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Mccarter Sam A Book on Writing ISBN 13: 9788122417463

A Book on Writing - Softcover

9788122417463: A Book on Writing

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This publication is designed primarily for english language students at an advanced level, i.e., the cambridge certificate in advanced english, cambridge proficiency and those students preparing to achieve approximately between 6.0 and 7.5 in the ielts exam managed and administered by the british council, the university of cambridge local examinations syndicate (ucles) and by ielts australia. Native speakers of english may also find some aspects of the book of use. The book as far as possible has been written from a cognitive, rather than a grammatical, point of view. The guiding principle throughout has been to mimic the underlying mechanisms and thought processes that make up the act of writing. The book is divided into five sections, focusing on the following areas: coherence in a text, cohesion, letter writing, correcting a text and punctuation. This special low-priced edition is for sale in india, bangladesh, bhutan, maldives, nepal, myanmar, pakistan and sri lanka only. About the author: sam mccarter is a lecturer in academic and medical english at southwark college, where he organizes ielts courses for overseas doctors and other health personnel, and courses in medical english, including preparation for the osce component of the plab. Sam mccarter is also the creator and organizer of the nuffield self-access language project for overseas doctors and is a freelance consultant in medical english, specializing in tropical medicine. Sam mccarter is co-author of a book for ielts , the author of a book on writing, bpp english for plab and nuffield stress tests for plab. He has also co-authored several other publications and edited a range of health publications.

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