Mentelle Edme: Choix de Lecures Geographiques., Paris anno 178
Mentelle Edme, 1730-1816
From Hammelburger Antiquariat, Hammelburg, Germany
Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since September 22, 2015
From Hammelburger Antiquariat, Hammelburg, Germany
Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since September 22, 2015
About this Item
Mentelle Edme: Choix de Lecures Geographiques., Paris anno 1783 Mentelle, (Edmé) u. a. Choix de lectures géographiques et historiques. Présentées dans l'ordre qui a paru le plus propre à faciliter l'étude de la géographie de l'Asie, de l'Afrique & de l'Amérique. 6 Bde. Paris, Verf., 1783. 8°. Mit 13 gef. grenzkolor. Kupferktn. Gefleckt Kalbsldr. d. Zt. mit reicher Rverg., goldgepr. Brunet VI, 19633. - Mit einer Weltkarte sowie Karten v. Europa, Asien, Afrika, Nordamerika, Südamerika, Frankreich, dem Osmanischen Reich in Asien, Arabien, Persien, Indien, Südostasien u. der Karibik. - Innen sauber u. wohlerhalten, die dekorativen Einbände leicht bestoßen. Choix de lectures geographiques et historiques. Pre?sente?es dans l'ordre qui a paru le plus propre a faciliter l'e tude de la geographie de l'Asie, de l'Afrique & de l'Amerique. Precede d'un abrege de geographie, avec des cartes. By: Mentelle, Edme. 1730-1815. Main Author: Mentelle, E. 1730-1815. Language(s): French Published: Paris, Chez l'auteur, 1783. Subjects: Geography > 18th century. Physical Description: 6 v. 13 fold. maps. 20 cm., original calf. Collation: Nr.I:- Elemens de géographie : 2 ff., 172 pp. 7 maps. De lAsie : xxiv pp. et 235 pp. 2 maps. Nr.II:- Asie :. 2 ff. viii et 359 pp. 2 maps. Nr.III:- Asie: 2 ff., iv et 472 pp. 1 map. Nr. IV:- Afrique : 2 ff., iv et 380 pp. Nr.V:-Amerique: 2ff., iv et 412 pp., 1 map, Nr.VI: 6- Suite de lAmérique. 2 ff. iv et 338 pp. Edme Mentelle (11 October 1730 - 28 April 1816) was a French geographer. Biography Student of Jean-Baptiste Louis Crévier at the Collège de Beauvais (at the time a constituent college of the University of Paris), he found employment with the Ferme générale. The poems and comedic plays he published early in his career were not successful. He turned to the study of geography and taught geography at the École Militaire during the 1760s. During the 1780s he taught geography to the royal household and in 1786 designed a globe, which is still on display in the Dauphin's apartments at the Palace of Versailles. A supporter of the French Revolution, he taught at the Écoles centrales and at the École Normale Supérieure. He was elected to the Institut de France in 1795. Seller Inventory # 9769
Bibliographic Details
Title: Mentelle Edme: Choix de Lecures ...
Publisher: Mentelle Edme, 1730-1816
Binding: Hardcover
Condition: very good
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