Items related to An E-Learning Approach to Teach Discrete Mathematics

An E-Learning Approach to Teach Discrete Mathematics

9789385046476: An E-Learning Approach to Teach Discrete Mathematics
  • PublisherStudium Press
  • Publication date2019
  • ISBN 10 9385046470
  • ISBN 13 9789385046476
  • BindingUnknown Binding
  • LanguageEnglish

Search results for An E-Learning Approach to Teach Discrete Mathematics

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P. Thiyagarajan and Pramila Ramani
Published by Studium Press, 2019
ISBN 10: 9385046470 ISBN 13: 9789385046476
New Hardcover First Edition

Seller: Vedams eBooks (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India

Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

Hardcover. Condition: New. 1st Edition. Contents: Preface. Section I: 1. Introduction. 2. E- learning to enhance quality in education. 3. Importance of mathematics. 4. E-Learning in mathematics-advantages of e-learning in mathematics. Section II: 5. Review of the related literature. Section III: 6. Rationale of the study. 7. Conceptual framework. 8. Delimitation of the study. 9. Operationalization of terms. 10. Explanation of terms. 11. Research questions. 12. Objectives of the study. 13. Hypotheses. Section IV: 14. Research methodology. Section V: 15. Findings from the analysis of reaction scale. 16. Interpretation of results. 17. E-learning implemented in other states for further analysis. 18. Discussion. Section VI: 19. Conclusions. 20. Time taken for the study. 21. Implications of the study. 22. Suggestions for further scope of the study. 23. Acknowledgements. 24. References. 25. Appendices. Subject index Today is the world of technology and it has versatile usage. Students use technology gadgets for various purposes. Investigators tried to use this technology in teaching learning purpose. Investigators through their experience understood that computer science students find it difficult to learn discrete mathematics. The use of e learning is as follows. Students can watch e-modules and lectures; they can even download these lectures for reviewing. Such digitized content is very helpful to the learners and teachers as well. Students can learn in their own convenience (time) whenever they want to learn and wherever they want to learn (place). E learning can cater all types of learners. It can also cater to different levels of learners like slow learners, mediocre learners and advanced learners. Experts can video their lectures and upload it in the suitable website. Different models can be shown through these video lectures thereby making learning experiences rich and effective. Therefore they developed e learning material in discrete mathematics offered in department of mathematics and computer science and implemented the same in odd semester during the academic year 2017. The present study is delimited to universities in Tamil Nadu and only Discrete Mathematics offered in department of Computer Science and Mathematics. Objectives of the Study: 1. To develop e learning in Discrete Mathematics. 2. To study the effectiveness of the developed e learning in terms of students achievement in Mathematics. 3. To study the reaction of the students about the mode of learning discrete mathematics at the end of the experimentation. Population of the Study: All students studying in universities of Tamil Nadu in the department of mathematics and computer science constitute the population. Design of the Study: The present study is an experimental study. The investigators followed pretest posttest control design. Mathematics Achievement Scores was analyzed quantitatively using ANCOVA. Responses given by the students to the Reaction Scale of the experimental group were analyzed quantitatively using Chi Square and percentage. The analysis of ANCOVA showed that there is significance difference between mean marks of experimental group students and mean marks of control group students at.05 level of significance. Findings from the analysis of reaction scale for experimental group indicate that out of forty statements the computed Chi-square values of thirty three statements were found to have statistically significant higher values than the tabulated value and the students were found to have positive reaction and favorable attitude towards the statements carrying such higher values. That is, for more than 50% of the statements they responded positively. Using the result the investigators concluded that e learning is one of the effective methods to learn discrete mathematics. Seller Inventory # 132735

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