Items related to Kunst Von Unten? Stil Und Gesellschaft in Der Antiken...

Kunst Von Unten? Stil Und Gesellschaft in Der Antiken Welt Von Der Arte Plebea Bis Heute: Arte Dal Basso? Stile E Societa Nel Mondo Antico, Dall' Arte ... Bis 9. Juni 2007 (Palilia) (German Edition) - Softcover

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English Summary: Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli's seminal article on the "Arte plebea" (1967) voiced the requirement that classical archaeology be pursued in a new way, as a critical discipline with an explicit historical orientation. In Germany this desideratum was substantiated and gained currency mainly thanks to the work of Paul Zanker. Since then the analysis of the relationship between form, content, and the social locus of ancient works of art defines broad sectors of classical archaeology. The ten papers collected here, which were delivered on the occasion of Zanker's 70th birthday, illustrate several perspectives of this field of research; they devote particular attention to the imagery of Pompeii, but also to ancient Greek art as well as Roman provincial art. In this way they underscore the ongoing relevance of the issues related to the arte plebea and to similar formal phenomena, also across times. Using the questions formulated since 1967 and the 1970s as a starting point, these selected case studies manage to disclose further perspectives of research for classical archaeology understood as a form of socially oriented art history. German Description: Mit Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinellis bahnbrechendem Aufsatz "Arte plebea" war 1967 die Forderung verbunden, Klassische Archaologie in neuer Weise als eine kritische, dezidiert historisch ausgerichtete Wissenschaft zu betreiben. In Deutschland hat dies in den 1970er-Jahren vor allem durch die Veroffentlichungen von Paul Zanker Verbreitung gefunden. Die Analyse des Verhaltnisses von Form, Inhalt und gesellschaftlicher Position antiker Bildwerke bestimmt seitdem weite Teile der Klassischen Archaologie. Die zehn hier vereinten Beitrage einer Tagung anlasslich seines 70. Geburtstages zeigen Perspektiven dieser Forschungsrichtung auf - mit besonderem Blick auf die Bilderwelt des antiken Pompeji, aber auch auf die altere griechische und die kaiserzeitliche, provinziale romische Kunst. Damit soll die Aktualitat der Frage nach der "arte plebea" und verwandten, auch epochenubergreifenden formalen Phanomenen unterstrichen werden. Ausgehend von Fragestellungen, die seit 1967 und in den 1970er-Jahre erstmals formuliert wurden, gelingt es anhand weniger Fallstudien, weiterfuhrende Forschungsperspektiven einer Klassischen Archaologie als sozialgeschichtlich orientierter Kunstgeschichte aufzuzeigen.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

