Kungl. Hofschatullmakaren och ebenisten Georg Haupt. En studie till 1700-talets konstslöjdhistoria.

(HAUPT, Georg) (Stockholm 1741-1784) - John Böttiger

Published by [ENGLISH: - - - Monograph, in Swedish, about Georg Haupt, Sweden's foremost cabinet maker. Illustrated with 52 photographic plates. Half cloth, lightly worn. - - - George Haupt was the son of a Nuremberg carpenter and learnt his trade as an apprentice of Johan Conrad Eckstein in Stockholm, after which he travelled as a journeyman to Amsterdam, Paris and London. He became cabinetmaker to King Adolphus Frederick in 1769 and a master carpenter and burgess in Stockholm in 1770 and 1771, respectively. Details of his life in Paris are scarce but he was probably employed in the workshop of Simon Oeben, the brother of the better-known Jean-François Oeben. His first royal commission in Sweden was to be a desk intended as a gift for the Queen. After

From Hatt Rare Books ILAB & CINOA, Hägersten, Sweden

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