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63 leaves. Title within typographical border. Old signature on top margin of title page: Raphael [?Euch]key. Leaf 39 is cropped close, cutting off the last letter of the last word in some lines. Vinograd THESAURUS, v. 2, page 31, #42. Fuks 166. Mehlman 1345. Zedner 716. Roest 996. Steinschneider, C. B. number 6896, 6, column 2283. Menasseh Ben Israel 1604-1657, Catalogus, Amsterdam, 1957, #30, page 101. Silva Rosa 27. In his Studies in Jewish Dream Interpretation, 1994, page 39, chapter 3, Monford Harris writes: "The Interpretation of Dreams by a sixteenth century Rabbi. Solomon Almoli's Interpretation of Dreams, noted by Freud in his Interpration of Dreams, is without doubt the most important post-biblical, post-talmudic Jewish work of dream interpretation." Almoli was born in Salonika no later than 1486 and by 1516 he was residing in Constantinople. He was an ordained rabbi and served as a Beit Din (Jewish Religious Court) judge, and earnied his living as a physician. He wrote works dealing with Hebrew grammar, and so universal were his interests that he planned an encyclopedia dealing with all of human knowledge, although he succeeded in composing and publishing only the proposal and outline. Rabbi Shlomo Elmoli was also a renowned Talmud Scholar in Constantinople and served as the Turkish Sultan's doctor. Almoli's Interpretation of Dreams was printed in Amsterdam by Menashe ben Israel, and, as the title page states, it was printed in accordance with the request of Rabbi Yitchak Monteleto, who was the advisor and doctor of the French king, Louis XIII, and his mother the Queens of France. Initially Almoli's Interpretation of Dreams circulated in manuscript, but eventually it saw print. Seller Inventory # 007548
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