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Early days in Cole County, MO, are recalled through a mixture of colorful tales and factual data in this set of two new booklets, compiled from the rare 1889 book: History of Cole, Moniteau, Morgan, Benton, Miller, Maries and Osage Counties, Missouri and Missouri, a Guide to the "Show Me" State, a 1930s WPA project. The 110 page history booklet is 8 1/2" x 11" and the 79 page genealogy booklet is 5 1/2" x 8 1/2". Both are spiral bound and have vinyl sheets protecting their front covers. The 1889 history covers the early development of this area, while the excerpts from the WPA book, give a nostalgic glympse of the area from a 1939 vantage point, including interesting historical notes, especially as they relate to sightseeing possibilities. The WPA excerpt also includes a special section on Jefferson City. Communities in the county mentioned in the booklet include: Jefferson City, Marion, Centre Town (Centertown), Elston, Russellville, St. Thomas, Stringtown, Lohman, Osage City, Osage Bluff, Hickory Hill, Belleville and Taos. Other present communities include Eugene, Henley, St. Martins and Wardsville. The history of this rural county in east central Missouri covers the: Topography and Natural Resources; Aztec or Indian mounds; Indian Occupancy; White Settlers; Land Entries by township with names of early purchasers; Pioneer Marriages with some names; Slavery Days; Transactions of the County Court; Early officials; Circuit Court Proceedings, involving divorces, murders, duels, horsestealing, etc.; Names of Attorneys; Election Results from 1833-88; Mexican War Volunteers of 1846, including the Cole County Dragoons (1846) with names; the Civil War; the State Guard; Home Guards; Names of Civil War soldiers; Regimental Sketches and other notes on the war; Journals and Journalists; Cities and Towns, including business, churches, societies, etc.; Schools; Physicians; Navigation; Railroads; Public Buildings and many other bits of history and trivia. In addition to the history booklet, we are including an 8 1/2 X 5 1/2 booklet with fairly detailed biographies of early Cole County residents. This data also comes from the 1889 book. The biographies include: Peter Alexander, William Anderson, John Antweiler, Charles Arnhold, Simon Bandelier, A.M. Beckers, Green C. Berry, Fred H. Binder, Peter G. Bolton, John L. Brenner, G.R. Brunk, Robert H. Buckner, C.F.W. Buente, Charles Clarenbach, Maj. Joseph Marcus Clarke, Houton W. Clarke, Sylvester W. Cox (brief), Albert E. Creedon, William Crede, Rudolph Dallmeyer, William Smith Davison, Rev. Joseph Fr. M. Diel, Judge John H. Diercks, L.V. Dix, Herman H. Dulle, Henry J. Dulle, Dr. M.A. Dunlop, John W. Edwards, Dr. A. Elston, Mrs. S. M. Elston, Martin J. Engelbrecht, Dr. Isaac N. Enlow, Dr. John S. Enlow, Father J.C. Ernst, Judge W. S. Freshour, Reuben Garnett, Isaac M. George, John A. George, Dr. W. S. Glover, Urias Gordon, John W. Gordon, J.E. Garman, Tandy A. Greenup, Arthur P. Grimshaw, Michael Handley, Gen. James Harding, William Hartley, James Henley, Rev. O.J.S. Hoog, J.A. Huegel, Dr. G.A. Humpert, J.H. Kautsch, Andreas Knernscheld, Mrs. C. Koehler, Albert Kroeger, August Kroeger, Dr. William M. Lamkin, John A. Linhardt, G.W. Lockett, Charles W. Lohman, Louis C. Lohman, J. F. Long, Major William H. Lusk (w/picture), William Gilmore McCarty, Newton McKinney, Dr. James McWorkman, W.A. Maddux, A.A. Mahan, Thomas B. Mahan, Dr. J.B. Martin, Jacob Mayens, Meredith T. Moore, F. Y Murphy, Andrew Nieghorn, George W. Noland, Joseph Obermayer, Adam Ohnemueller, Adam Opel, Stephen Ortmeyer, Philipp Ott, John L. Ott, Louis Pfunder, William Plummer, John M. Popp, Albert Prenger, Fred Raithel, John G. Rakes, F. H. Rephlo, Bernard Richter, P.H. Robertson, F.W. Roer, Adam Routszong, Judge Simon N. Schell, Francis X. Schell, John Scheperle, L.A. Schirmer, Jacob Schirmer, Father Ferdinand Helias, L.M. Schmucker, Ferdinand Schleer, T.J. Scott, T.W. Scott, A.C. Scruggs, M.R. Sinks, J.J. S. Seller Inventory # 000264
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