Bonhams June 2012 Books, Maps, Manuscripts & Historical Photographs inc. Oxfam
From thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, United Kingdom
Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since February 21, 2017
From thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, United Kingdom
Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since February 21, 2017
About this Item
Bonhams - London, Sale title - Books, Maps, Manuscripts & Historical Photographs Including Selections from Oxfam, Date - 26th June 2012, No. of lots - 784, No. of pages - 165, Illustrated in colour and black & white INDEX A, Acton A. , Agricola G.A. , Albums , Aldis E. , Alpin O.V. , Amis K. , Amritsar , Anderson G.W. , Angling , Antoninus , Architecture , Ariosto L. , Armstrong J. , Art Reference , Art Union , Aspin J. , Assisi , Astronomy , Atkinson J.A. , Atlases , Auction catalogues , Audubon J.J. , Australia , B, Bahamas , Baker E.C.B. , Baker S.W. , Bangorian controversy , Bannerman D. , Barraud H. , Barry P. , Baskin L. , Bawden E. , Beckett S. , Beerbohm M. , Belgium , Bell C. , Bennett A. , Bentivoglio G. , Bergheim P. , Betjeman J. , Bewick T. , Bibles , Bibliography , Bicycling , Bierstadt Brothers , Bindings , , Biography , Birds , Birmingham , Birmingham Repertory Theatre , Blaeu W. & J. , Blampies E. , Blunden E. , Boer War , Bond J. , Bonnard P. , Boswell J. , Boyle R , Bradley R. , Bratby J. , Bree C.R. , Bristol , British Isles , British topography , Britton J. , Bryden H.A. , Burlington C. , Burma , Burton R.F. & I. , C, Caillidres J. de , Campbell J. , Caricature , Carroll L. , Cartagena , Cary J. , Castles , Catalogues , Catholics , Ceylon , Chandler R. , Chapman A , Chatto W.A. , Chatwin B. , Chesterfield P.D.S. , Childrey J. , Chile , China , Ching R , Chronicles , Churchill W.S. , Churchyard T. , Coaching , Coburn A.L. , Cole A.S. , Coleridge S.T. , Combe W. , Commines P. de , Congo , Conrad J. , Cook J. , Cornwall , Cornwell B. , Costume , Courthope F.E. , Cox E.Y. , Craig J. , Crichton M. , Cricket , Criminology , Croats , Crystal Palace , Cuitt G. , Curtis W. , D, Daguerreotypes , Dahl R. , Dalmaet H C. , Dampier W. , Darwin C. , Dati A. , Davidson J.B. , Day R. , de Cervantes M.S. , Delamotte PH. , Delius P. , Devon , Dibdin T.F. , Dickens C. , Diseases , Doddridge J. , Doves Press , Doyle A.C. , Drayton M. , Dresser C. , Du Camp M. , Du Maurier G. Dugdale W. Heller J. , Duhamel du Monceau H.L. Hemphill W.D. , Dumas A. Henri II , E Heptarchy , Early photography Heraldry , Economics Hill D.O. , Eder J.M. Hockney D. , Edward VIII Holinshed R. , Egypt Holy Land , Eliot G. Homer , Eliot T.S. Hong Kong , Emerson P.H. Hooper W.W. , English Topography Horn book holder , Entomology Horology , Erizzo S. Humphreys H.N. , Extra illustrated Hunter J. , F Hunting , Faber J. Hutchinson J. , Family histories Huxley family , Fenton Ft. Hyde J.T. , Ferrotypes I, Fever Ibis , Field Sports Ichigaku , Fielding H. Illuminated Leaves , Fingerprints Illumination , Flavius J. Incunubala , Fleming A. Inda , Flight India , Folio Society Indo China , Fore edge painting Industry , Forshaw J.M. lona , Forster E.M. Ionian Islands , Frith F. Iraq , Furniture Irish interest , G Italy , Gait J. J, Gay J. Jamaica , Gent T. Japan , Gibbon E. Jersey , G. Seller Inventory # 31476
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Title: Bonhams June 2012 Books, Maps, Manuscripts &...
Condition: Good
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