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Commercial diary, beginning with 16 printed pages, including an almanac calendar for the year, followed by pages of 'factoids', e.g., "States and Territories", "Value of Foreign Coins", etc. The followed by the diary portion [one page per day], memorandum pages, page for addresses [blank] & cash account pages [per month, used by Phoebe in the beginning of the year]. She writes with a small neat, entirely legible script, with most pages [at least] half filled, though often more. ~ 25 lines per page, ~ 5 words per line, 40,000+ words. Printed preliminary pages with decorative border, and photographic image at top. 5-7/8" x 3-1/2" Here offered a year long diary from Phoebe Truesdale, who came to Vassar from Youngstouwn Ohio. She begins her entries Jan 1, 1898, concluding with a final entry Dec 31, 1898. Every day is filled with detailed accounts of Vassar, friends, family, gossip, courting, romance, working on plays, attending operas, and trips to New York City. In particular Brooklyn, Staten Island, Columbia Collage, Grants Tomb, Brooklyn Bridge, U.S. Navy Yard onboard the Navy ship â Texasâ ,Âetc. Of note are some entries regarding the Spanish American War and itâ s impact on the American public. And while there are many other entries mentioning this conflict, she primarily records the everyday life of a college student. For example: Jan 24,1898 Went to my first exam this week - Economics. It wasnâ t that bad - and I didnâ t mind it. Gertrude came over about 4:30pm - feeling pretty tired. We went walking together and got back a little while and begun dinner M.G. came with me to dinner and M.- stayed up in our room and taken during chapel. She was feeling badly and wanted me to go over to Raymond which I did - she told me what has been bothering her so and said she had changed her mind a lot but she begged me not to leave her alone, so I stayed all night. The poor girl has been suffering everything over her first real love affair and is filled with doubts and misunderstandings - I do hope it ill turn out all right. March 29,1898 This morning we went down to the Battery took the ferry to Staten Island in order to see the Harbor. Saw an Austrian gunboat still in - it caused much excitement for a while people believing it to be a Spanish war vessel. After lunch went out to Grants tomb and Columbia Collage. The tomb is a wonderful thing and in a beautiful location. The Columbia buildings are beautiful especially the library but it seems a cramped room the whole thing in my mind does not compare to Princeton. March 30,1898 Joe came back before eight and watered to go to the theatre so we saw â In Gay New York â - at the casino - Rank! Was frightened terribly by a man escorting Joe and following us as we came near Mrs Sloan's - made Joe stay here till I had made sure the man had left. Than I watched him from my window till he whistled to let me know he had reached home safely he reports a fine time at Princeton. Although beginning to feel tired after out long continuous jaunt - we started out this morning determined to cross the Brooklyn Bridge. Watched the school children playing in the park and thought of( Peter Sterling )Âthan went to the Brooklyn Navy Yard and reviewed the new vessels in come of preparation and the old ones being prepared went onboard the â Texas â and were treated most kindly. If Joe could be an Annapolis man and officer I should be too proud for anything. April 1,1898 Joe and I started out today to buy clothes. He purchased quite an outfit and I had the second fitting on my jacket, went into Grace church, and missed our appointment with the girls at the Fifth Avenue Hotel. Went through Trinity churchyard- down Wall Street and visited the Produce Exchange, which was extremely quiet due to rumor of war. After lunch went down to the Battery and to the aquarium in the old castle garden building. Came up to 23rd Street and did some more shopping than went to see St. Patrick's cathedral and home for a. Seller Inventory # 48356
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