Christies July 1997 Important Old Master Pictures
From thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, United Kingdom
Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since February 21, 2017
From thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, United Kingdom
Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since February 21, 2017
About this Item
Christie's ? London, Sale title ? Important Old Master Pictures, Date - 4th July 1997, No. of lots - 390, No. of pages ? 353, 3 fold outs, Illustrated in colour, , Index, A, Adriaenssen 53, van Aelst 235, Albani 343, Allegri 339, Amigoni 336, Angeli 107, van Amhonissen 225, 227, d'Arthais 38, Assreyn50, B, Bacchiacca 85, de Backer 299, Bakhuizen 224, Bartolo di Fredi 71, Bassano 376, Beert 272, Benson 29, Bidauld G7, Biltius 284, Bîmbi 323, Binait 49, van Bloemen 382, Boel 271, Bollongier 282, Bolrraffio 83, Bonifazio de Pitati 359, Bonomini 103, il I3orgognone 328, SOLIman 269, de Bcay 15, van Bredael 201, 205, Breenburgh 41, Brescianino delle Battaglie 379, Bril40,208, Brouwcr252, Brueghel, A 328, Brueghel, J 46, 204, 239, 254, 268, Brueghel, P. 32-33, 35, 219, Bucci 381, Budapest Master 317, Busca 95, c, Caccia 360-361, Canaletto 119, 121, 385, 390, Candid 236, van de CappeUe 16, de Caro 373, Carpio ni 374, Catena 354, Cipper 337, Claude 60, van Cleve 34, 234, Coelenbier 220, Cologne Sehool 70, de Coninck 283, Coninxloo 37, Correggio 76, 339, Correse 328, Cranach 292, de Crayer 263, School of Cremona 351, Crespi 108, 5chool of Crete 81, Crivelli 73, Cuyp 13, D, Dandini 89, Dapper 327, van Delen 230, van Dielarr276, Dizianî 101, Domenico di Michelino 345, Doncker 265, Drouais 307, Dughet 377, Duplessis 64, Dupuis 61, Duyster 12, E, van den Eeckhollt 256, van Es 279, F, Falch 303, Falconel02, Falconet 309, Falensvan Falens 217, Fechhelm 304, Ferg 380, de'Fîori 322, Florentine School 84, de Fontenay 314, Foppa 347, Foppens 279, Fragonard 308, Franceschini 109, Francken 237-238, 257, French School 69, Frisian School 291, G, Fra Galgario 330, Gandolfi, G. 105-106, Gandolfi, M. 104, Gandolfino d'Asti 79, il Garofolo 77, Geerards51, van Gelder 273, Gellée 60, Ghirlandaio 355-356, Ghislandi 90, Ghislandi 330, Gianlisi 325-326, Giordano 96, Giovanni di Ser Giovanni 74, Goltzius 240, Gorp/!van 14, van Goyen 3, 5, 211, 212, 255, Granet 68, Greuze 312, Griffier48, Grimmer 203, Guardi 115-118, 120, 388-389, Gysbrechts 275, Gysbrechts, CN. 277, H, Hals 250, Heda 56, 281, de Heem 54, van Helmont 21, van der Helst 18, 261, van Hemessen 30A, de Hondecoerer 210, de Hondt 206, van Honthorst 26, 28, de Hooch 19, 23, van Huchrenburg 215, Central Italian School 110, 362, J, Jacopo dJ Indaco 349, Janssens 30, K, Keirincx 36, van Kessel 52, 266-267, L, de La Hyre 62, de Lairesse 262, Lamberti 341, Lanfranco 344, Langeni 369, Levecq 260, Licinio 86, Lievens 27, Lingelbach 207, Lopez y Portaiia 318, Lorrain 60, Loth 297, M, Magnasco 336A, Mahu 248, Mansueti 78, Manzuoli 87, di Mariano 348, von Maron 294, Marrel278, Martinelli 364, Maso da San Friano 87, Master of the Campana Tondo 82, Master of the Langman Foundation, Views 386, Master of the Lombard Fmit Bowl, 93, de Matteis 368, Mehus 375, Mercier 311, Mertens 270, Mertens,J.FJ 287, Michele di Ridolfo dei Ghirlandaio, 356, Miel 383, Milani 98, de Momper 39, 42, il MOllcalvo 360-361, Monnoyer 315, The Monogrammist N.G. 280, Momi 379, de Mura 99, van der Myn 286, N, Nedfs 232-233, van der Neer 1,11,17, Negrerci 350, de Neyn213, Nogari 332, van Noordt 242, North Italian School 334, Nuvolone 94, Nuzzi 322, o, Orizzome 382, van Ostade 244-245, p, Palamedes 246, Palma il Vecchio 350, Palumbo 338, Panini 111, Pietro di Domenico 345, Pillemem66, Pittoni 366, Platzer 293, van Poelenburgh 209, 243, van Pol 288, Poussin 377, Pseudo-Hiepes 93, Q, Quinsa 319, R, Raff,leUino dei Colle 347A, Recco 320-321, 324, R.embrandt 259, R.eni 365, Ricci 100, R.obusti 91, R.occa 342, Roman School 331, 365A, Rosa 97, Rubens 24, van Ruisdael 4, 7, van Ruysdael 2, Ryckaert 44-45, Salmeggia 353, Salviati 88, Samacchini 80, 358, Sassoferrato 363, Savery 202, 10 Scarsellino 357, Schalcken 264, la Scheggia 74, Schonfeldt 295, dei Sellaio 75, Siberechts 214, Sil110nini 378, Snyders 55, Solimena 370-371, Sonjé 222, Sorgh 57, South German School 290, 296, van Spaendonck 289, Monsù Standard 382, Steen 22, 253, Stella. Seller Inventory # 6388
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Title: Christies July 1997 Important Old Master ...
Condition: Good
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