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Entrepreneurship and Rural Development - Hardcover

9788183291972: Entrepreneurship and Rural Development

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Search results for Entrepreneurship and Rural Development

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S K Sinha
Published by Shree Pub, 2007
ISBN 10: 818329197X ISBN 13: 9788183291972
Used Hardcover

Seller: Vedams eBooks (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India

Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

Hardcover. Condition: As New. Dust Jacket Included. Contents Preface. Contributors. 1. Strategy for sustained development challenges ahead/G.C. Agarwal. 2. Need of micro financing of SMEs for rural tourism entrepreneurship development a North East Indian perspective/S.S. Khanka and Anjan Bhltan. 3. Entrepreneurship and economic development/P.K. Yadav P.B. Singh and Uvesh Singh. 4. Role of entrepreneurship in rural development/D.S. Mistry and G.R. Arora. 5. Entrepreneurship development through venture capital financing lets make things better. (An analytical study of VCF potentials for bodding entrepreneurs of Assam)/Chimun Kumar Nath and Ranjit Singh. 6. Women entrepreneurship in India The prospect and challenges/Raj Kishore Pd. Sinha. 7. Rural entrepreneurship a case study/P.K. Agarwal Manoj Kumar and Kapil Garg. 8. Some reflection on challenges and opportunities of rural development and entrepreneurship/Sandip K Bhatt Manisha S. Bhatt and Solanki Ashwin H. 9. Rural entrepreneurial development in India an overview/Anirudh Thakur Manish Kumar and Mukesh Kumar. 10. Changing dimensions of entrepreneurships in globalised Indian economy/Nasir Zameer Qureshi and Mohd. Amin. 11. Complexity in implementation of E governance in rural sectors/S. Ramanathan and K. Selvamuthukumaran. 12. Entrepreneurial development in Mizoram an insight look/K.C. Kabra and Bhartendu Singh. 13. Rural development through entrepreneurship/Nirali Pandit Sharma and Neha Chhibber. 14. Rural development and entrepreneurship/Arun Kumar Poddar. 15. Rural development and entrepreneurship with reference to marketing of farm commodities/Solanki Ashvin Kumar H. and K.B. Rao. 16. Rural development and entrepreneurship a case study/R.B.L. Srivastava S.K. Mishra and Anand Kumar. 17. SHGs and rural entrepreneurship a critique of Indian experience from micro finance perspective/Vinayak Chandra Tiwari and Pankaj Agarwal. 18. Development of women entrepreneurship in India/Mohd. Ashraf Ali Nasir Zamir Qureshi and Mir Mohd. Amin. 19. Entrepreneurial growth in the historical perspective and economic development/V.K. Singh. 20. Road infrastructure in Manipur challenges ahead/G.P. Prasain and E. Nixon Singh. 21. Looking in to the behavioural agenda of entrepreneurship a trans disciplinary approach/Shalini Singh. 22. Entrepreneurship and economic development/Anirudh Thakur and Ravi Kumar. 23. Role of women in public relation/Sushma Maurya. 24. WTO entrepreneurship and economic development/Adesh Sharma. 25. A review and analysis of small medium enterprises and their impact on Indian economy/Himadri Rajan Mishra. 26. Rural development bridge the national development/S.K. Sinha. India has vast natural and human resources. It has vast cultivable lands with diversified agro climatic zone and a very large commercial and industrial base. These are supplemented by large pool of intellectual capital of late the Indian masses particularly in rural and semi rural areas have become very conscious of what is happening around them. They are now demanding faster economic and industrial development as well as employment for every one and transparency in matter of governance. The industrialization through entrepreneurship is now considered the most effective means of achieving economic development not only of a country but also of its various regions in a balanced manner. A country is under developed mainly because of lack of entrepreneurship. The environment of an underdeveloped country is not favorable for the emergence of entrepreneurship. The consequent lack of entrepreneurship results in underutilization of resources leading to low level of industrial output which affects economic progress. The book is a collection of research papers contributed by eminent scholars of their respective disciplines highlighting issues related to rural and entrepreneurship development in the changed economy. 292 pp. Seller Inventory # 66087

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Sinha, S. K.
Published by Shree Publishers & Distributors, 2020
ISBN 10: 818329197X ISBN 13: 9788183291972

Seller: Books in my Basket, New Delhi, India

Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

N.A. Condition: New. ISBN: 9788183291972. Seller Inventory # 1859149

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US$ 21.43
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