, and the world presented is completely

I did not lead a very wise life myself, but it was a full one, and a grown-up one. You come of age very often through shipwreck and disaster, and at the heart of the whirlpool some men find God.


The Ghost and Mrs. Muir by R. A. Dick (a.k.a. Josephine Aimée Campbell Leslie)


I’m licensed as a private detective. . . . The police don’t like me. The crooks don’t like me. . . . My ethics are my own . . . and I’ll shoot it out with any gun in the city—any time, any place.

—Race Williams in The Snarl of the Beast by Carroll John Daly, 1927 (cited as the first hard-boiled private detective novel)




New York City
July 19, 1946


“PACKED AND STACKED,” muttered Jack Shepard, gazing down at the sweltering Manhattan rush hour. Cars, trucks, taxis, and people—swarms of them. Pouring out of buildings, spilling down avenues, racing back to Cracker-jack apartments and cramped rowhouses, smoky bar cars, and roomy Victorians in the suburban north, land of do-right guys and fair-play Janes, chubby-cheeked kids, and manicured shrubbery.

“Excuse me, but are you Jack Shepard?”

The perfume reached him before the words. Not cheap and obvious, like his gum-chewing secretary’s, but subtle, delicate, and dripping with pedigree.

“Look at ’em,” said Jack, still staring out the window. “Most of ’em hungry and tired and crazy to get out of the summer heat. All of them, from this height, small enough to swat like flies.”

“One of them did get swatted,” said the dame. “That’s why I’m here.”

Without turning, Jack rubbed his neck. Beneath his thin dress shirt, shoulder muscles rippled. His sweat box of an office was no place for a jacket. He’d tossed it hours ago, loosened his tie, rolled up white sleeves. His rod stayed where it was, strapped in a holster, just under his arm.

Checking his watch, he turned to his desk, slid open a drawer. Like an old friend, the liquid gold greeted him. He pulled out one glass, poured two fingers.

“Quitting time,” he said, flat as a pancake. The week had been a long one. He’d done the job he’d been hired to do, but he hadn’t liked it. Or himself for doing it.

“Does that mean you want me to return on Monday?”

Slowly, Jack glanced up. When the world went bad, a man had two means of escape. A bottle. Or a dame. The sight of this one matched her sound and smell—cultured and subtle in a pink polkadot halter and white gloves, her golden locks upswept beneath a wide-brimmed hat. She looked to be in her late twenties, had a long white neck, and smooth, firm shoulders.

“Stay awhile,” said Jack, nudging the glass. It slid a few inches across the battered wood.

She stepped forward, slowly took off her gloves—a blue-blood striptease. She picked up the glass. Jack reached in the drawer for another.

Her big brown ones studied his muscular forearm as he poured his own, then her long, blonde lashes slowly lifted and she took in the V of his torso, the narrow waist and broad shoulders, the dagger-shaped scar across the flat, square chin, and the gunmetal gray eyes, staring down her own with sharp interest.

She swallowed nervously, put the shot glass to her glossy pink pout, and tentatively sipped. A delicate eyebrow rose in surprise—no doubt at the high quality of the hooch. It made no sense with his battered wooden desk, davenport of cracked brown leather, and old metal file cabinets. But Jack wasn’t cheap where it counted.

“Thanks,” she said softly. Her teeth were right and straight, white and perfect.

Jack knocked back his own in one gulp and pointed to a wooden chair across from his desk. “Take a load off.”

She did. Pulling up her skirt, she crossed million-dollar gams in strappy sandals, giving him a happy glimpse of bare skin. One long limb swung nervously.

With a sigh, Jack moved to his worn leather chair and sat down, putting a mile of desk between them. This rich, blonde honey may have flowed easily through his door, but honey wasn’t always sweet. Sometimes when you reached for a taste, you got stung.

“You look as though you’re having a bad day,” said the dame from across the wide, brown desert of his desktop.

“What are you? My bartender?” Jack’s lips gave a wry little twitch. His eyebrow arched a fraction. “I’m the one pouring.”

The dame studied Jack’s face, took another genteel sip. “I don’t believe men really tell bartenders anything.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because men don’t like to reveal their weaknesses to other men. In my experience, men are more likely to tell women what’s vexing them.”

