Napoleon In Exile, or a Voice from St. Helena. Extractet from the celebrated work of the title by Barry O.Meara, Surgeon to the late emperor of France, during his captivity, embracing the following highly interesting sujects; Appointment of Dr. OMeara; Napoleon,s habits during the voyage; Arrival at St. helena; Description of Longwood House; Minute description of Napoleon.s Bedchamber; The circumstances of his first acquaintance with the empress Josephine; the King of Prussia . the emperor Alexander, and Napoleon at Tilsit; Sir Hudson Lowe; Napoleon,s Opinions on Religion and his regret at having placed himself in the hands of the English.

O, Meara, Barry.:

Published by Thomas Redriffe. London., 1825
Language: German
Condition: Gut

From avelibro OHG, Dinkelscherben, Germany

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