The inventory of Antikvariát Ztichlá klika entails old and rare prints (15th - 19th century), manuscripts, maps, bibliophile editions, and 20th-century avant-garde literature.
Der Bestand der Antikvariát Ztichlá klika umfasst alte und seltene Drucke (15. - 19. Jahrhundert), Handschriften, Landkarten, bibliophile Ausgaben und Avantgarde-Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts.
L'inventaire de l'Antikvariát Ztichlá klika comprend des imprimés anciens et rares (du XVe au XIXe sičcle), des manuscrits, des cartes, des éditions bibliophiles et de la littérature d'avant-garde du XXe sičcle.
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Seller's business information
Antikvariát Ztichlá klika
Moravská 35, Prague 2, Prague, 12000, Czech Republic
Terms of Sale:
We accept bank wire transfers and credit/debit card payments only.
Shipping Terms:
The shipping costs depend always on the shipment weight and dimensions according to the actual Czech Post price list. All the shipments are being properly and safely packed and insured.