CONCERTI GROSSI con duoi violini, e violoncello di concertino obligati, e duoi altri violini, vola,e basso di concerto grosso, ad arbitrio, che si potranno radopiarel de Arcangelo Correli da Fusignano Oper sesta. XII Great Concertos, or sonatas, for two violins and a violincello or for two violins more, a tenor, and a thorough-bass: which may be doubled at pleasure. being the sixth and last work of Arcangelo Corelli.

CORELLI, Arcangelo [bound with] GEMINIANI, Francesco.

Published by London: printed for I. ie John Walsh. at the Harp and Hoboy in Katherine Street in the Strand ?before, 1736

From Barry McKay Rare Books, Appleby-in-Westmorland, CUMBR, United Kingdom

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