thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, United Kingdom
Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since February 21, 2017
Christie's - London, Sale title ? Modern British & Irish Paintings, Watercolours, Drawings & Sculpture , Date ? 21st November 1995, No. of lots - 255, No. of pages - 139, Illustrated in colour and black & white INDEX Agar E Alexander N Apperley G O W Ardizone E Armlield M A Armour G D Banting J Barry Sir C F Bawden E Beardsley A Beerbohm Sir M Bell V Birch S J L Bloch M Bomberg D Bradley H Bryant G Brzcska H G Clausen Sir G Cundall C Dobson F Edwards L Epstein Sir J Enrich k Fedden M Flint Sir W R Forbes E A S Forbes S A Foweraker A M Fry R Gertler M Gill E de Glehn W G Gloag I Goodrich W R F Grant D Gray R de Grey Sir R Hagedorn K Harvey H Herman J Hillier T Jamieson A I John A John G Kelly F Kelly Sir G Kennedy G Knight Dame L de Laszlo P Lavery Sir J Lees D Lewis P W Lowry L S Maitland P Maze P McEvoy A Meninsky B Mitchell A C Morris Sir G Morrocco A Munnings Sir A J Murray Sir D Nash J Nash P Nicholson Sir W O'Conor R O'Neill J Olsson J Philpot G Piper J Pissarro L Procter I J Roberts W Salisbury F O Sargent J S Seago E Sharp D Sickert W R Simpson G W Skeaping J Smythe L P Spear R I Spencer Sir S Stott E Strang W Tayler A G Tibbie G Tonks H Trevelyan J Tuke H S Walker Dame E Webster W E Weight G Wood G Yeats J B Zinkeisen D Weight: 566g We use registered airmail for all parcels which are sent out from our depot in India. Parcels usually take 1 - 2 weeks to arrive at your selected destination. All parcels are shipped within 1 working day of payment being received. Seller Inventory # 33312
Title: Christies 1995 Modern British, Irish ...
Condition: Marked
Seller: thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, United Kingdom
Condition: Good. Christie's ? London, Sale title ? Modern British & Irish Paintings, Watercolours , Drawings & Sculpture, Date ? 20th June 1995, No. of lots - 336, No. of pages - 159 , Illustrated in colour and black & white, , , Weight: 633g We use registered airmail for all parcels which are sent out from our depot in India. Parcels usually take 1 - 2 weeks to arrive at your selected destination. All parcels are shipped within 1 working day of payment being received. Seller Inventory # 16578
Quantity: 1 available
Seller: thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, United Kingdom
Condition: Good. Christie's ? London, Sale title ? Modern British and Irish Paintings, Watercolours and Sculpture, Date ? 23rd March 1995, No. of lots - 324, No. of pages ? 159, Illustrated in colour and black & white, , Airy A, Allen HE, Armfield M, Armstrong J, Atkinson J, Atwood, Ayling G, Bayes, W. 71, Beerbohm, Sir M. 260-270, Bell, V. 139, 140, Bell, R. A. 127, Billinghurst. A. 305, Hirch. S.]. L. 272, Blanche,]. E. 23, 131, Bamberg, D. 141, 144, Bowyer. W. 209, Brathy,]. 78, Brockhurst. G. L. 88, Buhler, R. 214, C, Camp.J_ 142B, Carrington. D. 138, Charles. S. 289-291, Clausen,SirG.46, Clayton, H. 295, Cooper. G. 191, Coward, Sir N. 254, Cundall, C. 93, D, Devas, A. 36, 42, Dick,Sir W.R.169, Dobson, F. 165, Dunlop, R. O. 257, Dunstan, B. 217. 219-221, E, Edwards, L. 278, Ellis,L293, 294, Epstein, Sir). 156, Epstein 185, Eurich, R. 116. 117, Eyton,A.259, fedden.M.21O-212,215, Fidler, H. 22, Fitton,j. 123, flight, C. 160, Flint, Sir W. R. 306-324, Forhes, E. A. S. 19, Farhes, S. A. 17, 18,20,297, Fox-Pitt, D. 57, Fuller, L. 301, G, Gertler,M, de Glehn, W, Grant, 0.134-137, de Grey, SirR 240, Grinling, A. G. 163, Gross,A.142A, 142, H, Hagedorn, K. 194, Hamilton, LM. 89, Lee--Hankey, W. 24-26,29,248, Harvey,H.21, Hayward,A.250, Head, E.J. 304, Henry, P. 84, Hodgkin, E. 6-16, Hodgkins, F. 189, 192, Holiday,G.185,282, Howard, K. 206, 207, Ihlee, R.197, J, John, A. 170-180, Jones,D.170,190, Jonzen, K. 166, K, L, Lamb,1-I. 61-68, 182, Lambcrt,M.168, Lavery, Sir). 