Antiquariat Olaf Drescher, Nuthe-Urstromtal OT Nettgendorf, Germany
Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since January 14, 2005
Gestochener Titel, 831 S., 48 S. (Oratio Manassae regis iuda, cum captus teneretur in babylone.), 8 nnum. S. (Index Epistolarum), 4 (Index Testimoniorum (.), 6 (Hebraicum, Chaldaeorum (.), 22 (Index Biblicus). Mit Schluß-Vignetten. Lyoner Ausgabe der Vukgata, erschienen bei Guillaume Rouillé in Lyon. Zweipaltig gesetzt in der Schrift "Series Chatarum". Lugduni, Ex Typographia Irenaei Barlet, 1609. ZUSTAND: Schliessen fehlen, Einbandrückseite mit Fleck, Vorsatz fehlend, sonst sehr gut. Wir wünschen Ihnen frühsommerliche und entspannte Lesestunden! Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 980 Kl.-8° (16,5 x 12,5 cm), reich dekoriertes, blindgeprägtes Leder auf 4 Bünden, mit 2 (fehlenden) Lederschließen. Seller Inventory # 39088
Title: Biblia Sacra vulgatae editionis Sixti V. ...
Publisher: Lugduni, sumptib' Haered. Guil. Rouillij M.DC.IX. (1609).
Publication Date: 1609
Binding: Hardcover
Seller: Windows Booksellers, Eugene, OR, U.S.A.
Hardcover, no dust jacket. In Latin. Ex-library, foxing, tender hinges, small tears along some page edges. Edge-worn cover. 1280 pp. Seller Inventory # 708815
Quantity: 1 available
HETZENAUER, Michael BIBLIA SACRA VULGATAE EDITIONIS SIXTI V PONT. MAX. IUSSU RECOGNITA ET CLEMENTIS VIII AUCTORITATE EDITA. Ex tribus editionibus. P. ---, Ord. Min. Cap. . Ratisbonae et Romae. F. Pustet 1922 1288 p. (26 cm) Enc. cartone lomo tela. Cortes color. Sello de anterior propietario N1 (Ref.48186) latin biblia sacradas escrituras. Seller Inventory # 48186
Quantity: 1 available
Couverture rigide. Condition: Satisfaisant. Ouvrage relié demi cuir entretenu à la cire 213 de la BnF ; couverture légèrement d'usage ; GLN-444. Seller Inventory # ABE-1576167245243
Quantity: 1 available
Seller: Fundus-Online GbR Borkert Schwarz Zerfaß, Berlin, Germany
Condition: Akzeptabel. XVIII; 1280 Seiten; 26 cm; fadengeh. Orig.-Halbleinenband. Gutes, akzeptables Exemplar; Gebrauchs- u. Lagerspuren; Einband berieben; Vorsätze und einige Seiten fleckig; kleine Läsuren; Bindung geringfügig gelockert. - In lateinischer Sprache / DÜNNDRUCK. - Michael Hetzenauer (18601928), österreichischer Kapuziner, Bibelgelehrter (wiki; Kurzeintrag) // INHALT : Prafatio editoris. ------ Eatio huius editionis. ------ Praefatio ad lectorem officialis Decretum concilii Tridentini. ------ Constitutio Clementis VIII. ------ Liber Genesis. ------ Liber Exodus. ------ Liber Leviticus. ------ Liber Numeri. ------ Liber Deuteronomii. ------ Liber Iosue. ------ Liber Iudicum. ------ Liber Ruth. ------ Liber I. Samuelis. ------ Liber II. Samuelis. ------ Liber I. Regum. ------ Liber II. Regum. ------ Liber I. Paralipomenon ------ Liber II. Paralipomenon ------ Liber Esdrae. ------ Libcr Nehemiae. ------ Liber Tobias. ------ Liber Iudith. ------ Liber Esther. ------ Liber Iob. ------ Liber Psalmorum. ------ Liber Proverbiorum. ------ Liber Ecclesiastes. ------ Canticum Canticorum. ------ Liber Sapientiae. ------ Liber Ecelesiastici. ------ Prophetia Isaise. ------ Prophetia Ieremise. ------ Lamentationes Ieremiffi ------ Prophetia Baruch. ------ Prophetia Ezechielis. ------ Prophetia Danielis. ------ Prophetia Osee. ------ Prophetia loel. ------ Prophetia Amos. ------ Prophetia Abdiae. ------ Prophetia Ionae. ------ Prophetia Michaeae. ------ Prophetia Isahum. ------ Prophetia Habacuc. ------ Prophetia Sophoniae. ------ Prophetia Aggasi. ------ Prophetia Zachariae. ------ Prophetia Malachia ------ Liber I. Machabseorum ------ Liber II. Machabaeorum ------ ------ Evangelium secundum Matthaeum ------ Evangelium secundum Marcum. ------ Evangelium Soundum Lucam. ------ Evangelium seeundum Ioannem. ------ Actus Apostolorum. ------ Epistola Pauli ad Romanos. ------ Epistola Pauli ad Corinthios I. ------ Epistola Pauli ad Corinthios II. ------ Epistola Pauli ad Galatas. ------ Epistola Pauli ad Ephesios. ------ Epistola Pauli ad Philippenses. ------ Epistola Pauli ad Colossenses. ------ Epistola Pauli ad Thessalonicenses I. ------ Epistola Pauli ad Thessalonicenses II. ------ Epistola Pauli ad Timotheum I. ------ Epistola Pauli ad Timotheum II. ------ Epistola Pauli ad Titum. ------ Epistola Pauli ad Philemonem. ------ Epistola Pauli ad Hebraeos. ------ Epistola catholica Iacobi. ------ Epistola Petri I. ------ Epistola Petri II. ------ Epistola Ioannis I. ------ Epistola Ioannis II. ------ Epistola Ioannis III. ------ Epistola catholica Iudae. ------ Apocalypsis Ioannis. ------ Oratio Manassae regis ------ Liber Esdrae III. ------ Liber Esdrae IV. la Gewicht in Gramm: 1200. Seller Inventory # 1255027
Quantity: 1 available
Seller: True World of Books, Delhi, India
LeatherBound. Condition: New. LeatherBound edition. Condition: New. Reprinted from 1659 edition. Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden leaf printing on spine. Bound in genuine leather with Satin ribbon page markers and Spine with raised gilt bands. A perfect gift for your loved ones. Pages: 930 NO changes have been made to the original text. This is NOT a retyped or an ocr'd reprint. Illustrations, Index, if any, are included in black and white. Each page is checked manually before printing. As this print on demand book is reprinted from a very old book, there could be some missing or flawed pages, but we always try to make the book as complete as possible. Fold-outs, if any, are not part of the book. If the original book was published in multiple volumes then this reprint is of only one volume, not the whole set. Sewing binding for longer life, where the book block is actually sewn (smythe sewn/section sewn) with thread before binding which results in a more durable type of binding. Pages: 930. Seller Inventory # LB990005067162
