Christies February 1996 19th Century European Paintings



From thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, United Kingdom Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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Christie's - New York, Sale title - 19th Century European Paintings, Date - 13th February 1996, No. of lots - 230, No. of pages - 63, Illustrated in colour INDEX Adam J D AivasofFski I C Arengger A Aschenbrenner Barbudo S S I Barenger J Baudouin C J P Beauquesne W C Becker C L F Bennett F M Bcntlcy C Berg R BHbaoy Martinez G Blanche J E Blankenburg A Boddington H J Bompiani R Bonheur R Bonifazi A Boucart G Bouchor J F Boulaye C A P de la BourdHlon F W Bouter C Bouvard A Bouvet H M C Bowkett J M Brancaccio C Breanski A F de Breanski Jr A de Bree J van Bretland T W Bridgman F A Brugnoli E Buchanan P S Cachoud F C Calderon C C Callot A Cambos F U Caputo U Casanovay Estorach A I Cazin J C Choultse I F Clark F A Clary J E Coccotti N Continental School Cooper T S Cooper E Correa B R Cortes E Creswick T Czernotzky E Dalmau E P Davis J V Debat G Decamp F Delaunay J Delpy J H Demont Breton V DetaHle E Dlens FLA Doll A Domingo y Marques F Dupre V Duvieux H East A Engelhardt G English School Etty W Fanfani E Ferris J L J Ferris S J Flieher K Francis T E Frederico C M I French School Gaisser J E Gallon R German School Gervais E Goinezy GH G Graner Y Arrufi L Grazi F Groeber H Gyselinckx Haag C Haanen G C I van Haase K Haanen R van Hanger A Haas J HL de Hayes E Haynes WHliams J Hebert A A E HefFner K Herring Snr J F Herring G E HHdebrandt F T Hoog B de Huber L Jacomin A L V Jardines J M Jimenezy Fcrmandez F Keller F KHbnrne C King H J Y Knip W A Kondratenko G Kuhlmann Reher E Kuwasseg C E H Kuwasseg C E Ladell E Lambinet E C Lamplough A O Lapira Leemputten C van Lepine S (School of) Lindstrom A M Lobrichon T M Louyot E Lucasy PadHla E Madrazoy Garreta R de Marchand J L Marsano L A Martinez S Massani P Mazerolle A J Mazetta J I Meadows A J Meadows W Meister S Menard R E Michel G Moore H R A Moormans F Moreau A F Morris W Mortelmans F Muller K MHller R Muller Heinbach W Muzzioli G Navarro J Neopolitan School Ocon y Rivas E Odelmark F W Paredes V de Peraire P E Percy S R Peske G Petitjean E Prosalentis E KolesnikofF S Rainer J J Raschen H Rau E Regnier I Reinagle P Reynaud M Riegen N Roybet F Salinus J P Schafer H Schenck A F A Schlegel F A Schlesinger F Schrodl A Schwing S Shayer W Shayer Snr W Shayer W Shayer Jnr W Sherrin D Sigriste G Simoneti E Smythe T SokolofF A Stamick A Styka A Testas W Thorna J Thomassin Thors J Topham F W W TrouHlebert P D Troyon C Tuke U S Turkish School Valdeparas y Merioh E Verboeckhoven E Verhas J F Verveer S L VHa y Prade J Vincent G Vinea F Vogel C J de Vollon A VoHweider J J Wardle A Watts F W Weens J J Wells J S WHlis A V WHson J B Wooliner A J WulfFaert A Zocchi G Weight: 253g We use registered airmail for all parcels which are sent out from our depot in India. Parcels usually take 1 - 2 weeks to arrive at your selected destination. All parcels are shipped within 1 working day of payment being received. Seller Inventory # 55997

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Seller: thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, United Kingdom

Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars 4-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

Condition: Good. Christie's - New York, Sale title - 19th Century European Paintings, Date - 13th February 1996, No. of lots - 230, No. of pages - 63, Illustrated in colour INDEX Adam J D AivasofFski I C Arengger A Aschenbrenner Barbudo S S I Barenger J Baudouin C J P Beauquesne W C Becker C L F Bennett F M Bcntlcy C Berg R BHbaoy Martinez G Blanche J E Blankenburg A Boddington H J Bompiani R Bonheur R Bonifazi A Boucart G Bouchor J F Boulaye C A P de la BourdHlon F W Bouter C Bouvard A Bouvet H M C Bowkett J M Brancaccio C Breanski A F de Breanski Jr A de Bree J van Bretland T W Bridgman F A Brugnoli E Buchanan P S Cachoud F C Calderon C C Callot A Cambos F U Caputo U Casanovay Estorach A I Cazin J C Choultse I F Clark F A Clary J E Coccotti N Continental School Cooper T S Cooper E Correa B R Cortes E Creswick T Czernotzky E Dalmau E P Davis J V Debat G Decamp F Delaunay J Delpy J H Demont Breton V DetaHle E Dlens FLA Doll A Domingo y Marques F Dupre V Duvieux H East A Engelhardt G English School Etty W Fanfani E Ferris J L J Ferris S J Flieher K Francis T E Frederico C M I French School Gaisser J E Gallon R German School Gervais E Goinezy GH G Graner Y Arrufi L Grazi F Groeber H Gyselinckx Haag C Haanen G C I van Haase K Haanen R van Hanger A Haas J HL de Hayes E Haynes WHliams J Hebert A A E HefFner K Herring Snr J F Herring G E HHdebrandt F T Hoog B de Huber L Jacomin A L V Jardines J M Jimenezy Fcrmandez F Keller F KHbnrne C King H J Y Knip W A Kondratenko G Kuhlmann Reher E Kuwasseg C E H Kuwasseg C E Ladell E Lambinet E C Lamplough A O Lapira Leemputten C van Lepine S (School of) Lindstrom A M Lobrichon T M Louyot E Lucasy PadHla E Madrazoy Garreta R de Marchand J L Marsano L A Martinez S Massani P Mazerolle A J Mazetta J I Meadows A J Meadows W Meister S Menard R E Michel G Moore H R A Moormans F Moreau A F Morris W Mortelmans F Muller K MHller R Muller Heinbach W Muzzioli G Navarro J Neopolitan School Ocon y Rivas E Odelmark F W Paredes V de Peraire P E Percy S R Peske G Petitjean E Prosalentis E KolesnikofF S Rainer J J Raschen H Rau E Regnier I Reinagle P Reynaud M Riegen N Roybet F Salinus J P Schafer H Schenck A F A Schlegel F A Schlesinger F Schrodl A Schwing S Shayer W Shayer Snr W Shayer W Shayer Jnr W Sherrin D Sigriste G Simoneti E Smythe T SokolofF A Stamick A Styka A Testas W Thorna J Thomassin Thors J Topham F W W TrouHlebert P D Troyon C Tuke U S Turkish School Valdeparas y Merioh E Verboeckhoven E Verhas J F Verveer S L VHa y Prade J Vincent G Vinea F Vogel C J de Vollon A VoHweider J J Wardle A Watts F W Weens J J Wells J S WHlis A V WHson J B Wooliner A J WulfFaert A Zocchi G Weight: 253g We use registered airmail for all parcels which are sent out from our depot in India. Parcels usually take 1 - 2 weeks to arrive at your selected destination. All parcels are shipped within 1 working day of payment being received. Seller Inventory # 28640

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