Of all measurement units, frequency is the one that may be determined with the highest degree of accuracy. It equally allows precise measurements of other physical and technical quantities, whenever they can be measured in terms of frequency.
This volume covers the central methods and techniques relevant for frequency standards developed in physics, electronics, quantum electronics, and statistics. After a review of the basic principles, the book looks at the realisation of commonly used components. It then continues with the description and characterisation of important frequency standards from atomic clocks, to frequency stabilised lasers. The whole is rounded of with a discussion of topical applications in engineering, telecommunications, and metrology.
"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.
Of all measurement quantities, the frequency represents the one that can be determined with the highest degree of accuracy. This also allows precise measurements of other physical and technical quantities, whenever they could be put down to a frequency measurement.
This volume covers the important methods and techniques developed in physics, electronics, quantum electronics, statistics, and communication theory. After a review of the basics principles of frequency standards, the realisation of commonly used components is monitored. The book continues with the description and characterisation of the most important frequency standards such as atomic clocks, frequency stabilised lasers, or pulsars. Finally topical applications in engineering, telecommunication, and metrology are discussed.
The author, Fritz Riehle, is a leading scientist at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt in Braunschweig, Germany.
Fritz Riehle received the Ph.D. in physics in 1977 from the Technical University of Karlsruhe. In 1982 he joined the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), where he was involved in establishing an electron storage ring as a primary radiometric standard source. Since 1987, he has been engaged in the realisation of optical length and frequency standards, high resolution spectroscopy, laser cooling, and atom interferometry. Since 2000 he heads the Optics division of PTB.
"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.
US$ 25.21
From Germany to U.S.A.
Seller: Buchkanzlei, Bremen, Germany
Hardcover. Condition: Sehr gut. 1st edition. 540 p. Excellent copy, almost es new // Hervorragend erhaltenes Exemplar 252 Sprache: Englisch Gewicht in Gramm: 1230. Seller Inventory # 30396
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