Quantity: 18 available
Seller: True World of Books, Delhi, India
LeatherBound. Condition: New. LeatherBound edition. Condition: New. Reprinted from 1613 edition. Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden leaf printing on spine. Bound in genuine leather with Satin ribbon page markers and Spine with raised gilt bands. A perfect gift for your loved ones. Pages: 947 NO changes have been made to the original text. This is NOT a retyped or an ocr'd reprint. Illustrations, Index, if any, are included in black and white. Each page is checked manually before printing. As this print on demand book is reprinted from a very old book, there could be some missing or flawed pages, but we always try to make the book as complete as possible. Fold-outs, if any, are not part of the book. If the original book was published in multiple volumes then this reprint is of only one volume, not the whole set. Sewing binding for longer life, where the book block is actually sewn (smythe sewn/section sewn) with thread before binding which results in a more durable type of binding. Pages: 947. Seller Inventory # LB990005549755
Quantity: 18 available
Seller: True World of Books, Delhi, India
LeatherBound. Condition: New. LeatherBound edition. Condition: New. Reprinted from 1881 edition. Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden leaf printing on spine. Bound in genuine leather with Satin ribbon page markers and Spine with raised gilt bands. A perfect gift for your loved ones. Pages: 994 NO changes have been made to the original text. This is NOT a retyped or an ocr'd reprint. Illustrations, Index, if any, are included in black and white. Each page is checked manually before printing. As this print on demand book is reprinted from a very old book, there could be some missing or flawed pages, but we always try to make the book as complete as possible. Fold-outs, if any, are not part of the book. If the original book was published in multiple volumes then this reprint is of only one volume, not the whole set. Sewing binding for longer life, where the book block is actually sewn (smythe sewn/section sewn) with thread before binding which results in a more durable type of binding. Pages: 994. Seller Inventory # LB990080594910
Quantity: 18 available
Seller: Leipziger Antiquariat, Leipzig, Germany
26,5 x 17,0 cm, Halbleinenband. Condition: Gut. 1280 Seiten Zustand: Einband etwas berieben, Ecken etwas bestoßen, Papier leicht gebräunt // Dünndruckpapier. Text in Latein /// Versand gratis Innerhalb Deutschlands - Portofrei in Deutschland- ab 20 Euro mit Post ID - Gratisversand deutschlandweit innerhalb Deutschlands gratis Versand -Versandkostenfrei innerhalb Deutschlands /// la Gewicht in Gramm: 1100. Seller Inventory # 343114
Quantity: 1 available
Seller: True World of Books, Delhi, India
LeatherBound. Condition: New. LeatherBound edition. Condition: New. Reprinted from 1664 edition. Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden leaf printing on spine. Bound in genuine leather with Satin ribbon page markers and Spine with raised gilt bands. A perfect gift for your loved ones. Pages: 1017 NO changes have been made to the original text. This is NOT a retyped or an ocr'd reprint. Illustrations, Index, if any, are included in black and white. Each page is checked manually before printing. As this print on demand book is reprinted from a very old book, there could be some missing or flawed pages, but we always try to make the book as complete as possible. Fold-outs, if any, are not part of the book. If the original book was published in multiple volumes then this reprint is of only one volume, not the whole set. Sewing binding for longer life, where the book block is actually sewn (smythe sewn/section sewn) with thread before binding which results in a more durable type of binding. Pages: 1017. Seller Inventory # LB990006886590
Quantity: 18 available
Seller: True World of Books, Delhi, India
LeatherBound. Condition: New. LeatherBound edition. Condition: New. Reprinted from 1682 edition. Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden leaf printing on spine. Bound in genuine leather with Satin ribbon page markers and Spine with raised gilt bands. A perfect gift for your loved ones. Pages: 1015 NO changes have been made to the original text. This is NOT a retyped or an ocr'd reprint. Illustrations, Index, if any, are included in black and white. Each page is checked manually before printing. As this print on demand book is reprinted from a very old book, there could be some missing or flawed pages, but we always try to make the book as complete as possible. Fold-outs, if any, are not part of the book. If the original book was published in multiple volumes then this reprint is of only one volume, not the whole set. Sewing binding for longer life, where the book block is actually sewn (smythe sewn/section sewn) with thread before binding which results in a more durable type of binding. Pages: 1015. Seller Inventory # LB990006892077
Quantity: 18 available