Fast Friends tells the story of two men who accidentally find refuge, in each other's strong arms, from both a winter storm and the cruel lovers who don't cherish them. Without words, Lazarov and Broderick tell a story in graphic novel form that's rich in detail, feeling, and sexual sensitivity.
"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.
Dale Lazarov is the writer/art director of PEACOCK PUNKS (drawn by Mauro Mariotti), FAST FRIENDS (drawn by Michael Broderick), GREEK LOVE (drawn by Adam Graphite), GOOD SPORTS (drawn by Alessio Slonimsky), NIGHTLIFE (drawn by Bastian Jonsson), MANLY (drawn by Amy Colburn), and STICKY (drawn by Steve MacIsaac), wordless, gay character-based, sex-positive graphic novels published in hardcover by Sticky Graphic Novels and in digital format through He lives in Chicago. - See more at:
"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.
US$ 60.92
From Italy to U.S.A.
Seller: Piretti Massimiliano, Bologna, Italy
Rilegato. Condition: come nuovo. Lazarov, Dale; Broderick, Michael (illustrator). Like New from bookshop never used. Seller Inventory # 202205GA8418
Quantity: 1 available