Piscatoria et nautica. Neapel, Typis Regiis 1685. 8°. 4 Bll., 246 S., 1 Bl., mit gest. Titel u. 9 Kupfertafeln v. F. de Louvemont n. F. Solimene. Prgt. d. Zt. mit hs. Rtit.

Giannettasio Nicolò Partenio


From Antiquariat Johannes Müller, Salzburg, Austria Seller rating 5 out of 5 stars 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

AbeBooks Seller since April 16, 2009

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STC 394 - De Backer-S. III,1387,1 - Ceresoli 281 - Westwood-S. 106. - Erste Ausgabe der Gedichte des Jesuiten u. Universalgelehrten Nicolò Partenio Giannettasio (1648 - 1715). - "The piscatories are in thirteen eclogues. The edition of 1685 is beautifully printed, with plates. All are scarce." - The engravings are by F. de Louvemont, some after F. Solimena.- Die Kupfer mit allegorischen Motiven zu Fischerei und Seefahrt. - Titel mit gelöschtem Besitzvermerk (tintenfleckig). SS. 161-172 innen ausgebessert, SS. 163-166 mit geklebten Einrissen u. Papierdurchbrüchen (geringer Buchstabenverlust). S. 219/220 und folgende Tafel mit geklebtem Papierdurchbruch (leimfleckig), tls. etw. gebräunt und braunfleckig, Einband etw. fleckig, berieben u. bestoßen.# With engr. title and 9 engr. plates by F. de Louvemont after F. Solimene, contemporary vellum with manuscript titling on spine.-STC 394 - De Backer-S. III,1387,1 - Ceresoli 281 - Westwood-S. 106. - First edition of the poems of the Jesuit and universal scholarly Nicolò Partenio Giannettasio (1648 - 1715). - "The piscatories are in thirteen eclogues. The edition of 1685 is beautifully printed, with plates. All are scarce." - The engravings are by F. de Louvemont, some after F. Solimena.- The plates with allegorical motifs to fishing and seafaring.- Title with deleted ownership entrie, some leaves with little damages, partly slightly browned and brown stains, binding slightly stained, rubbed and bumped.Prima edizione.- La Piscatoria è composta da 13 egloghe, tra cui una in lode dell'Imperatore d'Austria per la liberazione di Vienna del 1683. La Nautica è composta da 8 canti che trattano la costruzione di navi, gli strumenti nautici, ed i viaggi di scoperta verso l'America, il Messico, il Brasile, il Canada e Cuba. Seller Inventory # B11411

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Title: Piscatoria et nautica. Neapel, Typis Regiis ...

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