Vexing. Now there’s a two-dollar word. Barnard? Or Sarah Lawrence?”

“Vassar, actually.”

“That was number three on my list.”

“Come now, Mr. Shepard, I’m sure my higher education is not what’s vexing you.” This time it was her eyebrow arching, her own wry smile teasing.

“Tracked down a clipster running a con on a suit,” Jack found himself confessing. “Only the con turned out to be minor, fifty bucks even on a check-bouncing grift—and the clipster just a little old guy down on his luck after losing a legit job. The suit hires me. Easy for him, ’cause he’s sitting on wads of dough, but he got his ego bruised, you know, the kind who’s mortified to be smarted out of one dollar, let alone fifty—so he pulled some strings with his judicial buddies after I bring the old man in. Now gramps is gonna do hard time.”

“But this con man person was guilty of a crime, no?”

“The old guy was so scared he pulled a gut-ripper on me. Pathetic little switchblade. I had to rough him up to keep him from running. I didn’t like it.”

The dame took another long look at Jack’s acre of shoulders, his boxer’s nose, his muscular forearms. “It was your job, no?”

“Frail old guy. Did his bit in the first war. Gave up the con racket a decade ago—till his legit job let him down. Hard time in Sing-Sing. It’ll be the end for him.”

“That’s not your business, though. You did your job. You should be proud.”

“Yeah. Sure.” Jack poured another one, knocked it back. “So who’s your fly, honey? The one that got swatted?”

“My sister. And if you don’t help me, Mr. Shepard, the next fly that gets swatted will be me.”


The Princess Ball

The girls I know do not like real life. When it roars in for a landing in their backyards, threatening to fly them from dance class to dorm room, beach chair to office, bar stool to altar, they race for the underground, looking for shelter. After all, why be neurotic when you can be numb?

—Angel Stark, Comfortably Numb




Quindicott, Rhode Island


“ALL THE PLAYERS were in place. The lights were up, the stage was set for a tragedy worthy of the bard . . .”

Crisp paper rustled through the warm July air of Buy the Book’s Community Events room, a space so packed with people, the store’s modest air-conditioning unit had been rendered irrelevant. At the carved-oak podium, a slender young woman with long copper hair and triple-pierced ears had paused from her reading to slowly pour water into a glass. The audience, packed elbow to elbow, waited with reverent patience for the young author to sip her drink.

I, Mrs. Penelope Thornton-McClure, thirty-something widow, single mother, and co-owner of Buy the Book, leaned forward in my folding chair, joining my customers in their anticipation—an atmosphere of breathless expectation as artfully created as I’d ever seen.

After swallowing deliberately, Angel Stark gave a little smile. The daring, corset-laced bodice of her green and pink Betsy Johnson sundress alone could have held the room’s attention. But she’d come to my small Rhode Island town for a reading, not a fashion show, so she cleared her throat and finally returned her attention to the open book.

“No, perhaps good William is not the appropriate model for our tawdry little tale,” she read. “Perhaps the story of Bethany Banks’s final moments more mirrored one of those lurid Jacobean tragedies by John Webster, where the adulteress is punished by cruel torture and horrible death for her carnality. Of course, every tragedy, even a tawdry one, is unique. This tragedy, my tragedy, unfolded in a gilded beux arts mansion by the sea, under glittering lights that twinkled from high crystal chandeliers like a billion beckoning stars of the northeast. The Newport players were coifed and manicured young women and affluent and mannered young men. Like the cast of an A&E movie, they smiled and chatted as they waited in regal finery for the uncrowned, yet silently acknowledged, queen of our courtly crew to arrive.

“Before something could happen, really happen, Bethany Banks had to put in an appearance. That’s the way things worked—at the annual parties, the sorority, those weekends in the ...

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherWheeler Pub Inc
  • Publication date2006
  • ISBN 10 1597221562
  • ISBN 13 9781597221566
  • BindingPaperback
  • Number of pages399
  • Rating
    • 3.92 out of 5 stars
      3,439 ratings by Goodreads

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Cleo Coyle; Kimberly, Alice
Published by Wheeler Pub Inc, 2006
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Published by Wheeler Pub Inc, 2006
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Published by Wheeler Pub Inc, 2006
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Published by Wheeler Pub Inc, 2006
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