English summary: The exhibition Byzantium - Splendour and Everyday Life of the Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany in Bonn and the Roman-Germanic Central Museum (26.2.-13.6.2010) opened up new prospects for Byzantine Research. German description: Die Ausstellung Byzanz - Pracht und Alltag der Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Bonn und des Romisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums (26.2.-13.6.2010) eroffnete fur die Byzanzforschung neue Perspektiven.
"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.
US$ 21.75
From Germany to U.S.A.
Seller: ISD LLC, Bristol, CT, U.S.A.
hardcover. Condition: New. 1st. Seller Inventory # 741691
Quantity: 3 available
Seller: Fundus-Online GbR Borkert Schwarz Zerfaß, Berlin, Germany
Orig.-Pp. Condition: Wie neu. [1. Auflage]. 239 Seiten : Illustrationen, Karten. Tadelloses Exemplar. Neuwertig. - Dieser Tagungband nimmt den Ansatz der großen Ausstellung Byzanz Pracht und Alltag" auf und vertieft im interdisziplinären Rahmen die Themen der Ausstellung. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei das Alltagsleben innerhalb der urbanen und ländlichen Regionen des Reiches. Die Beiträge des Bandes führen die Ergebnisse der Mainzer Tagung zusammen. Sie widmen sich der Hauptstadt Konstantinopel, den Städten und ihrem Umland auf dem Balkan und in Kleinasien sowie dem alltäglichen Leben zur See, in Klöstern und auf dem Land. / Inhaltsverzeichnis -- Vorwort John Haldon Die byzantinische Stadt - Verfall und Wiederaufleben vom -- bis zum ausgehenden -- Paul Magdalino -- Neighbourhoods in Byzantine Constantinople Johannes Koder -- Lebensmittelversorgung einer Großstadt: Konstantinopel Arne Effenberger Stadtinterne Reliquientranslationen in Konstantinopel - der Fall der heiligen Euphemia -- von Chalkedon Ralph-Johannes Lilie Die ökonomische Bedeutung der byzantinischen Provinzstadt -- im Spiegel der literarischen Quellen Beate Böhlendorf-Arslan -- Leben in der Provinz. Ländliche Siedlungen in der spätantiken und byzantinischen Troas Vujadin Ivanisevic -- Late Antique cities and their environment in Northern lllyricum Cecile Morrisson -- Coin use in Byzantine cities and countryside ( -- th- -- th): a reassessment Anastassios Ch. Antonaras -- Artisanal production in Byzantine Thessaloniki ( -- th- -- th century) Henriette Kroll -- Groß und Stark? Zur Widerristhöhe und Statur byzantinischer Arbeitstiere Ina Eichner Aspekte des Alltagslebens im Pauloskloster (Deirel-BachTt) von Theben-West/Oberägypten -- anhand archäologischer Belege Ewald Kislinger -- Byzantinischer Alltag zu Schiff Dionysios Stathakopoulos Gesellschaft und Demographie im spätbyzantinischen Griechenland -- Kostis Smyrlis -- Estate fortifications in Late Byzantine Macedonia: the Athonite evidence Charalambos Gasparis Between village and city: Peasants in the new economic context of medieval Crete -- Vasiliki Tsamakda -- Kunst und Stifterwesen auf dem Land am Beispiel Kretas -- Verzeichnis der Autorinnen und Autoren -- Verwendete Siglen. ISBN 9783795431624 Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 1246. Seller Inventory # 1243826
Quantity: 3 available
Seller: Grand Eagle Retail, Fairfield, OH, U.S.A.
Hardcover. Condition: new. Hardcover. The exhibition "Byzantium Splendour and Everyday Life" of the Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany in Bonn and the Roemisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums in Mainz (2010) opened up new perspectives for Byzantine research.This conference volume takes up the approach of the exhibition and deepens the discussion of its themes in an interdisciplinary framework. The focus is on everyday life within the urban and rural regions of the empire. The contributions in this volume bring together the results of the Mainz conference. They are dedicated to the capital Constantinople, the cities and their surroundings in the Balkans and Asia Minor, as well as everyday life at sea, in monasteries and in the countryside. This book is linked to the exhibition "Byzantium Splendour and Everyday Life" held at the Roemisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums in Mainz (2010). The contributions are concerned with Constantinople, the other Byzantine cities and their surroundings in the Balkans and Asia Minor, as well as everyday life at sea, in monasteries and in the countryside. Shipping may be from multiple locations in the US or from the UK, depending on stock availability. Seller Inventory # 9783795431624
Quantity: 1 available
Seller: Kennys Bookshop and Art Galleries Ltd., Galway, GY, Ireland
Condition: New. 2016. Bilingual. hardcover. . . . . . Seller Inventory # V9783795431624
Quantity: 2 available
Seller: Kennys Bookstore, Olney, MD, U.S.A.
Condition: New. 2016. Bilingual. hardcover. . . . . . Books ship from the US and Ireland. Seller Inventory # V9783795431624
Quantity: 2 available
Seller: AussieBookSeller, Truganina, VIC, Australia
Hardcover. Condition: new. Hardcover. The exhibition "Byzantium Splendour and Everyday Life" of the Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany in Bonn and the Roemisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums in Mainz (2010) opened up new perspectives for Byzantine research.This conference volume takes up the approach of the exhibition and deepens the discussion of its themes in an interdisciplinary framework. The focus is on everyday life within the urban and rural regions of the empire. The contributions in this volume bring together the results of the Mainz conference. They are dedicated to the capital Constantinople, the cities and their surroundings in the Balkans and Asia Minor, as well as everyday life at sea, in monasteries and in the countryside. This book is linked to the exhibition "Byzantium Splendour and Everyday Life" held at the Roemisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums in Mainz (2010). The contributions are concerned with Constantinople, the other Byzantine cities and their surroundings in the Balkans and Asia Minor, as well as everyday life at sea, in monasteries and in the countryside. Shipping may be from our Sydney, NSW warehouse or from our UK or US warehouse, depending on stock availability. Seller Inventory # 9783795431624
Quantity: 1 available