80-83, 94, 95, Lawrence,E.M.159, Lees, D. 183, Lessore, T. 73, Lewis,M.223, Lewis,P.W.181, Lowndes, 74, 121, 224, Lowry, L S. 100-114, Lunn, H. A. Hl6, Lyne,M.279,280, M, MacNab,L258, Manson,]. B. 56, 58, Maze,P.2,3,31-35, McCrossan, M. 255, Mellon, C. 299, Meninsky, B.145-147, 150, Milne,].M.4, Munnings, SirA. 274-277, 159, N, Nash,). 273, Nevinson, C. R., Nicholson, W, Nicholson, o, Osborne, W.F.86, p, Park,]. A. 298, 302, Pender,J.222, Philipson, SirR. 216, Piper J. 236-239, 243, 244, Pissarro, L 48, 53, 55, 60, Procter, D. 43-45, Pryse, G. S. 87, R, Ramsay, Lady 1' 213, Reay,J·208, Ridge, H. E. 300, Rogers, C. 148, Rothenstein, Sir W. 133, Roy1c, H. 251-253, Sands, E. 54, Seabrooke, E. 195, Seage. E. 75-77, 97-99, 225-233, Sharp, D. 199-204, Sickert, W. R. 49-52, 59, 62, 72, Sims, C. 235, Smith, D. M. 249, Smith,Sir M.152-155, Spear, R. 115, 118, 119,218, Spencer, Sir S. 241, 242, Steer,P. W.90-92, Stott,W.37, Suddaby, R. 193, 196, T, Taylor, W.69, Tibble, G. 128, 129, Tonks,H.1, Topolski, F. 292, TunniclifTe, C. F. 286, 287, 288, w, Walker, Dame E. 124, 125, 167, Webster, W.47, Weight, C. 120, Kemp-Welch, L 281, Willsher,1l.162, Wolfe,E.234, Wolmark, A. 157, 158, 161, Wood, C. 187,205,245-247 INDEX Airy, A Allen, H E Armfield, M Armstrong,J Atkinson,J Atwood, C Ayling, G Hayes, W Beerbohm, Sir M Bell, V Bell, R A Billinghurst, A Birch,S J L Blanche,J H Bomberg, D Bowyer,' W Bratby,J Brockhurst, G L Buhlcr, R Camp,J Carrington, D Charles, S Clausen, Sir G Clayton, H Cooper, G Coward, Sir N Cundall, C Devas, A Dick, Sir W R Dobson, F Dunlop, R O Dunstan, B Edwards, L Ellis, L Epstein, SirJ Epstein Eurich, R Eyton, A Fedden, M Fidler, H Fitton,J Flight, C Flint, Sir W R Forbes, E A S Forbes, S A Fox-Pitt, D Fuller, L Gertler, M deGlehn, W G Grant, D a, de Grey, Sir R Grinling, A G Gross, A a Hagedorn, K Hamilton, L M Lee-Hankey, W Harvey, H Hayward, A Head,E J Henry, I' Hodgkin, E Hodgkins, F Holiday, G Howard, K Ihlce, R John, A Jones, D Jonzen, K Kelly, SirG F Kennerley, G Kennington, E King, W G a Knight, Dame L Lamb, unbelt, M I(i Lavery, SirJ Lawrence, E M Fees,D Lessore, I Lewis, M Lewis, l W Lowndes, Lowry, L S Lunn, A Lyne, M MacNab, Manson,J B Maze, P McCrossan, M Mellon, C Meninsky, B Milne,J M Munnings, Sir A Nash,J Nevinson, C R W Nicholson, W Nicholson, Sir W Osborne, W F Park,J A Pender,J Philipson, Sir R Piper,J Pissarro, L Procter, D Pryse, G S Ramsay, Lady P Reay, I Ridge, E Rogers, C Rothenstein, Sir W Royle, II Sands, E Seabrookc, E Seago, E Sharp, Seller Inventory # 16033
Quantity: 1 available
Seller: thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, United Kingdom
Condition: Good. Christie's - London, Sale title ? Modern British & Irish Paintings, Watercolours, Drawings & Sculpture , Date ? 21st November 1995, No. of lots - 255, No. of pages - 139, Illustrated in colour and black & white INDEX Agar E Alexander N Apperley G O W Ardizzone E Armfield M A Armour G D Banting J Barry Sir C F Bawden E Beardsley A I Beerbohni Sir M Bell V Birch S J Block M Bomberg J Bradley Bryant G Brzeska H G Clausen Sir G Cundall C Dobson F Edwards L Epstein Sir J Enrich R Fedden M Flint Sir W R Forbes E A S Forbes S A Foweraker A M Fry R Gertler M Gill E de Clehn W G Gloag I L Goodrich W R E Grant J Gray Ik de Grey Sir R I Hagedorn K Harvey I Herman J Hillier T Jamieson A John A John G Kelly F Kelly Sir G Kennedy C Knight Dame L de Laszlo P Lavery Sir J Lees D Lewis P W Lowry L S Maitland P Maze P McEvoy A Meninsky B Mitchell A C Morris Sir C Morrocco A Munnings Sir A J Murray Sir D Nash J Nash P Nicholson Sir W O'Conor R O'Neill J Olsson J Philpot G Piper J Pissarro L Procter D Roberts W Salisbury F O Sargent J S Seago E Sharp D Sickert W R Simpson C W Skeaping J Smythe L P Spear Ik I Spencer Sir S Scott E Strang W Tayler A C Tibbie G Tonks H Trevelyan J Ttike I S Walker Dame E Webster W E Weight C Wood C Yeats J B Zinkeisen Weight: 566g We use registered airmail for all parcels which are sent out from our depot in India. Parcels usually take 1 - 2 weeks to arrive at your selected destination. All parcels are shipped within 1 working day of payment being received. Seller Inventory # 16576
Quantity: 1 available