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Introductions by Alan M. Dershowitz. [Notable Trials Library]. A Collection of 26 titles, in 26 books from the Notable Trials Library. Gryphon Editions, 1989-2008. Introductions by Alan M. Dershowitz. All volumes quarter calf over cloth boards, all edges gilt, marbled endpapers, and ribbon page markers. Bookplates on front pastedowns, else fine. $450. Titles in this collection: 1. Bredin, Jean-Denis. The Affair. The Case of Alfred Dreyfus. New York, [1986]. Reprinted 2008. 2. Weinstein, Allen. Perjury. The Hiss-Chambers Case. New York, 1978. Reprinted 1995. 3. Farber, Myron. Somebody is Lying. The Story of Dr. X. New York, 1982. Reprinted 1994. 4. Carswell, Donald. The Trial of Guy Fawkes and Others. The Gunpowder Plot. London, [1934]. Reprinted 1991. 5. Muddiman, J.G. Trial of King Charles the First. Edinburgh, [1928]. Reprinted 1990. 6. Whipple, Sidney B. The Trial of Bruno Richard Hauptmann. Garden City, 1937. Reprinted 1989. 7. Jordan, David P. The King's Trial. The French Revolution vs. Louis XVI. Berkeley, 1979. Reprinted 1993. 8. Mackenzie, F.A. Landru. London, [1928]. Reprinted 1995. 9. Howard, Benjamin C. A Report of the Decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, and the Opinions of the Judges Thereof, in the Case of Dred Scott versus John F.A. Sandford. December Term, 1856. New York, 1857. Reprinted 1995. 10. Dershowitz, Alan M. Reversal of Fortune. Inside the Von Bulow Case. New York, 1986. Reprinted 1990. 11. Faux, Marian. Roe v. Wade. The Untold Story of the Landmark Supreme Court Decision that made Abortion Legal. New York, 1988. Reprinted 1994. 12. Shore, W. Teignmouth. The Baccarat Case: Gordon-Cumming v. Wilson and Others. Edinburgh, [1932]. Reprinted 1992. 13. Fraenkel, Osmond K. The Sacco-Vanzetti Case. New York, 1931. Reprinted 1990. 14. Adler, Renata. Reckless Disregard. Westmoreland v. CBS et al.; Sharon v. Time. New York, 1986. Reprinted 1994. 15. Dinnerstein, Leonard. The Leo Frank Case. Together with the Tennessean Special News Section Sunday, March 7, 1982. Athens, 1987. Reprinted 1991. 16. Chipman, N.P. The Andersonville Prison Trial. The Trial of Captain Henry Wirz. San Francisco, 1911. Reprinted 1990. 17. Todd, A.L. Seller Inventory # 75592
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