David Brass Rare Books, Inc., Calabasas, CA, U.S.A.
Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since February 1, 2007
Scarce Odyssey of Harlequin As a Character In France's Political Drama 1791-1826 [LEPRINCE, Xavier]. Métamorphoses de'Alequin. Parades. [Jouées sur le Théâtre Français. Bruxelles: n.p., 1826]. First edition. Oblong quarto. Twelve hand-colored lithographed stub-mounted plates, size: 10 5/8 x 14 1/8 inches (271 x 360 mm). Bound late 19th century by G. Carayon in half deep cordovan straight-grain morocco over marbled boards. Bookplate of Ch. Bouret on front pastedown. Some very light foxing mainly on the first plate but still a fine copy. Extremely scarce, with only one copy (at the BM) recorded by OCLC/KVK, and no copies coming to auction within the last thirty-six years. The BM atrributes this album to Henri-Gerard Fontallard but that cannot be so. Close comparison with caricatures signed by Leprince and Fontallard conclusively demonstrate that the style here is dramatically different than Fontallard's but extremely close to Leprince's, particularly in the faces of the figures depicted. A fascinating and intriguing album that appears to be a political allegory with the theater as backdrop and Harlequin as character in the political events in France 1791-1826. The fact that the album was published, without publisher or artist attribution, in Belgium rather than France strongly suggests fear of running afoul of French press censorship laws of the era. Auguste-Xavier Leprince (1799-1826), French painter and lithographer, 'was the son and pupil of the painter and lithographer Anne-Pierre Leprince and the elder brother of the painters Robert-Leopold Leprince (1800-47) and Gustave Leprince (1810-37). Leprince recieved a medal at his first Salon of 1819 for one of six entries, five of which wew landscapes of 17th century Dutch inspiration, which came possibly via the work of Jean-Louis Demarne. Leprince quickly learnt to vary the contents of his paintings: at the Salon of 1822 his entries included three Paris street scenes, three portraits, and two scenes on board a frigate. His numerous Paris street scenes usually depicted some well-known contemporary event.In the last year of his short life Leprince showed himself to be a sensitive watercolour painter and lithographer." (Grove Dictionary of Art). "G. Carayon was a 19th century French bookbinder. Yvan Christ, in an article in L'Estampille, describes his activity: 'Around 1875, bookbinder Carayon became an art cartonnage [paper over boards] bookbinder, featuring popular bindings in white velin boards and enhanced watercolors, using silk, cloth, leather, and Japon paper. The success of his cartonnage bindings was great. But bindings he made in a more conventional manner should not be forgotten'" (Trans. from Devaux, Dix Siecles de Reliere, p. 351). The Plates: 1. 1re. Parade. - 1791. Columbine délaisée. 2. 2e. Parade. - 1795. L'Orateur Populaire. 3. 3e. Parade. - 1795. Le Directorien. 4. 4e. Parade. - 1799. - Le 18 Brumaire. 5. 5e. Parade. - 1800. - Le Grenadier des Consuls. 6. 6e. Parade. - 1808. - Le Chambellan. 7. 7e. Parade. - 1814. - Le Marquis de Bergame. 8. 8e. Parade. - 1815. Le Champ de Mai. 9. 9e. Parade. - 1820. Tartufe. 10. 10e. Parade. - 1823. Le Diner. 11. 11e. Parade. - 1825. La Clôture. 12. 12e. Parade. - 1826. Le Congréganiste. Seller Inventory # 02252
Title: Métamorphoses d'Arlequin
Publisher: Bruxelles: , 1826
Seller: Mesnard - Comptoir du Livre Ancien, Ruelle-sur-Touvre, France
1 volume grand in-4° relié demi-basane rouge, dos lisse uniformément insolé, titre doré. 12 lithographies aquarellées Anciennement attribuées à Henri-Gérard Fontallard, l'oeuvre est d'Auguste Xavier Leprince. 1ère Parade - 1791 : Colombine délaissée ou Fiez-vous aux vains discours des hommes. 2e Parade - 1793 : L'Orateur Populaire ou vivre libre ou mourir ! 3e Parade - 1795 : Le Directorien ou Veillons au Salut de l'Empire. 4e Parade - 1799 : Le 18 Brumaire an (.) ou La raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleure. 5ème Parade - 1800. Le Grenadier des Consuls, ou Je suis Français mon pays avant tout. 6e Parade - 1808 : Le Chambellan ou Adieu Marton ! Adieu Rosette ! 7e Parade - 1814 : Le Marquis de Bergame ou Vive le Roi ! quand même ! 8e Parade - 1815 : Le Champ de Mai ou L'on revient toujours à ses premiers amours. 9e Parade - 1820 : Tartufe, ou L'Habit ne fait pas le Moine. 10e Parade - 1823 : Le Diner ou Du Courage, les amis sont toujours la ! 11e Parade - 1825 : La Cloture, ou Ventre affamé n'a pas d'oreilles. 12e Parade - 1826. Le Congréganiste ou Il est avec le Ciel des accommodements. Rarissime série de caricatures publiées en Belgique avec pour fil conducteur le personnage d'Arlequin toujours reconnaissable à son pantalon incarnant divers personnages de la Révolution en passant par l'Empire et la Restauration. NOTICE FOR FOREIGN CUSTOMERS : The ECONOMIC SHIPPING RATE is reserved by FRENCH POST for books whose weight is less than 2KG ! We have limited too this offer for books whose value is less than 30 euros. Shipping will increase if you choose this rate for a value or heavy book. If you select a Paypal payment in this particular case we cannot change the shipping rate on Abebooks but this one will increase in the Paypal invoice. So be careful please to select the appropriate shipping rate taking into consideration the book value or the weight or both. Seller Inventory # 27930
Quantity: 1 available