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Seller: ISD LLC, Bristol, CT, U.S.A.
paperback. Condition: New. Seller Inventory # 1272621
Quantity: 2 available
Seller: GreatBookPrices, Columbia, MD, U.S.A.
Condition: New. Seller Inventory # 42422770-n
Quantity: 2 available
Seller: Grand Eagle Retail, Fairfield, OH, U.S.A.
Paperback. Condition: new. Paperback. Les fouilles menees dans lile de Thasos ont mis au jour pres de millecinq cents inscriptions, de toutes epoques et de nature fort diverse,qui eclairent les institutions politiques, la defense, les cultes, lasociete et leconomie de la cite antique lune des mieux connues de lamer Egee. Soixante-cinq ans apres les Recherches sur lhistoire etles cultes de Thasos de J. Pouilloux, le present volume inaugure unnouveau Corpus des inscriptions de Thasos, ordonnechronologiquement et thematiquement. Ce fascicule (CITh III)reunit les inscriptions a caractere public datees entre ca 400 et30 av. J.-C. A loree du IVe siecle, la cite sort dune longue periodede guerres civiles et se reconstruit, mais perd bientot la plupart despossessions continentales qui avaient fait autrefois sa fortune. Thasosnest desormais quune polis dimportance moyenne, quoiqueprospere, a lechelle du monde egeen domine par Athenes, puis par leroyaume de Macedoine et enfin par les Romains. Sont ici edites oureedites et commentes cent vingt-sept documents, graves dans lagora etdans les sanctuaires urbains. On trouve parmi eux des decretsreglementaires ou honorifiques, des ventes de citoyennete, des contratsde location de domaines sacres, des dedicaces de colleges de magistratsou de soldats, des decrets dassociations, des decrets de citesetrangeres honorant des Thasiens, etc. Prises dans leur ensemble, cesinscriptions temoignent de la vitalite de la communaute civique et de lamultiplicite de ses echanges avec le monde grec, ainsi que delengagement politique des familles les plus en vue, souventdascendance ancienne. Le volume comprend une mise au point sur lachronologie locale, une etude de la paleographie et un catalogueraisonne des quelque mille individus mentionnes dans ces documents. The excavations carried out on the island of Thasos have broughtto light almost one thousand five hundred inscriptions from all periodsand of very different kinds. They throw light on the politicalinstitutions, the defence, cults, society and economy of the ancientcity one of the best known in the Aegean. Sixty-five years after thepublication of J. Pouillouxs Recherches sur lhistoire et les cultesde Thasos, the present volume (CITh III) inaugurates a newCorpus des inscriptions de Thasos, organized chronologically andthematically. It contains the public inscriptions dated to betweenc. 400 and 30 BC. At the dawn of the fourth century the city,emerging from a long period of civil wars, began to rebuild itself, butit soon lost most of its continental possessions, which had constitutedits main source of wealth. From then on, Thasos, even if prosperous, wasa city of only average importance in the wider context of an Aegeandominated by Athens, then by the kingdom of Macedonia and finally by theRomans. In this volume, one hundred and twenty-seven inscriptions fromthe agora and from the citys sanctuaries are published or newly editedand commented on. Among them can be found regulatory and honorificdecrees, sales of citizenship, rental contracts of sacred land,dedications made by bodies of magistrates or soldiers, decrees ofassociations, decrees from foreign cities honouring Thasians, etc. Takentogether, these inscriptions testify to the vitality of the civiccommunity and to the multiplicity of its exchanges with the rest of theGreek world, as well as to the political engagement of its mostconspicuous families, often going back over generations. The volumecontains a revision of the local chronology, a study of the paleographyof the inscriptions and an annotated index of one thousand or soindividuals mentioned in these documents. Shipping may be from multiple locations in the US or from the UK, depending on stock availability. Seller Inventory # 9782869583054
Quantity: 1 available
Seller: GreatBookPrices, Columbia, MD, U.S.A.
