Items related to The birth of "ownership" (Chinese edidion)...

The birth of "ownership" (Chinese edidion) Pinyin: ¡° suo you quan ¡± de dan sheng - Softcover

9787511829092: The birth of "ownership" (Chinese edidion) Pinyin: ¡° suo you quan ¡± de dan sheng
  • PublisherLaw Press
  • Publication date2012
  • ISBN 10 7511829090
  • ISBN 13 9787511829092
  • BindingPaperback
  • LanguageChinese

Search results for The birth of "ownership" (Chinese edidion)...

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Published by Law Press, 2012
ISBN 10: 7511829090 ISBN 13: 9787511829092
New paperback

Seller: liu xing, Nanjing, JS, China

Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

paperback. Condition: New. Ship out in 2 business day, And Fast shipping, Free Tracking number will be provided after the shipment.Paperback. Pub Date: October 2012 Pages: 191 in Publisher: Law Press as the famous Japanese civil law expert. Professor Masanobu Kato structure in the system of property law and unjust enrichment. a book for us to reveal unjust enrichment constructor in the private law system. a series of the book in the New Civil Code largest department shows us the essence of the Japanese Civil Code. This gave us dedicate another to clarify the origin of the ownership of the masterpiece the birth of ownership. Ownership of the birth of a relatively vague concept of land ownership before a variety of social farming field trips. not only to clarify the structure of land ownership. but also to clarify the structure of intellectual property generated by modern industrial society. Contents: Preface Foreword Chapter traced back the origin of the concept of ownership - visits to the world before the birth of the ownership of a prairie country - two Mongolian Constitution of Mongolia and Mongolian Land Law civilized Indians world the formation of the four social land remaining five Indians in the irrigation six high tanks - visits Kudaka Ainu society Seven there is no ownership of the world - Okinawa Island eight fire Fanning social Kau Japan fire Geng ten fire farming society in Asia XI the Asia fire farming community land all twelve fire farming societies in South America 13 Oceania. fire farming society in Africa and 14 non-circulating type of fire plow? 15 nomadic society and land all sixteen hunting society and land all 17 hunter-gatherer people - the social structure of Australian Aborigines land ownership must Habitat agricultural society agricultural society with fire plow nomadic societies and hunter-gatherers society ownership generated on the basis of four when the land for non-production - Nepal's La Wute people as an example of the five non-exclusive. non-exclusive full ownership exists the six wood house-instruments of ownership Seven with traditional jurisprudence ownership compare eight pairs of land rights and water rights and nine from the point of view of language analysis the all concepts Chapter membership rights - India Munda social social structure - in all the right to a puzzling and not all membership rights - membership rights to visit Nepal three in Nepal Himalaya - Land of personal use and common use of four Community common use limit the need for five in the height difference of the two community use patterns in Nepal and six land and land use seven from a productivity point of view of land ownership. membership rights. the tertiary structure of the bona eight or two of membership rights - Nepal Japan and nine once again to the world of the Cherokee people ten total legal character of the theory of small principalities and 11 with the modern world of the Inca empire twelve transfer of land ownership is restricted - Community of maintaining private ownership established between contradiction of thirteen Village Community membership rights ties with the membership rights of the 14th China's Yunnan province at the border with Laos 15 membership rights disintegration of villages engaged in fire plow 16 Community Ownership 17th fishing rights and membership rights - - whaling and fisheries membership? Chapter intangible property right social construct intangible property right system of an intangible property right social background software protection dispute the legal construct of intangible property rights concept of the social function of V international interests antagonistic structure of intangible property rights protection of intellectual property against rampant of seven counterfeit products in Japan and the differences brought about the concept of ownership of the fifth chapter of the birth of the rights of the outlook for the future generation of two membership of the concept of the right to produce social forms. Seller Inventory # NE046901

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