About the Author

Contributor Biography - German Francesco de Angelisgeboren 1968, ist Klassischer Archaologe und wurde 2003 an der Scuola Normale Superiore promoviert. Seit 2005 lehrt er an der Columbia University in New York, wo er Associate Professor ist. Vorher war er am Deutschen Archaologischen Institut in Rom und an der Scuola Normale in Pisa tatig. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind die Funktionen griechischer Mythenbilder in der etruskischen Sepulkralkunst des Hellenismus, die Rolle von Denkmalern als Trager des kulturellen Gedachtnis, mit besonderem Bezug auf Pausanias, die Interaktionen zwischen Raum, Bildern und Betrachtern sowie die Rezeption der Antike in der Wissenschaft und Kultur der Neuzeit.Jens-Arne Dickmanngeboren 1960, studierte Klassische Archaologie, Alte Geschichte und Christliche Archaologie/Byzantinische Kunstgeschichte an den Universitaten Freiburg und Munchen. Im Anschluss an die Promotion 1992 an der LMU Munchen war er von 1994bis 2001 Wiss. Mitarbeiter an den Universitaten Koln und Munchen, von 2001 bis 2011 Akademischer Rat bzw. Oberrat an der Universitat Heidelberg und ist seit 2011 als Akademischer Oberrat an der Universitat Freiburg tatig. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen im Bereich der Archaologie der Vesuvstadte (Urbanistik, Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte) und der Untersuchungen zur Kindheit in der Antike.Felix Pirsongeboren 1968, studierte Klassische Archaologie, Alte Geschichte und Kunstgeschichte in Bonn, Koln, Munchen und Cambridge. Nach der Promotion 1996 in Munchen zur Wohnarchitektur der Vesuvstadte war er am DAI in Rom und an der Brandenburgischen Technischen Universitat in Cottbus beschaftigt, bevor er 2000 wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Institut fur Klassische Archaologie der Universitat Leipzig wurde. Dort habilitierte er sich 2005 mit einer Arbeit zu antiken Bildern von Krieg und Kampf. Seit 2006 ist er Erster Direktor der Abteilung Istanbul des DAI und Leiter der Pergamongrabung. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind antike Urbanistik, Pergamon, die Archaologie der Vesuvstadte sowie Darstellungen von Krieg und Gewalt.Ralf von den Hoffgeboren 1963, ist Klassischer Archaologe. Seine Dissertation zu 'Philosophenportrats des Fruh- und Hochhellenismus' schloss er 1992 in Bonn ab; er habilitierte sich 2001 in Munchen mit der Arbeit "Der Heros und die Polis. Wandlungen des Theseusbildes im Athen des 6. und 5. Jhs. v. Chr." Nach seiner Assistenzzeit in Munchen und Tatigkeit als Redaktor des deutschen Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum lehrt er seit 2005 als Klassischer Archaologe an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg. Zu seinen Forschungsschwerpunkten zahlen antike Plastik und Portrats, visuelle Kultur der Antike und Stadtforschung im antiken Kleinasien. Contributor Biography - English Francesco de Angelis (born 1968) is a classical archaeologist. He earned is Ph.D. from the Scuola Normale Superiore in 2003. Since 2005 he teaches at Columbia University in the City of New York, where he is Associate Professor. Previously, he worked at the German Archaeological Institute in Rome and at the Scuola Normale in Pisa. His research focuses especially on the function of Greek mythological images in Etruscan funerary art in the Hellenistic period, the role of monuments as carriers of cultural memory, with special reference to Pausanias, the interaction between space, images and viewers, as well as the reception of antiquity in modern scholarship and culture.J.-A. Dickmann (born 1960) studied Classical Archaeology, Ancient History and Byzantine Archaeology at the Univ. of Freiburg and Munich. After his PhD 1992 at the Univ. of Munich he became Lecturer at the Univ. of Cologne and Munich (1994-2001). Between 2001-2011 he was Lecturer / Senior Lecturer at the Univ. of Heidelberg and since 2011 has been Senior Lecturer at the Univ. of Freiburg. His favoured research topics focus on the archaeology of the Vesuvian cities (urbanism, economic and social history) and on ancient childhood.Felix Pirson (born 1968) studied Classical Archaeology, Ancient History and Art History at Bonn, Cologne, Munich and Cambridge. 1996 he finished a PhD about domestic architecture of the Vesuvian cities at Munich University. After appointments at the DAI Rome and Cottbus Technical University, he became Assistant Professor at the Institute of Classical Archaeology at Leipzig University in 2000, where he did his postdoctoral lecture qualification in 2005 with a thesis about images of battle and fight in ancient art. Since 2006 he is First Director of DAI Istanbul branch and head of the Pergamon Excavation. His main research topics are ancient urbanism, Pergamon, the archaeology of the Vesuvian cities and images of war and violence.Ralf von den Hoff (born 1963) received his PhD in Classical Archaology from the University of Bonn in 1992 with a book about "Philosophenportrats des Fruh- und Hochhellenismus." His second book on Theseus ("Der Heros und die Polis. Wandlungen des Theseusbildes im Athen des 6. und 5. Jhs. v. Chr.") was finished at the University of Munich in 2001. He taught at Munich and at Johns-Hopkins University and held the position of an editor of the German Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum project in Munich. Since 2005 he is professor for Classical Archaeology at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg im Breisgau. His focal research topics are ancient sculpture and portraiture, Greek and Roman visual culture and urbanism in ancient Asia Minor.


."..a rich and thought-provoking book." -- Eric M. Moormann, BMCR 2014.02.08

..".a rich and thought-provoking book." -- Eric M. Moormann, BMCR 2014.02.08

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

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Search results for Kunst Von Unten? Stil Und Gesellschaft in Der Antiken...

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de Angelis, Francesco
Published by Dr Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 2012
ISBN 10: 3895009156 ISBN 13: 9783895009150
New paperback

Seller: ISD LLC, Bristol, CT, U.S.A.

