Items related to A Whisker of a Tale

Jennifer Rene Daniel A Whisker of a Tale ISBN 13: 9781920663667

A Whisker of a Tale - Softcover

9781920663667: A Whisker of a Tale

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A Whisker of a Tale pokes fun at everyday life with whimsical humor. Both adults and children will be amused and absorbed as they recognize acquaintances in teh seventy-six character sketchs. Every aspect of life highlighted, with a tender and probing touch, and this faithful replica of the original watercolors and writing of Jennifer Daniel.

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About the Author

Jennifer Rene Daniel is the mother of three adult boys and resides in Cape Town, South Africa. She has published two poetry books in English and Afrikaans. Another poetry and prose book was authored by Jennifer with an emphasis on encouragement. Her writings have been enjoyed by adults and children and have been included in a variety of publications including Forward Press in the UK.

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