Spin City and The West Wing meet Batman in this gripping and satirical superhero graphic novel by the acclaimed writer of Y - The Last Man, Brian K. Vaughan. After a close encounter with alien technology, civil engineer Mitchell Hundred finds he can interface with technology of every kind. He sets himself up as erstwhile superhero, The Machine, but after doing more harm than good, Hundred ends up as mayor of New York! Now he has to contend with controversial artwork, a recalcitrant police chief and a series of strange murders that could bring the city to its knees! The first in an all-new series from Titan, Ex Machina: The First Hundred Days is brimming with political intrigue, civic chaos and superheroic shenanigans!
"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.
Brian K. Vaughan has previously written episodes of Swamp Thing and The Hood mini-series. His current work includes Ultimate X-Men and Y - The Last Man. Tony Harris' artwork credits include Starman, Aquaman, Iron Man, JSA, Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight and Daredevil.
Set somewhere between The West Wing and an alternative future, this taleasks the question: What if the mayor of New York was a superhero? Vaughan (Y: The Last Man) and Harris (Starman) answer with intelligence and dash. In classic superhero origin, Mitchell Hundred is just another civil engineer until an encounter with a glowing light under the Brooklyn Bridge gives him the power to talk to machines. Fast forward three years: after a famed stint as a superhero, Hundred has just been elected mayor of New York and must deal with not only the colorful cast of characters that make up his staff but also a host of crises: a PR disaster set off by an exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum; a crippling blizzard; and, most worryingly, a serial killer who's bumping off the city's snow plow drivers. Vaughan cleverly adapts real news stories—New York mayoral politics, the Sensations art scandal—and plausibly fits them into a world where superheroes exist, but are forbidden by the NSA to talk about their powers, while adding surprising twists and turns. Harris's gritty, charismatic characters give the story further appeal. This vastly entertaining first collection should have readers eager to read future volumes. (Feb.)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.
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Condition: Very Good. 1645375646. 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM. Seller Inventory # U9781845760250
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Seller: Better World Books Ltd, Dunfermline, United Kingdom
Condition: Very Good. Ships from the UK. Former library book; may include library markings. Used book that is in excellent condition. May show signs of wear or have minor defects. Seller Inventory # 39879938-20
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Seller: Parrot Books, Hemel Hempstead, HERT, United Kingdom
Paperback. Condition: Fine. Seller Inventory # mon0000035938
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Seller: George Longden, Macclesfield, United Kingdom
Paperback. Condition: Fine. Illustrated card covers. 260 x 170 mm. [136 pp.] Colour artwork. Originally published in single magazine form as 'Ex Machina' #1-5. Spine not creased. A clean, bright copy. Book. Seller Inventory # CD047
Quantity: 1 available