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paperback. Condition: New. Seller Inventory # 233871

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De Angelis, Francesco [Editor]; Dickmann, Jens-Arne [Editor]; Pirson, Felix [Editor]; Von Den Hoff, Ralf [Editor];
Published by Dr Ludwig Reichert, 2012
ISBN 10: 3895009156 ISBN 13: 9783895009150
Used Paperback

Seller: GuthrieBooks, Spring Branch, TX, U.S.A.

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Paperback. Condition: Very Good. Trade Paperback. Very Good. Clean, tight. Seller Inventory # UT1514071

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de Angelis, Francesco; Dickmann, Jens-Arne; Pirson, Felix; von den Hoff, Ralf
Published by Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 2012
ISBN 10: 3895009156 ISBN 13: 9783895009150
New Softcover First Edition

Seller: Dr. L. Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden, Germany

Seller rating 1 out of 5 stars 1-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

Softcover. Condition: Neu. 1. Auflage. 2012. 4°. Pb., 184 pp., 158 ill. b/w. (= Palilia, Vol. 27). German, Italian and English text. Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli's seminal article on the "Arte plebea" (1967) voiced the requirement that classical archaeology be pursued in a new way, as a critical discipline with an explicit historical orientation. In Germany this desideratum was substantiated and gained currency mainly thanks to the work of Paul Zanker. Since then the analysis of the relationship between form, content, and the social locus of ancient works of art defines broad sectors of classical archaeology. The ten papers collected here, which were delivered on the occasion of Zanker's 70th birthday, illustrate several perspectives of this field of research; they devote particular attention to the imagery of Pompeii, but also to ancient Greek art as well as Roman provincial art. In this way they underscore the ongoing relevance of the issues related to the arte plebea and to similar formal phenomena, also across times. Using the questions formulated since 1967 and the 1970s as a starting point, these selected case studies manage to disclose further perspectives of research for classical archaeology understood as a form of socially oriented art history. Seller Inventory # 2915

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Francesco De Angelis
ISBN 10: 3895009156 ISBN 13: 9783895009150
New Taschenbuch

Seller: AHA-BUCH GmbH, Einbeck, Germany

Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

Taschenbuch. Condition: Neu. Neuware - In 1967 Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli introduced the first issue of the journal Dialoghi di Archeologia with a programmatic article entitled 'Arte plebea'. With this term he designated forms of artistic representation that replaced 'high-art' conventions of figural representation such as spatial perspective or naturalistic proportions with the symbolic isolation of motifs in order to increase their immediacy and expressiveness--a phenomenon that was especially apparent in the cultures of ancient Italy. His study of the arte plebea, and the very conception of the Dialoghi di Archeologia, were informed by the requirement that classical archaeology be pursued in a new way, namely as a critical discipline with an explicit historical orientation. This requirement led to sustained controversies, but also had a wide impact and substantially changed the field. In the Germany of the 1970s this change occurred mainly thanks to the publications of Paul Zanker. Together with the notion of arte plebea, Zanker's scholarship has significantly contributed to the understanding of a basic phenomenon of ancient art, as well as of art generally: the relationship between form, content, and the social locus of artworks. In June 2007, on the occasion of Zanker's 70th birthday, a colloquium was held in Rome with the aim of determining the current standing of the study of this relationship, especially from the point of view of Zanker's closest colleagues and friends. The ten papers from that conference that are presented here expound a variety of perspectives on the interpretation of ancient works of art in their social and political context, in terms of both form and content: while particular attention is devoted to the imagery of Pompeii, topics covered range from ancient Greek art to provincial Roman art, and include Greek votive reliefs, Roman state reliefs, funerary monuments, and portraits. In this way the ongoing relevance of the issues related to the arte plebea and similar formal phenomena can also be underscored diachronically. Using the questions formulated since 1967 and the 1970s as a starting point, these selected case studies manage to disclose further perspectives of research for classical archaeology understood as a form of socially oriented art history. Seller Inventory # 9783895009150

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De Angelis, Francesco|Dickmann, Jens-Arne|Pirson, Felix
Published by Reichert, 2013
ISBN 10: 3895009156 ISBN 13: 9783895009150
New Kartoniert / Broschiert

Seller: moluna, Greven, Germany

Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

Kartoniert / Broschiert. Condition: New. Mit Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinellis bahnbrechendem Aufsatz Arte plebea war 1967 die Forderung verbunden, Klassische Archaeologie in neuer Weise als eine kritische, dezidiert historisch ausgerichtete Wissenschaft zu betreiben. In Deutschland hat dies in den 19. Seller Inventory # 151710027

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