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Autodesk Inventor Professional. 2012 from the entry to the master (Chinese Edition) (with a DVD-ROM disc 1) [Paperback](Chinese Edition) - Softcover

9787111362821: Autodesk Inventor Professional. 2012 from the entry to the master (Chinese Edition) (with a DVD-ROM disc 1) [Paperback](Chinese Edition)

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ISBN 10: 7111362829 ISBN 13: 9787111362821
New paperback

Seller: liu xing, Nanjing, JS, China

Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

paperback. Condition: New. Paperback. Pub Date: December 2011 Publisher: Machinery Industry Press. Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012 Chinese version from entry to the proficient to design example main line. taking into account the basic knowledge. illustrated introduction to Autodesk Inventor. Professional 2012 Chinese version of the function. use. and part design. component assembly. to create a two-dimensional drawings and so on the basis of content. as well as advanced users Inventor kinematics / dynamics simulati. Seller Inventory # CC035105

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