Condition: As New. Unread book in perfect condition. Seller Inventory # 42422770
Quantity: 2 available
Seller: Kennys Bookshop and Art Galleries Ltd., Galway, GY, Ireland
Condition: New. 2019. Paperback. . . . . . Seller Inventory # V9782869583054
Quantity: 2 available
Seller: Kennys Bookstore, Olney, MD, U.S.A.
Condition: New. 2019. Paperback. . . . . . Books ship from the US and Ireland. Seller Inventory # V9782869583054
Quantity: 2 available
Seller: AussieBookSeller, Truganina, VIC, Australia
Paperback. Condition: new. Paperback. Les fouilles menees dans lile de Thasos ont mis au jour pres de millecinq cents inscriptions, de toutes epoques et de nature fort diverse,qui eclairent les institutions politiques, la defense, les cultes, lasociete et leconomie de la cite antique lune des mieux connues de lamer Egee. Soixante-cinq ans apres les Recherches sur lhistoire etles cultes de Thasos de J. Pouilloux, le present volume inaugure unnouveau Corpus des inscriptions de Thasos, ordonnechronologiquement et thematiquement. Ce fascicule (CITh III)reunit les inscriptions a caractere public datees entre ca 400 et30 av. J.-C. A loree du IVe siecle, la cite sort dune longue periodede guerres civiles et se reconstruit, mais perd bientot la plupart despossessions continentales qui avaient fait autrefois sa fortune. Thasosnest desormais quune polis dimportance moyenne, quoiqueprospere, a lechelle du monde egeen domine par Athenes, puis par leroyaume de Macedoine et enfin par les Romains. Sont ici edites oureedites et commentes cent vingt-sept documents, graves dans lagora etdans les sanctuaires urbains. On trouve parmi eux des decretsreglementaires ou honorifiques, des ventes de citoyennete, des contratsde location de domaines sacres, des dedicaces de colleges de magistratsou de soldats, des decrets dassociations, des decrets de citesetrangeres honorant des Thasiens, etc. Prises dans leur ensemble, cesinscriptions temoignent de la vitalite de la communaute civique et de lamultiplicite de ses echanges avec le monde grec, ainsi que delengagement politique des familles les plus en vue, souventdascendance ancienne. Le volume comprend une mise au point sur lachronologie locale, une etude de la paleographie et un catalogueraisonne des quelque mille individus mentionnes dans ces documents. The excavations carried out on the island of Thasos have broughtto light almost one thousand five hundred inscriptions from all periodsand of very different kinds. They throw light on the politicalinstitutions, the defence, cults, society and economy of the ancientcity one of the best known in the Aegean. Sixty-five years after thepublication of J. Pouillouxs Recherches sur lhistoire et les cultesde Thasos, the present volume (CITh III) inaugurates a newCorpus des inscriptions de Thasos, organized chronologically andthematically. It contains the public inscriptions dated to betweenc. 400 and 30 BC. At the dawn of the fourth century the city,emerging from a long period of civil wars, began to rebuild itself, butit soon lost most of its continental possessions, which had constitutedits main source of wealth. From then on, Thasos, even if prosperous, wasa city of only average importance in the wider context of an Aegeandominated by Athens, then by the kingdom of Macedonia and finally by theRomans. In this volume, one hundred and twenty-seven inscriptions fromthe agora and from the citys sanctuaries are published or newly editedand commented on. Among them can be found regulatory and honorificdecrees, sales of citizenship, rental contracts of sacred land,dedications made by bodies of magistrates or soldiers, decrees ofassociations, decrees from foreign cities honouring Thasians, etc. Takentogether, these inscriptions testify to the vitality of the civiccommunity and to the multiplicity of its exchanges with the rest of theGreek world, as well as to the political engagement of its mostconspicuous families, often going back over generations. The volumecontains a revision of the local chronology, a study of the paleographyof the inscriptions and an annotated index of one thousand or soindividuals mentioned in these documents. Shipping may be from our Sydney, NSW warehouse or from our UK or US warehouse, depending on stock availability. Seller Inventory # 9782869583054
Quantity: 1 available