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Chancery Cases, 1660-1697 [Great Britain]. [Court of Chancery]. Cases Argued and Decreed in the High Court of Chancery. Carefully Corrected from the Errors of Former Impressions. To Which are Now Added Proper Notes and References to the Ancient and Modern Books of Law and Equity; With Many New Cases, Maxims and Rules, Necessary for Illustrating and Explaining the Whole. [London]: Printed by E. and R. Nutt, And R. Gosling, 1735. Two parts in one volume, each with title page. [viii], 312, [24]; [viii], 251, [21] pp. [Bound with] Select Cases in the High Court of Chancery, Solemnly Argued and Decreed by the Late Lord Chancellor: With the Assistance of the Judges. With an Exact Table to the Whole. [London]: Printed by E. and R. Nutt, And R. Gosling, [1740?]. [vi], [ii], 136 pp. Table misbound before title page. Folio (12-1/2" x 8"). Contemporary calf, rebacked in period style, blind fillets to boards, raised bands and lettering piece to spine, hinges mended, early armorial bookplate (of John Phillips, Esq. [1759-1836], Edstone) to front pastedown. Light toning, light browning to Second Part, light foxing to a few leaves, light soiling and illegible faint early owner signature to head of Cases. $500. * Cases: third edition, title page of Part II states "Second Edition, Corrected, With Many Additional References"; Select Cases: fourth edition. These reports contain cases from 12 Charles II. to 4th James II. (1660-1697). According to Wallace, Kent criticized these reports but was impressed with several reports of cases decided by Lord Chancellor Cowper. Wallace, The Reporters 481. English Short-Title Catalogue T95699, T161170. Seller Inventory # 69748
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