Bud Plant & Hutchison Books, Cedar Ridge, CA, U.S.A.
Seller rating 4 out of 5 stars
AbeBooks Seller since June 23, 1998
#16 of 1300, numbered but not signed. With 16 mounted, tissue-guarded color plates and nine drawings by Arthur Rackham. Two color plates for each of the eight stories, with additional black and white drawings. In French. Stories include Snowdrop, The Three Wishes, The Miserable King, Little Red Riding Hood, The Invisible Masters, The Golden Rain, The Princess With Two Faces and Simplette. The first 300 copies of this edition were accompanied by an extra set of plates. As #16 this should be from this portion of the edition, but it lacks the extra plates. With the extra plates this commands two to nearly three times our price, and some booksellers seem unaware their copies lack the plates. Translated by Charles Guyot. The plates are taken from earlier Rackham editions of Little Brother and Little Sister, (1917, six color plates); Snowdrop and Other Tales by the Brothers Grimm (1920, seven color plates); Hansel & Grethel and Other Tales by the Brothers Grimm (1920, three color plates). This represents a unique new compilation, along with a completely different design including text borders and typographical devices. The last two stories above first appeared in Fairy Tales by the Brothers Grimm, in 1909. Thus there is no English-language edition matching this compilation, though both the classic references (Latimore and Haskell 53, Riall 140) list it as the French edition of Snowdrop and Other Tales. Neither of these references include data on the first 300 copies with the extra suite; that is only stated in the book itself. Reinforcing how popular Rackham was, even after the peak of the Golden Age of Illustration, this was nonetheless done as a finely printed limited edition to celebrate the fine work within. H. Piazza was one of the premier publishers of his day, and the printing here is most likely superior to that of the plates as done in England. Original paper wraps illustrated in two color, protected by pebbled fabric spine-chemise with marbled papers inside and out. Slight fraying at chemise spine. This in turn is within a custom slipcase with matching pebbled cloth and different marbling on the paper-covered sides. This slipcase is near very good, with some wear along the spine. Seller Inventory # 27540
Title: Le Printemps sur la Neige et d'autres Contes...
Publisher: H. Piazza, Paris
Publication Date: 1922
Binding: wraps
Illustrator: Rackham, Arthur
Condition: Fine
Edition: wraps.
Seller: Antiquariaat A. Kok & Zn. B.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands
Paris, l'Éditions d'Art, [1922]. 103 pp. Plts. in color & b/w. by A. Rackham. Softcover. - Spine-end sl. worn.* Published in a limited edition of 1300 numbered copies (no. 322). Seller Inventory # 244802
Quantity: 1 available
Seller: Múzeum Antikvárium, Budapest, Hungary
Soft cover. Condition: Near Fine. 1st Edition. 103+[5] p.+16 t. (glued color print protected by inscribed membrane paper, graphics by A. Rackham). Il a été de cet ouvrage mille trois cents Exemplaires dont trois cents avec un état en couleurs (Published in 1300 copies, of which 300 with color illustrations). Numbered, our copy is No. V. (Roman numeral), which was made for the printer G. Kadar! Illustrated by Arthur Rackham, this selection of Grimm's fairy tales is the first French edition translated by Charles Guyot. In very good condition, minimal (0,5 millimeter) tear on the tail. Seller Inventory # ABE-1739967146715
Quantity: 1 available
Seller: Argosy Book Store, ABAA, ILAB, New York, NY, U.S.A.
paperback. 107pp., with 16 mounted color plates by Arthur Rackham, tissue guards. 4to, brown printed wrappers with plain glassine overwraps. Paris: l'Edition d'Art, (1922). Text is in French. Glassine wrappers are worn, otherwise fine. Limited edition of 1300 copies. Seller Inventory # 143103
Quantity: 1 available
Seller: Librairie KOEGUI, BAYONNE, France
Broché. 1 volume. In-4. 103 pp. Couverture rempliée illustrée. Intérieur très frais. Avec 22 illustrations originales hors-texte, dont 16 en couleurs protégées de serpentes de soie avec légendes imprimées, et vignettes dans le texte de Arthur RACKHAM. Parfait état. TIRAGE LIMITE. Celui-ci un des exemplaires numérotés sur vélin façon Japon. Exemplaire nominatif imprimé pour M. Henri-R Dreyfus. Seller Inventory # 33872
Quantity: 1 available
Seller: Jeffrey H. Marks, Rare Books, ABAA, Rochester, NY, U.S.A.
103 [5] pp. Illustrated with 16 color plates by Arthur Rackham, each with captioned tissue guard. An extra suite of these plates, without the tissue guards, is bound in at rear. Folio, later full tan tiger, a.e.g., by Sangorski & Sutcliffe. The original printed front wrapper is bound in at rear. First French edition; No. 138 of 300 copies with color illustrations. A fine copy. Seller Inventory # 49194
Quantity: 1 available
Seller: Dieter Eckert, Bremen, Germany
4° 103, (5) S. mit 7 Illustrationen im Text u. 6 ganzseitigen s/w Abbildungen, 16 montierte farbige Abbildungen auf Tafeln mit ihren bedruckten Seidenhemdchen von Arthur Rackham. Orig.-Karton m. farbig illustriertem Orig.-Umschlag. Eines von 300 (gesamt 1300) nummerierten Exemplaren der Vorzugsausgabe mit der lose beiliegenden Extra-Suite der 16 Tafeln.- Rücken gering fleckig u. bestoßen, Block leicht gelockert, schwach gebräunt u. vereinzelt gering fleckig. Seller Inventory # 79046
Quantity: 1 available
Seller: EOS Buchantiquariat Benz, Zürich, Switzerland
4°. 103 (5) S. Mit 16 mont. farb. Illustr. auf Tafeln u. mehreren Textillustr. nach Arthur Rackham. Pergamentband des 20. Jahrhunderts mit Aussenkantenvergoldung, goldgepr. Rückenschild u. Kopfgoldschnitt sowie mit eingebundenen Orig.-Umschlägen. Nicht bei Riall. - Nicht bei Briggs. - Nr. 882 v. 1'000 (GA 1'300) Ex. - Der Einband signiert von Otto Gygax, Zürich. Das Pergament etwas fleckig und verzogen. Sprache: französisch / français / french. + Wichtig: Für unsere Kunden in der EU erfolgt der Versand alle 14 Tage verzollt ab Deutschland / Postbank-Konto in Deutschland vorhanden +. Seller Inventory # 6219BB
Quantity: 1 available
Seller: Whitmore Rare Books, Inc. -- ABAA, ILAB, Pasadena, CA, U.S.A.
