This book is a highly applicable and utilizable guidebook for internal control system design, as its based on the real needs of companies. All the chapters have a focus on the design and operation of internal control policies. The first chapter is a general idea of companies internal control system design, while other chapters are divided into a few parts according to the overall operaton of the company (internal environment, capital activities, purchasing, asset management, sales, R&D, engineering projects, warranty, outsoursing, financial statements, consolidated budget, contract management, internal information transfer, information system).
"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.
US$ 15.00
From China to U.S.A.
Seller: liu xing, BeiJing, BJ, China
Soft cover. Condition: New. Language:Chinese.Author:LIU YONG ZE CHI GUO HUA LIU YONG ZE CHI GUO HUA.Binding:Soft cover.Publisher:Dalian Press Pub. Date :2011-01-01. Seller Inventory # 785510
Quantity: 3 available