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1824. Four Reports in One. [Report from the Select Committee on the Local Taxation of the City of Dublin. Ordered by the House of Commons, to be printed, 5 June 1822] H.C. 394. of Session 1822. The report from the Committee Appointed to inquire into the Local Taxation of the City of Dublin, and to report their opinion and Observations thereon to the House; and to whom several Accounts and Papers presented to the House in the last and present sessions of parliament were referred. Includes minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee, and Appendix containing (A.) Number of Persons Committed to the Gaol of Newgate, from 1805 to 1821. (B.) Return of Prisoners committed to Kilmainham Gaol, from 1807 to 1820. (C.) Committals throughout all of Ireland, from 1815 to 1820. (D.1) Account of the Emoluments of the Clerk of the Crown of the County of the City of Dublin, from 1815 to 1821. (D.2) Account of the Emoluments of the Clerks of the Peace for the County of the City of Dublin from 1815 to 1821. (E.) Extracts from the seventh report of the Commissioners for auditing Public Accounts in Ireland, dated 3rd April 1819, relating to the Pipe Water and Metal Main Establishments. [Two Reports from the Select Committee on the Local Taxation of the City of Dublin. Ordered by the House of Commons, to be printed, 16 May and 9 July 1823.] H.C. 356 & 549, of Session 1832. First report is of the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the Local Taxation of the City of Dublin, and to report their Opinion and Observations thereon; and to whom the Petitions of the Inhabitants of the several Parishes of the City of Dublin, complaining thereof, were referred. A short report relating to the Pipe Water and Metal Main Taxes. The second Report from the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the Local Taxation of the City of Dublin, and to report their Opinion and Observations thereon; and to whom the Petitions of the Inhabitants of the several Parishes of the City of Dublin, complaining thereof, were referred. Contains the report, Minutes of Evidence and Appendix. The Appendix contains detailed accounts of each Department and Parish of Dublin, correspondence relating to the said Departments and Accounts and many other Returns to orders from the Select Committee. [Report from the Select Committee on Dublin Local Taxation. Ordered by the House of Commons, to be printed, 25 June 1824] H.C. 475 of Session 1824. The report from the Committee appointed to inquire into the Local Taxation of the City of Dublin, and to report their opinion and Observations thereupon to the House; and to whom the Reports on the Local Taxation of Dublin, and the Minutes of Evidence relating thereto. Taken before the Select Committees of the House, and Petitions presented during the present Session, were referred. This report is in relation to The Commissioners of the Paving Board. Contains the Report from the Select Committee and Appendix which includes Copies of All Correspondence Between His Majesty?s Government and The Dublin Paving Board, from the Year 1820, on the Subject of reducing the Amount of the Tax paid for Paving and Lighting by the Citizens of Dublin and also Papers referred to in the Correspondence. Keywords: Local History ? Dublin, Local Taxation and Financial Administration. 425pp. Disbound, housed in a protective file. First edition copy. . . . Books ship from the US and Ireland. Seller Inventory # KON0823732
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