Limited to three hundred copies with an extra suite of color plates, out of a total edition of 1300, this being copy no. 142. Tall quarto (11 5/8 x 9 inches; 296 x 228 mm.). Collating 103, [5]. Bound ca. 1922 in three-quarter brown morocco over marbled boards ruled in blind by M. Albinhac (stamp-signed on verso of front flyleaf). Smooth spine with five red morocco bands decorated in gilt, multiple 'floral' onlays of green, red, brown and tan morocco, and lettered in gilt, cockerel end-papers, top edge gilt, others uncut. Publisher's original brown-gray wrappers bound-in at front and back, with pictorial stamping in green and deep reddish brown with gilt lettering. Square red leather bookplate of the renowned collector Arpad Plesch on front paste-down. Sixteen tipped-in color plates with descriptive tissue-guards (duplicate suite bound in), seven full-page drawings and and several textual drawings in black and white. A handsome book in a beautiful binding. Arthur Rackham (1867-1939) is perhaps the most acclaimed and influential illustrators of the Golden Age of Illustration. A prolific artist even from his youth, Rackham got his start as an illustrator working for the Westminster Budget Newspaper (1892). Over the next few years, he took on more and more commissions for children's books, hitting his career high in the first three decades of the twentieth century. Rackham turned his imaginative pen to every classicfrom Shakespeare to Dickens to Poe. First edition in French, translated by Charles Guyot, of the Rackham-illustrated Little Brother and Little Sister, (1917, six color plates); Snowdrop and Other Tales by the Brothers Grimm (1920, seven color plates); Hansel & Grethel and Other Tales by the Brothers Grimm (1920, three color plates); Snowdrop and Hansel & Grethel constitute a reprint of Fairy Tales by the Brothers Grimm (1909, illustrated with forty color plates by Rackham). Le Printemps Sur La Neige et d'Autres Contes du Bon Vieux Temps contains eight stories from those three earlier editions in a volume with a completely different design including text borders and typographical devices, this copy including an extra set of the sixteen color plates. Marcel Albinhac was the son and successor of Alexandre Abinhac of 41 rue Madame in Paris. The Stories: 1. Le Printemps Sur Le Neige (Snowdrop) 2. Les Trois Désirs (The Three Wishes) 3. Le Roi De Mérchante Humeur (The Miserable King) 4. La Petite-Fille Du Chaperon Rouge (Little Red Riding Hood) 5. Les Maitres Invisibles(The Invisible Masters) 6. La Pluie D'Or (The Golden Rain) 7. Le Princesse Aux Deux Visages (The Princess With Two Faces) 8. Simplette (Simplette) The Plates: 1. From Little Brother, Little Sister. "Little Brother, Little Sister" Frontispiece. "She took off her golden garter and put it round the Roe-Buck's neck". 2. From Little Brother, Little Sister. "The Three Little Men in the Wood". Facing p.128 "What did she find there but real ripe strawberries". 3. From Snowdrop. "Briar Rose". Facing p.20 "The young Prince said, 'I am not afraid: I am determined to go and look upon the lovely Briar Rose". 4. From Little Brother, Little Sister. "The Old Woman in the Wood". Facing p.52 "Suddenly the branches twined round her and turned into two arms". 5. From Snowdrop. "Briar Rose". Facing p.18 "The king could not contain himself for joy". 6. From Snowdrop. "The four clever brothers". Facing p.72 "The King's only daughter had been carried off by a Dragon" 7. From Hansel & Grethel. "Red Riding Hood". Facing p.118 "'O Grandmother, what big ears you have got,' she said". 8. From Hansel & Grethel. "Red Riding Hood". Facing p. 116 "When she got to the wood, she met a Wolf". 9. From Snowdrop. "The Seven Ravens". Facing p.126 "But they said one after another; 'Halloa! who has been eating off my plate? Who has been drinking out of my cup?'" 10. From Hansel & Grethel. "Rapunzel". Facing p.82 "The Witch climbed up". 11. From Little Brother, Little Sister. "Snow-white and Rose-red". Facing p.12 "The end of his beard was caught in a crack in the tree". 12. From Snowdrop. "The Wolf and the Seven Kids". Facing p.44 "The seven kids and their mother capered and danced round the spring in their joy". 13. From Little Brother, Little Sister. "The True Sweetheart". Facing p.34 "The third time, she wore the star-dress which sparkled at every step". 14. From Snowdrop. "Ashenputtel". Facing p. 30 "Ashenputtel goes to the ball". 15. From Little Brother, Little Sister. "The Hut in the Forest". Facing p.206 "She begged quite prettily to be allowed to spend the night there". 16. From Snowdrop. "The Goosegirl". Facing p. 92 "Alas! dear Falada, there thou hangest". Latimore and Haskell p. 53 (1/1300 copies); Riall p. 140 (1/1300 copies). Seller Inventory # 3742
Quantity: 1 available