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ISBN-13: 9781616195533 ISBN-10: 1616195533. With a New introduction by David J. Seipp Ashe, (Thomas). Le Premier Volume del Promptuarie, Ou Repertory Generall de les Annales, Et Plusors Auters, Livres del Common Ley Dengleterre. Originally published: London: John Beale, 1614. 2 Volumes. Folio. (8" x 12"). With a New introduction by David J. Seipp, Professor of Law, Boston University School of Law. Irregular pagination in leaves. [2], (III-XXXII new introduction), [8], 286, 215; [5], 261, 192, [7], 11, 12, [13] pp. Reprinted 2017 by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. ISBN-13: 9781616195533; ISBN-10: 1616195533. Hardcover. New. $495. * "Thomas Ashe published in 1614 the first detailed subject-matter index of the Year Books, statutes, and early treatises and nominate case reports of English common law. For more than a century, English lawyers had been able to use printed abridgements that lumped the growing body of English case law under 251, 263, or 394 headings in alphabetical order. This still left them searching among what might be hundreds of case excerpts under a single heading. Ashe's two-volume work, which he titled Promptuarie, ou Repertory Generall de les Annales, listed or cross-referenced citations to these legal sources not only under 759 headings, but also under at least 22,527 subheadings. No one had previously dissected the whole of English common law in such a thorough, orderly manner. Ashe produced a magnificent finding aid for England's early common law. He cited Year Book cases that had been categorized in none of the abridgements. But because he did not provide excerpts from his sources under his thousands of topical headings and subheadings, only citations, and because the wording of his subheadings avoided definitive statements of law, Ashe and his Promptuarie have been far less well known than the earlier and later abridgements, and the digests and legal encyclopedias that have succeeded them." --David J. Seipp, Introduction, III. Seller Inventory # 65596
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