Bonhams 2005 British & Continental Pictures
From thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, United Kingdom
Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since February 21, 2017
From thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, United Kingdom
Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since February 21, 2017
About this Item
Bonhams ? London, Sale title ? British & Continental Pictures, Date ? 10th May 2005, No. of lots - 320, No. of pages ? 65, Illustrated in colour Received India stamp inside in front , Index, Agostini, G., Albani, F. Manner of, Allan, Arnegger, A., Banks, J.O., Banner, A., Bartholomew, V., Barton, M. G., Behnas, W., Belgian School, Benham, M., Bennett, E., Berchem, N. Manner of, Birtles, H., Blommers, B.J., Bolognese School, 17th Century, Bouchard, P.F., Bouvier, A. J. Attributed to, Boydell, C., Brakespeare, W. A., Breanski, A. de Snr., Brittan, C. E., Broker, W., Brouwer, A. Manner of, Buck, W, Buckstone, F., Busch, P.J.V., Cacciarelli, U., Campajola, A., Campbell, J. H., Campidoglio, Manner of, Canals, M. Studio of, Candido, S. Follower of, Carlill, S.B., Carline, G., Carmichael, T., Carpenter, MS, Chadwick, EA, Chester, E. Attributed to, Clare, O., Clifford, H. C., Clint, A. Circle of, Coleman, A.G., Collins, J., Continental School, Continental School, 19th Century, Continental School, Early 18th Century, Cordrey, J. Attributed to, Cox, D., Craigmile, W, Crawford, E.T. Attributed, Crisp, G., Cunningham, W., da Ponte, J. After, Dahl, M. Circle of, Dawe, G., Dean, P., DeVille, V., Dollman, H.P., Dou, G. Manner of, Ducker, J.M., Dutch School, Dutch School, circa 1700, Dyck, Sir A. After, Edwards, S. T. circle of, Eeckhout, J.J., Eichinger, E., Ellis, E., Engels, W*, 258 English School, 287 English School, 19th Century, 163 English School, c.1860, English School., 241 Evans, A. E., Fairfax, T* *, Faringtori, J. Attributed to, Ferguson, J., Fielding, AVC., Flemish School, Fletcher, E., Fonseca, J.J., Forbes, SA, Fowler, G**, Fraser, R. W., French School, French School, c.1900, Frommhold, E., Gale, W, Galea, L.M., Garnier, J*, German School, Gilbert, A., Gogin, C. Attributed to, Graham, G., Greco, E., Green, D., Guiness, J., Hall,W, Hammond, H., Hardwick, G.G., Hardy, J., Harrison, M., Haselgrave, A., Hastings, E., Haswell-Miller A. E., Havel!, E. Jnr., Hawliak, E., Hayes, C., Heemskerck E. van Circle of, Heemskerck the younger, Attributed to, Heilbuth, F., Heineman, H *, Hemsley, W., Henshaw, F., Hermelin, O., Hibdon, H.E., Hider, F., Hillingford, RA, Hines, F., Hogarth W, After, Hoguet, C., Hondecoeter, Follower of, Hort, J.E., Houston, J. A., Huggins, W. Follower of, Huguenin-Lassanguette, F.E., Ibbetson, J.c., Italian School, Italian School, 18th Century, Italian School, 19th Century, Italian School, Late 19th Century, Jackson, S. P., 270 Jamieson, F.E., 201 Jerichau-Baumann, A.M.E., 72 Johnson, H. J., 92 Johnson, P. T., Jolly, H.J.B., Jones, S. J. E., Jonxis, J. L., Kerr G.c., Kilburne, G G, King, WJ., Kinnaird, H. J., Kinsley, H. R., Klimsch, E.J.G., Knox, W. 56, Kretzchmer, J. H., Laar, B.W. van, Lange, J.G., Langley, W, Langstaffe, J., Lear, E., Lems, L., Lewis, A, Linton, W., Livingston, N.C., Longstaffe, E., Lucas, E.G.H., Lut yens, CA H., Maestri, M., After, Maitland, A.F. Captain, Maris, J. Follower of, Marshall, R.A.K., McKewan, D.H., Meadows, J.E., Meissonier, J.c. Follower of, Meyerheim, R., Millais, J. E. Sir, Minassian, H*, Mole, J. H., Moon, H.G., Moor,, Morgan, B., Morland, G., Morland, G. Follower of, Morris, J., Morrish, W S., Moseley, R.S., Mugin, P., Nash, J. Follower of, Niemann, E.J., North German School, Mid-18th Century, Oakes, J. W, Ofrey, A, Oliver, W, Oppenheim, M., Orrock, J., Pennington, O., Petèrsen, H., Pettitt, J. P., Pilleau, H., Pinelli, B. Circle of, Piotrowski, A, Priestman, A., Prout, S., Prout, S. After, Provincial School, Pryce, G. W, Raymond, K., Reed, E. T., Reed, J. C., Reynolds, J. Sir Circle of, Rezia, F., Rezia, F. A, Richard, P., Riguad, H. Circle of, Riley, J. Circle of, Rimington, A W., Rivers, L., Roberts, A., Romanelli, After, Romney, G. Follower of, Rowbottom, P., Rowden, T., Ruisdael, J. van, Manner of, Sadler, WD., Sani, A, Schafer, H., Schalcken, G. Mannor of, Schon, E **, Scottish School, Sealy, AC., Seymour, T., Shanks, W S., Shaw, W., Shee, Sir MA, Shepard, E.H., Seller Inventory # 12052
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Title: Bonhams 2005 British & Continental Pictures
Condition: Good
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