Items related to The Lone Jack (King of the Mount Baker Mining Disrict)

The Lone Jack (King of the Mount Baker Mining Disrict) - Softcover

9781604027044: The Lone Jack (King of the Mount Baker Mining Disrict)

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The Lone Jack is the story of the human struggle to settle a true wilderness. The first owners of the Lone Jack Mine near Mt. Baker had a complete lack of knowledge of the winters and snowfall in the North Cascades and the development of the mine took years instead of the planned one season. This book contains information from newspaper articles, assay reports, court records, claim files, sales records, maps, personal papers, and many other sources. This story contains many old historical photos and others of current times. One chapter is devoted to the life of Jerry Bourn, the last true mountain man who lived on Mt. Baker National Forest land. Jerry was a hunter, trapper, and prospector who knew the area better than any other person. Inside a pocket of the back page are removable/detailed maps of the Lone Jack and the surrounding area.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherAuthor
  • Publication date2007
  • ISBN 10 1604027045
  • ISBN 13 9781604027044
  • BindingPaperback
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Edition number1
  • Number of pages180

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